Activity for Oliver Lenz

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [44f35b] on git

    Initial commit

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [r5]

    Fix the commiting errors occured during last commit. debug discussion again.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [r4]

    Committ for debug help request @

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [r3]

    Java forum discussion (ObjectProcessor class) -> next round

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [r2]

    Commit the data package to discuss in java forum. No new release with this commit.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz committed [r1]

    Initial Comitt for first discussion at No stable version.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen Bad news. I have to give up with FTDI here, at least for now. So I can't help with fixing this issue.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen Now I've spend some time with yad2xx code and the libMPSSE-sources, but the last is really confusing me. At first, see how libMPSSE toggles the cs pin. There is a function defined in file ftdi_spi.c at line 1175, called FT_STATUS SPI_ToggleCS(). (Download here: I'm really confused about it, to retrace what this library do here is a challenge. I post it here cause I don't know what else, here. Starting...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz modified a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen I’m writing only to prevent that you close it falsely. But I haven’t very much time to overdone for this, so it still some days. But something that could be interesting for you: Today I’ve compared the libMPSSE-code with yours, it seems that there are some differences (e.g. maybe providing SPI mode 1 and 3, but I will meet this point again if I get an answer of an actual support request from FTDI and they give only one single time a command to change CS state).

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen I’m writing only to prevent that you close it falsely. But I haven’t very much time to overdone for this, so it still some days. But something that could be interesting for you: Today I’ve compared the libMPSSE-code with yours, it seems that there are some differences (e.g. providing SPI mode 1 and 3, but I will meet this point again if I get an answer of an actual support request from FTDI and they give only one single command to change CS state).

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Yes, I know, yad2xx does not use the libMPSSE library. But the libMPSSE includes, like yad2xx, the ftd2xx library and just reduce function calling. I also wondering about this problem cause the API and Chip are for a while available, I expected that such issues are busted times ago. It would be strange if I'm the first developer who recognize this issue. Its imaginalbe that a circuit filters such glitches out (large capacities in wire entanglement, level shifter, galvanic separation, ...), but without...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen, here I'm again I obeyed your advice and tried some samples with the native C library from FTDI and I think I understand your code better. I've reported the issue to FTDI and get a beta version from there libMPSSE to fic glitch at the clock line, it seems they know about the problem. It's libMPSSE, so I doesn't work with D2XX directly, but this is also just a "wrapper library" for D2XX, only in C. Well, it's useless to attach the beta libs here cause there are other issues on it. But I...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Well, both issues occures in the same testprogramm. I'm sorry for confusing you.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #8

    I added support for FT_Rescan() and FT_Reload() in 1.0, perhaps they can help? Really nice...this will be really helpfull.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen, I have something for you. Could this exception be helpful? Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to synchronise MPSSE at net.sf.yad2xx.mpsse.Mpsse.synchronise( at net.sf.yad2xx.mpsse.Mpsse.initialise( at at at hardwaretests.SpiDiagnostics.main( It occured in the same program where I created ticket #8. And yes, I disabled...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Of course I read the datasheet. But I does not constructed the existing hardware. Well, the only oscilloscope probe no an ideal load. But I'm wondering cause the 8-bit-failure-periode and it seems that the FT232 does not need external circuit elements (see circuit in AN180, page 19). And the device seems to switch slow enough, that there are no informations about rising time. I think I try a test with differing clock frequenyies, maybe it occured at a special frequency or there are some other things...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #8

    Well, I know the double driver mode with D2XX and VCP. Is switching between the different modes completly automaticly? It would be nice if I could prevent and handle such exceptions, unexpected behavior is, in special if software user see only a crashing programm with confusing error message, unfortunate. Well, this happens the first time after many tests, so I don't expect this often. But handling would be better. Cause, if it occures, then it occures during presentation of "ready programm".

