Activity for WL

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Enjoy your flight!!!

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think you need to use a different game protocol instead of fs2002.I think you should try simconnect or the freetrsck protocol instead.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe this video can help you.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    The point-tracker tracker source is used with an Ir-led model.If you don't have such a thing you can try face-api as tracker source.The most used game protocol is Freetrack.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you get that "udp" picture, something has gone wrong with installing of the plugin-pack.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion PointTracker

    What kind of model are you using for tracking? A cap or a clip model?Filled in the right dimensions?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    If you move your head to zoom in and you don't want to tricker the"z -axis", give it a bigger deadzone in the curves.Doesn't have flight sim 2020 have a key for something like "glance at dashboard" ? Iam sure it has keys for zoom-in or zoom-out. These are the keys to use if you want to focus on your dasboard.Also take a look at the short-key options of FTnoir.With one of them you can pause tracking while you keep looking to a certain point. Or disable temporary one or more of the axis used for tracking...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you move your head to zoom in and you don't want to tricker the"z -axis", give it a bigger deadzone in the curves.Doesn't have flight sim 2020 have a key for something like "glance at dashboard" ? Iam sure it has keys for zoom-in or zoom-out. These are the keys to use if you want to focus on your dasboard.Also take a look at the short-key options of FTnoir.With one of them you can pause tracking while you keep looking to a certain point. Or disable temporary one or more of the axis used for tracking...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe give droidcam a try.Iriun also didn't work for me.!I myself prefer to use a Edtracker or the point-tracker with my cap-model.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you also try the free-track protocol instead of the Facetracknoir-protocol?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Israel, did your stick came with software to program and tweak settings?I have a VKB GUNFIGHTER MK.III joystick. In the software I had to make some changes for that particular mini-joystick.In my case that axis can work as a axis/slider or as a key (pov-key).I changed it to slider and renamed it to Rot-x. But that is a name used for my stick, for your stick it can be something else.What I've seen is your stick a bit similar to mine.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you also install the plug-in pack??

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    You are wrong, it can also be used on a 4k monitor with the right settings.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion FreeTrack 2.0

    Hi Justin, have you tried to sent them a message through facebook(messenger)? Let me guess, you don't receive their sms-code.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the past some games were not able to support multiple joysticks.In that case v-joy was a great tool.In v-joy you just created one (virtual) joystick with all the axis from your joysticks. So is it something you need??? Probably not, but some use it.One of the latest updates of win10 broke the working of v-joy.I used v-joy for combiningaxis of my Edtracker.But since FTnoir supports 2 trackersources and combining axis is possible now in FTnoir. I don't need it anymore. FTnoir is a "toolbox"for trackersources...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    "Now I cant minimize the faceAPI_tracker window and it is on running over other programs." For this you can try "alt+tab"

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can change lower the resolution of dcs and make FTnoIR also visible. Ionce made a video for someone else and for something else. But you can see that it is possible.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Patrick, for the wired version I think version 2.2 was the latest firmware. Version 30016 is the latest version of the EDTrackerProUI.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    What if you tried it now?Now the site is up and running.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also installed the plug-in pack?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    version V4.0 wasn't for their pro-versions.Latest firmware for the pr-version was version 3.5 and for their software version also have firmware version 3.5 if you need it.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    version V4.0 wasn't for their pro-versions.Latest firmware was version 3.5 and for their software version also have firmware version 3.5 if you need it.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    version V4.0 wasn't for their pro-versions.Latest firmware was version 3.5 and for their software version also have firmware version 3.5 if you need it.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    version V4.0 wasn't for their pro-versions.Latest firmware was version 3.5 and for their software version

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you try the "center" or "game zero" option?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    You don't use a headset?You can also use a cap to put it on.But you also need to calibrate the Edtracker when it is on the place you attached it to.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If the battery is dead, you can use it while it is charging.I have the wireless and the wired version.Something is interfering withe the wiresless version.Therefor I always use the wired one.![]

