Activity for windale

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #417

    I'll just have to stick with v1.4.1 as they have already reverted back to it (because 1.5.1 didn't work). They don't seem interested unless someone else does it. Regarding my D-pad, it's actually detected as Axis events and doesn't work in the GUI, only the Analogue stick works which feels weird when using it to play Spectrum games and trying to navigate the menu is a nightmare as it moves too fast, better to use the keyboard. You can't map Axis in the GUI controls either, only buttons. It wouldn't...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #417

    v1.5.0 may work but RetroPie will have to update their setup script as I don't know how to manually do it. RetroPie has been on v1.4.1 for a while now and then tried updating to v1.5.1 which didn't work as seen here :- Also, who updates the GUI for the Raspberry Pi version ? I can't use the D-Pad on my controller (as it's an Axis and not buttons), I can only control using the Analog stick. This means I can't even map it...

  • windale windale created ticket #417

    FUSE doesn't work anymore on RetroPie

  • windale windale created ticket #119

    Ability to change Menu button on joypads on Raspberry Pi

  • windale windale posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is there or can there be a Windows version of this ? So I can batch check all my RZX files for errors. Or a pre-built Binary for the Raspberry Pi as I don't know how to compile it.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #218

    City Slicker (1986) (Hewson Consultants) (8EBF845E)

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #218

    Yeah, for 'Echelon' I had to turn off 'detect loaders' and manually press play or, quickly insert Side B before the Tape Loading Error otherwise it doesn't load. Here's a few more :- Blood Brothers (1988) (Gremlin Graphics Software) [a] [48-128K] (9B7A4D9E) Moon Strike (1987) (Mirrorsoft) (Side A) (EB8884EC) Powerplay - Game of the Gods (1988)(Players Software) [128K] (A441819D) Any alternate versions of games i've mentioned may also have trouble loading.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #218

    These various different loading schemes don't load with all (Default) Fastloading options on. Compendium - Shove a Sledge + Tiddly Drinks (1987) (Gremlin Graphics Software).tzx (CRC32 = B6C90409) Compendium - Snakes & Hazards + X-Mas Ludo (1987) (Gremlin Graphics Software).tzx (2399EF98) Joe Blade II (1988) (Players Software).tzx (3CA2566A) Zanthrax (1989) (Crash).tzx (D53741A1) Basil - The Great Mouse Detective (1987)(Gremlin Graphics Software)[48-128K].tzx (147E9A98) (Works on ZXSpin) Echelon (1988)...

  • windale windale posted a comment on discussion Help

    When selecting/deselecting options, you need to press Space to tick/untick the option but then you have to press Enter to confirm it.

  • windale windale posted a comment on discussion Help

    @Massimo Just a note, 'lr-fuse' (Libretro version) is a very old version and doesn't even have the 'Recreated ZX Spectrum' patch.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #142

    Just out of interest, has this iconic Spectrum feature been forgotten about, it's been nearly two years ?

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Deleting the 'fuse.cfg' fixed it. I'm not sure why though because all I change is the Filter. An incompatibility between versions in the fuse.cfg ?

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    A new RZX released today (21st) gives this error :- libspectrum_rzx_playback: more INs during frame 0 than stored in RZX file (9) As I said, this is a new file so what's missing from FUSE that prompt's this error ? As usual, it works fine on Spectaculator.

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    These RZX's now work correctly since the last update or two :- Alienstorm Fire Gear (4 Parts) Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Shadow of the Unicorn (7 Parts) Smagly Street Fighter Zunny II Did you say something about also using a different Plus D rom ? Is the one in Spectaculator different to Fuses ? If so, can you let me know what the CRC32 is please ? I still have to compile a custom build to get rid of the RZX Warning messages :(

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    These RZX's now work correctly since the last update or two :- Alienstorm Fire Gear (4 Parts) Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Shadow of the Unicorn (7 Parts) Smagly Street Fighter Zunny II Did you say something about also using a different Plus D rom ? Is the one in Spectaculator different to Fuses ? If so, can you let me know what the CRC32 is please ?

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #87

    Currently I am using :- mf1.rom (2.1, 1986) (4B31A971) mf128.rom (87.2) (F473991E) mf3.rom (3.C) (2D594640) I suppose i'll stick with these unless anyone recommends using better versions. Again, it would be good if Phillip had CRC32's for his documented roms on his site as I assume these are the ones that he tests Fuse with (but only he knows which versions they are).

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #87

    Currently I am using :- mf1.rom (2.1, 1986) (4B31A971) mf128.rom (87.2) (F473991E) mf3.rom (3.C) (2D594640) I suppose i'll stick with these unless anyone recommends using better versions.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #87

    Can you tell me the CRC32's for the recommended mf1.rom, mf128.rom and mf3.rom please ? Phillip's site gives no information and obviously no download links. I wish FUSE detected all ROMS by the CRC and not by filename and size.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Thanks for looking into this, I hope the option can be added to skip the Warning. So I was right, using a different rom version fixes nearly 60 more RZX's (that use TRDOS). Would this also apply to the others that give errors (different 48k/128k roms) ?