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi Stephen Well, the sample rate is 50MS/s, thats right. But the clock frequency is only 2MHz, see the lower side from picture, right from vertical center axis, the t/square is 1µs and there are two clock cycles/square. I can try an other oscilloscope and will reply later, but I think, 50MS/s should be enough for 2MHz digital signal.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #8

    Hi Stephen Well, the VCP was selected in usb properties, I've it checked and changed it now. Yesterday, the problem does not occur after a simple program restart. Is there any possibility to check the driver mode before device access? After all, the FTDIInterface.getDevices-method seems to recognize the device as an D2XX-device. In other cases, I would not be able to get access the device. And therefore I can't do anything what provokes this exception (exclude other reasons then wrong driver mod...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz created ticket #9

    SPI broken output waveforms

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz modified a comment on ticket #8

    Hi Stephen Unfourtanly I'm not able to reproduce the issue. But here is the output from the ListDevice sample: Got 1 devices Dev 0: Flags=1 (isOpen: true isHighSpeed: false) Type=3 (FT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN) ID=0 locID=0 SerialNumber= Description= ftHandle=0 At Least, here is the output from my first test with yad2xx, I tried to repeat the ListDevices sample to get familiar with the methods: Device 0: Beschreibung: Single RS232-HS //description Seriennummer: //serial number Bitmode: -1 Typ: 232H //type...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #8

    Hi Stephen Unfourtanly I'm not able to reproduce the issue. But here is the output from the ListDevice sample: Got 1 devices Dev 0: Flags=1 (isOpen: true isHighSpeed: false) Type=3 (FT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN) ID=0 locID=0 SerialNumber= Description= ftHandle=0 At Least, here is the output from my first test with yad2xx, I tried to repeat the ListDevices sample to get familiar with the methods: Device 0: Beschreibung: Single RS232-HS //description Seriennummer: //serial number Bitmode: -1 Typ: 232H //type...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz created ticket #8

    Exception "not MPSSE capable" at FT232H

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Stephen Now its fixed-it was a mistake in my implementation. Thanks for repairing the out-of-boundary-exception and changing method signature. I think you can close this ticket now. The promised IO-Streams are in attachement. There are two versions: one with synchronisation and one without. Both variants has so happened during my work here. There are also unit tests for both variants, which needs an connected device (see javadocs) and both working fine here.. I don't know which framework you are...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Stephen I am extremely embarrassed, but it seems that the exception is really caused by my implementation. After I send the mail, I tried an other test under same condition (but much easier written) works fine. I'm really sure that there are no Spi.transactReadWrite-calls in different threads, a unit test with the complete class works fine and I'm sure, that such mistakes would be prevent a successfull test. But chaotic close-call(s) is possible, I will check this next time. Please, could you...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Stephen, here I'am again. Unfortunatly, I'm not able to count the loops, but in debugger it works until I write something other than 0x00. I don't want to post this code here, but I'm sending an email to you with some more informations and code samples

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Stephen I'm not at work now, so I can't provide a codesample yet. Anyway, it would be a big bunch of classes, and I'm sure that I cant post all the code here. But maybe I'm able to provide small problem model version. But some conditions I can give yet: I want to send a byte[] with 2200 bytes, every 10ms (so far possible under windows). This transfer must occurred every 10ms, also if there is nothing to send (maybe there is some to read). If there is nothing to send, 0x00 will send 2200 times....

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Ok Stephen, here is the stacktrace from exception: SCHWERWIEGEND: null net.sf.yad2xx.FTDIException: Exception in D2XX native library call. Function: FT_Read, Status: FT_IO_ERROR. at Method) at at at net.sf.yad2xx.mpsse.Spi.readWriteBits( at net.sf.yad2xx.mpsse.Spi.transactReadWrite( at net.sf.yad2xx.mpsse.Spi.transactReadWrite( One...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Stephen I'm using your new spi.transactReadWrite()-method. You have it written for me last week, I'm sure you remember ;). I feed this method only with a single byte-array. To post the stack trace, I will look for it next time at work. I have to optmize some methods to the IOStreams, actual I've only overriden the write-method for single bytes, this is actual only possible with generating an array by new-operator. For a single byte ok, but calling this in a loop by other standard stream methods...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi 1) Which OS are you using? e.g. Windows -Windows 7 2) Which version? I can't look for this at the moment. Only on monday again. 3) Which FTDI chip? e.g. FT232RL FT232H 4) Are you using the MPSSE class Spi? Yes, and spi works fine, but I had it tested only with a couple of bytes. I have to send >2kB every 10ms. First tests with this task resulting in an exception after a short time, not immediatly. My first idea (and the only which I have investigated) are buffer overflow or some similar. I've...

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz posted a comment on ticket #7

    PS: cause invalid baudrate - I've tried it with some different values, from 10kHz, 1MHz, 10MHz (the speed I want) and some values between. Always same result.

  • Oliver Lenz Oliver Lenz created ticket #7

    Maybe error in Device.setBaudrate()