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    For that Edtracker I still have the software.Do you have the wireless or wired version?On the site of Delan-clip was also once a turtorial howto set FTnoIR up with that clip. Imho the edtracker ives less problems with tracking.No light problem.With that delan=clip you use ir-light to track your headmovement.With most webcams you need to remove a filter inside the webcam for better tracking.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    For that Edtracker I still have the software.Do you have the wireless or wired version?On the site of Delan-clip was also once a turtorial howto set FTnoIR up with that clip.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you want to get out of DCS, try ALT+tab. Normally I use my edtracker(joystick-tracker) or ir-model(pointtracker)Now I use my smartphone as a webcam.Therefor the view shakes a little.In this video you can see what you must see in FTnoIR when it is trackink.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Me also DCS and IL2.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    That file contains the game-ID so you see the name apear in FTnoIR. For DCS you don't have to do anything with that CSV-file.Just install Facetracknoir, tweak the settings and enjoy flying in DCS. On the DSC site there is already a profile for FTnoIR.Maybe you stil need to tweak it a little.You have to put it in the setting-file of FTnoIR. C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR_v200\Settings

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    That file contains the game-ID so you see the name apear in FTnoIR. For DCS you don't have to do anything with that CSV-file.Just install Facetracknoir, tweak the settings and enjoy flying in DCS. On the DSC site there is already a profile for FTnoIR.Maybe you stil need to tweak it a little.You have to put it in the setting-file of FTnoIR. C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR_v200\Settings

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    That file contains the game-ID so you see the name apear in FTnoIR. For DCS you don't have to do anything witrh that CSV-file.Just install Facetracknoir, tweak the settings and enjoy flying in DCS. On the DSC site there is already a profile for FTnoIR.Maybe you stil need to tweak it a little.You have to put it in the setting-file of FTnoIR. C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR_v200\Settings

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    That file contains the game-ID so you see the name apear in FTnoIR. For DCS you don't have to do anything witrh that CSV-file.Just install Facetracknoir, tweak the settings and enjoy flying in DCS. On the DSC site trhere is already a profile for FTnoIR.Maybe you stil need to tweak it a little.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Where do you need it for?I only installed DCS-world with the A-10A .FTnoIR I had already for a few years.For me it is just start FTnoIR, start DCS and get ready to get shotdown.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Where do you need it for?I only installed DCS-world with the A-10A .FTnoIR I had already for a few years.For me it is just start FTnoIR, start DCS and get ready to gt shotdown.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    First I start FTnoIR and tracking before I start DCS or IL2-Box.The reason is that sometimes the sim won't let you go to desktop that easily to start other software. Alr+Tab is for most games the key-combination to go back to desktop.So you can try it yourself if you can start DCS first and after that start FTnoIR.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Iam not aware of any sort of "lean to gunsight" function in IL2 like in IL@-Cliffs of Dover.Is it possible that you have enable the "disable an certain axis"function in FTnoIR?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Do you want to use ir-leds or just your face for tracking?For the pointtracker you need a clip or cap with 3 ir-leds.Have you tried FaceApi as tracker source? A video of Ftnoir in FS2020

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Do you want to use ir-leds or just your face for tracking?For the pointtracker you need a clip or cap with 3 ir-leds.Have you tried FaceApi as tracker source?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help This is the android version.Ik takes some time to start the download.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help This is the android version.Ik takes some time to start the download.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Lag can also been caused by a to high smoothing setting.Maybe you can tweak a little de accela-filter setting.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    With the delanclip you need to select point-tracker plugin as master and as protocol you need to select Freetrack for MS2020 and for the older version I think FSX simconnect sp2.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    With the delanclip you need to select point-tracker plugin as master and as protocol you need to select Freetrack for MS2020 and for the older version I think FSX simconnect sp2.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    With the delanclip you need to select point-tracker plugin as master and as protocol you need to select Freetrack for MS2020 and for the older version I think sm simconnect sp2.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Did you also download and install the plugin-pack?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you also download an install the plugin-pack?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, you really gonna enjoy it that's for sure.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    The cap or clip of TrackHat can work with Ftnoir without a problem.Did you buy a complete set with PS3-eye?Because you als need a webcam capable of seeing those ir-leds.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    The cap or clip of TrackHat can work with Ftnoir without a problem.Did you buy a complete set with PS3-eye?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    for this I asigned a button of my joystick to start or stop tracking.The old Freetrack had this feature of a second curve but imho stop tracking and keep the view in that position workes the best.Keeping things simple is the best I think

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    I use Ftnoir for IL2-Box, 1946, Clod/Tobruk but I never had to invert pitch.This only happened with the older version Ftnoir 1.70.There was that hotfix for.For my flight-sims I don't need to look further up then 90 IL2-Box is even impossible to do because the view ingame is limited to 90 degrees.In real live it it is also impossible.I roll my head a little and yaw left or right to see what is happening above me instead of set pitch to more then 90 degrees. But what happens if you lock...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    @ Robert James, you are probably using the old version of Ftnoir.The best advice I can give is just purchase the new updated version and enjoy the new functions of it and support further developement of Ftnoir.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Joystick