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Can we please have an option to turn off the 'warning: RZX frame is longer than 79000 tstates' please ? Sometimes the warning just doesn't go away and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del to quit the emulator. Otherwise I have to manually build a seperate exe with the warning taken out. Also, on Windows you can press the 'Pause' button to pause the screen (useful to read text that skips too fast in RZX replays) but on the Linux Retropie version there is no pause function. Can this be added please ? I imagine these...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    Someone else will have to test this if possible because I have no idea what to do with a .diff file. I've only just tried and succeeded in building Windows FUSE with the RZX tstates warning removed. Hopefully an option can be added to stop this warning as well otherwise i'll have to keep building a seperate version on every new release. The error also happens on 'Brian Bloodaxe' and a few others that I can't remember. Can anything be fixed with the following that may fix other RZXs ? :- At the end...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Someone else will have to test this if possible because I have no idea what to do with a .diff file. I've only just tried and succeeded in building Windows FUSE with the RZX tstates warning removed. Hopefully an option can be added to stop this warning as well otherwise i'll have to keep building a seperate version on every new release.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Just noticed something with the attached RZX for example. At the end of the replay it gives this error :- libspectrum_rzx_playback: more INs during frame 143294 than stored in RZX file (907) If you turn off 'Fastloading', 'Use tape traps' & 'Accelerate loaders' it doesn't give any errors.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Maybe we could limit this message to only once in a playback. Anyone think this would...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    Thanks, but unfortunately I have no idea how to use those files on Windows 7. I already...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Thanks, but unfortunately I have no idea how to use those files on Windows 7. I already...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    @sergio Is there any chance you could post your hacked version of Fuse that you used...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    @sergio Is there any chance you could post your hacked version of Fuse that you used...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Is there any progress on this ? Maybe backward compatibility just for RZX playback...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #364

    Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

  • windale windale created ticket #364

    Changing Emulation Speed 1000+ crashes Fuse

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    I noticed that some of the RZX files (with errors) in the list you made are new recently...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    karyssia kikstart2 lifeterm loadsofmidnight monstermaze snakepit These all seem to...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    karyssia kikstart2 lifeterm loadsofmidnight monstermaze snakepit These all seem to...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    karyssia kikstart2 lifeterm loadsofmidnight monstermaze snakepit These all seem to...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    You tested all of them ?! How did you do it so fast (and play them all to the end)...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    You tested all of them ?! How did you do it so fast ? There are also a lot of other...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Has the cause of this been identified ? There are a lot of RZX's that end prematurely...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #90

    Are there actually any SCL/TRD games/demos that come on multiple Disks/Sides ? Why...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    Are there actually any SCL/TRD games/demos that come on multiple Disks/Sides ? Why...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    Thanks for finally adding this. I tried Bogdan's Android version of this patch and...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #357

    Just to be a bit clearer on my previous post, the TZX v1.20 from TZXVault does work...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #357

    I converted it to PZX and now it works, seems to be a much more compatible forma...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #357

    So is there a TZX 1.20 version of this game ? I found another thread on this that...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #357

    With all fastloaders OFF, it doesn't even load the loading screen. If you leave all...

  • windale windale created ticket #357

    Basil the Great Mouse Detective wont load on Fuse ?

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    Anybody even thought about finishing this simple feature ? It's actually more than...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #342

    Spectrum files are very small as it is. I don't see the point of zip support if it...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #342

    Spectrum files are very small as it is. I don't see the point of zip support if it...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #355

    It's fine on Fuse, but it's completely different on Spectacol. I think BogDan just...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #355

    This is how I understand it in layman's terms. If the joystick prompt is off :- 1)...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #354

    Similar issue discussed here

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #354

    It's because you have 'Detect Loaders' turned on. Turn this option off for the original...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #95

    I sort of agree, i've never used Timex ever, it's just a clone.For the Russian models...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    Anyone ? Is this really hard to do or just that no-one can be bothered ? I would...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #336

    Does anybody know the cause of this ? Also, '19 Part 1 Boot Camp' plays in slow motion....

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Iron Lord gives a similar error to Switchblade.

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #336

    Does anybody know the cause of this ? Also, '19 Part 1 Boot Camp' plays in slow ...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    Just out of interest, any progress on this ? I never realised it would be so hard...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #90

    In Afterburner in Pentagon mode the sprites flicker unless you choose the Pentagon...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    Jet Set Willy seems to play a bit faster on Pentagon, it's small but i'm sure it's...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    Agent-X II on Pentagon it seems to have a horrible screen update like it's missing...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #331

    In the attached game in Pentagon mode the sprites flicker unless you choose the Pentagon...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #331

    In the attached game in Pentagon mode the sprites flicker unless you choose the Pentagon...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    In the attached game in Pentagon mode the sprites flicker unless you choose the Pentagon...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #331

    I say go ahead with the "press enter twice" Pentagon method. It's probably the easiest...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    I say go ahead with the "press enter twice" Pentagon method. It's probably the easiest...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    In the PC version of Spectaculator, there is an option in the Beta 128 section (on...

  • windale windale modified a comment on ticket #331

    I think I would prefer auto-booting in Scorpion ZS mode. Some cracked SCL games have...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    I think I would prefer auto-booting in Scorpion ZS mode. Some cracked SCL games have...

  • windale windale posted a comment on ticket #331

    Is there a reason why you choose Pentagon autoboot over Scorpion ? I've tested a...