    Hello Santi-Tetra, I use an Edtracker as primary tracker(=1st or master) and some axis of my joystick as secondary tracker(=2nd).The Edtracker is used for yaw, pitch and roll.Two axis of my VKB-Gunfighter are used for Rz(=zoom) and Ry( move head up and down). In your pictures you have selected Face-api(your webcam) as primary tracker(=1st or master).He overrules your other tracker sources.I made a video of how my settings are.Rx the axis which makes your body move from left to right is combined with...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can change your default head centre position ingame.These are the default keybindings.Don't forget to use the last one for saving your setting. Move View Left: Rshift+Rctrl+Num4 Move View Right: Rshift+Rctrl+Num6 Move View Up: Rshift+Rctrl+Num8 Move View Down: Rshift+Rctrl+Num2 Move View Backward Rshift+Rctrl+Num/ Move View Forward: Rshift+Rctrl+Num* Save Position: Ralt+Num0

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Uncle, did you also check the camera-privacy setting of win10?You can block certain apps from using your webcam.Some apps can use my webcam without chanching their permission but for ftnoir I had to enable it.If I disable ftnoir permission there is no camera visible.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Also tried the accela-filter?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, Some flightsims have a limitation in how far you can pitch-up because as a normal human you also can't pitch-up 90 degrees or more.Just lower the max pitch-up to max 90 degrees and I think your problem is solved.If you roll your head left or right and then yaw your head will make you able to see what you want.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    HelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloscratchedHello David, as promised I reïnstalled IL2-1946.I ran into some problems, first my disc was scratched and I had some problems with a disapearing mmuse-pointermmuse-pointeruse-pointerdpi-scalinguse-pointer because of my higher dpi-scaling setting.I purchased a new copy of IL2-1946 on steam for €2,69 and already patched up tp version 4.13 something.I didn't need to do something special to get tracking working.But did...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello David, as promised I reïnstalled IL2-1946.I ran into some problems, first my disc was scratched and I had some problems with a disapearing muse-pointer because of my higher dpi-scaling setting.I purchased a new copy of IL2-1946 on steam for €2,69 and already patched up tp version 4.13 something.I didn't need to do something special to get tracking working.But did you know that in IL2-1946 also can tweak sttings for 6DOF?Goto setup> misc settings where you can tweak you tracking. I used my ps3-eye...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, Years ago I used FTnoir with a ps3-eye in IL2-1946 without any (big) problems.In that time i had win7 as os.To use that ps3-eye I needed to download a driver from I have it still on my pc , but if you really need that driver , I don't know for sure.I still have Il2-1946 somewhere with a lot of mods.I can try for you to install it again and just see what settings I had or have to use to get it working.Which version of IL2-1946 do you use...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you have a to high value for pre-rendered frames you also see your joystick ingame lagging behind.Using headtracking is also something you have to get used to.I suggest you try to tweak a bit more in the filter setting.If you have it sorted out maybe post your profile also here.It can help others with the same issue.Normally I use an Edtracker and I also had to tweak the filter settings.It all takes sometime but is very rewarding.It adds so much realisme in you flightsin or other sim.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Try with pre-rendered set to 1.This fixed some issues with input lag people had when moving their joystick.If you are using a tv they can also have input-lag.Most tv have a"game modus"or setting to avoid this. My profile for you to test if it improves something for you.Before you do anything make a good back-up of you own settings.This is one profile I tested to get more fps from my ps3-eye by lowering the resolution.The most important for you to test is that filter part. [General] XAxisSource=0...

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Gil, a few years ago there where games that used some encryption so only Track-ir would work with it.Maybe this is also happening in your case.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Gil, a few years ago there where games that used some encryption s omly Track-ir would work with it.Maybe this is also happening in your case.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    have you tried the "start dummy Track-ir.exe" function?You can find it at Game protocol--->settings or try what they say here:

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    have you tried the "start dummy Track-ir.exe" function?You can find it at Game protocol--->settings

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    maybe choose the "sim connect" game-protocol instead of the "freetrack 2.1" game-protocol.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you give us some more info about your hardware/webcam or other trackersource/ viruscanner. Obs should not be a problem, I've used it also.Lightshot I tried it, no problem, but there something what prevents Ftnoir from starting.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Now you have Ftnoir installed on your pc and laptop.You have some software running for capturing your game.Do you also have them installed on your pc and laptop?Can you compare what is running in the taskmanager of your pc and laptop and shutdown every process on your pc which isn't running on your laptop and try to start FTnoir?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Can you try what happens if you in the task-manager shutdown the process " XBoxStat.exe" before you start FTnoir?Are you using a xbox-controller or kinect-camera?

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you try what happens if you in the task-manager shutdown XBoxStat.exe befor you start FTnoir?Are you using a xbox-controller or kinect-camera?

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    Did you check if the settings for your ps3_eye haven't reset?Check in device manager the energie settings for usb.Your usb must not be turned-of to save energie.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you check if the settings for your ps3_eye haven't reset?Check in device manager the energie settings for usb.Your usb may not be turned-of to save energie.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you check if the settings for your ps3_eye haven't reset?Check in device manager the energie settings for usb.Your usb may not be turned-of to save energie.

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    @ Joseph,in the video you can see how it should go when you install FTnoir after downloaden the two files

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    2 Joseph,in the video you can see how it should go when you install FTnoir after downloaden the two files

  • WL WL modified a comment on discussion Help

    I tried Ftnoir on a pc with a ATI radeon HD6950 OC 2GB.It installed and worked like it should.I nevr heard of adding some file like atioglxx.dll I only had aproblem similar like yours in the past if I used >130fps for my PS3_eye, or with a corrupted profile after reïnstalling Ftnoir 1.72 and with a function of my antivirus software regarding trusted applications wich blocked some parts of the install of Ftnoir.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried Ftnoir on a pc with a ATI radeon HD6950 OC 2GB.It installed and worked like it should. I only had aproblem similar like yours in the past if I used >130fps for my PS3_eye, or with a corrupted profile after reïnstalling Ftnoir 1.72 and with a function of my antivirus software regarding trusted applications wich blocked some parts of the install of Ftnoir.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    A litle movement in the numbers is normal.What you can try is lower the degrees of reallife headmovement(horizontal axis) to a max of 20 or 25 degrees.Using tracking ingame needs some time to get used to.What I think is that because of the big headmovement you have to make(yaw 50 degrees for 180 degrees ingame) , the shape of your head is affected by your glasses and make Ftnoir behave weird.I expect that if you don't move your head to far you will have less problems with it.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If possible can you start your sim in windowed-mode so you can see in Ftnoir how tracking is going.This can be a great help to find out what is going wrong.You can check what happens in Ftnoir if ingame your view is going straight up without stopping.If in Ftnoir also your head seems to continue then there must be something interfering with the image the webcam sees, perhaps glasses you wear or reflection of something behind/infront of you.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Your webcam has a face-tracking function also in his software and some more auto functions which can interfere with Ftnoir, have you checked if there is any auto-facetracking function enabled.Ifso disable it.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    It seems that there is no support yet for 6dof, only for 3dof.I think that there should be a way to get it working.But I don't know anything of that flight sim.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think that you have to ask the developer of Condor 2 to implement it in game.There seems to be no support for 6dof

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    All I can say that Ftnoir should work without a problem on your rig.If you are using win10 a few updates back there has been some changes in some security settings for webcams and microphones.If this is your problem, I don't know.Other thing you can investigate : are you using overlay software for recording your gameplay.Software like fraps, raptor, shadowplay(nvidia),Relive(Ati) or use the overlay function of Steam.Just disabling should be ebough, no need to uninstall them.Also some codecpacks can...

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think you have to check the settings of you webcam, maybe the auto-functions had been enabled by reinstalling. Remove your daylightfilter.If not already, enable the auto-exposure setting of you webcam, shine with a very bright light in the webcam and disable all the auto-functions.Put that daylightfilter back on the lens and you probably be able to get that black screen back

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    Not updated to PREPAR3D V4.1 ?In the release note they mention: Fixed an issue that prevented legacy Prepar3D v1 SimConnect apps from properly connecting Fixed various z-ordering issues with primitive objects Fixed issue with SimConnect port values being written incorrectly to the registry It is always difficult to find what is causing your problem.

  • WL WL posted a comment on discussion Help

    If it disapears, it can be a setting which you can find here: What do you want to use as a trackersource?For which game do you want to use it?

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