Activity for Warren Siegel

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On the other hand, an installer app might also allow for the installation/update of Java. Anyone who has trouble understanding contextual menus would probably have trouble with that, too.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, I came to the same conclusion after Googling App Translocation. Tried copying to Applications folder already: didn't help. Nobody runs from the .dmg. In fact, most apps on .dmg's are accompanied by a link to the Applications folder, with a figure of an arrow indicating to drag the app there. (.dmg's generally contain a single file for the app, although they may be accompanied by a ReadMe or the like, which is generally ignored.) Plugins shouldn't be that hard to install. Users only have to bring...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Guess that works: /Users/warrensiegel/Desktop/Art which is the folder where the Plugins folder is located.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Apparently same as Maksim:

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Moved it: No change.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    .app from (duplicated) .dmg says Unable to locate Plugins directory. Make sure that you launch Art of Illusion exactly as described in the instructions. But .app from .zip starts OK.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    .app from (duplicated) .dmg says Unable to locate Plugins directory. Make sure that you launch Art of Illusion exactly as described in the instructions. But .app from .zip starts OK.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Running .sh from Terminal or .jar from Finder starts 3.1.0 Beta. .app from .dmg or (macBundle) .zip asks for Java SE 6.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes! All that stuff is there.

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can't comment much on politics: Apple doesn't like Java any more, likes to distinguish users from programmers. I downloaded the zip file. Running gives the following response, after which apparently the old version of AOI runs (is there a way to verify this, other than looking @ the popup window appearing while loading?): /usr/bin/java -Xmx1500m -cp ./ArtOfIllusion.jar:./gluegen-rt.jar: artofillusion.ArtOfIllusion WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Should not have the trailing /. Already tried without, gave different error message: LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Users/warrensiegel/Desktop/AOI/Art Of Illusion with error -10810. If you are unsure of the escape sequences, type a couple of letters and hit <tab> (Autocompletion)</tab> Yes, that's how I got the version with the trailing /. or enclose the entire path in single quotes (Including the .app). That gives the error Unable to find application named 'Art\...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Opening the app does nothing Not even to ask for an installation of java 6? Correct. Does that mean I can forget about the caches now? (I didn't bother again yet.) If so, that's another form of progress. Try these: Launch the app from the command line Maybe I'm using the wrong syntax, but from the directory in which the app sits, open -a Art\ Of\ Illusion\ yields Unable to find application named 'Art Of Illusion' cd into the app directory and run ./Art Of Illusion...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Actually, I couldn't figure out exactly which caches are related to the app. I found some related to Java/Oracle, though. Are those what you meant?

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Opening the app does nothing. Before deleting Caches, found these apparently related error messages in Console: error 06:36:09.266284 -0400 Finder os_unix.c:42263: (2) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - No such file or directory error 06:36:09.268019 -0400 lsd cannot open file at line 42263 of [95fbac39ba] error 06:36:09.268062 -0400 lsd os_unix.c:42263: (2) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - No such file or directory error 06:36:09.288844 -0400 lsd cannot open file at line 42263 of [95fbac39ba]...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Since upgrading to Sierra, any menubar text font color other than black comes out...

  • Warren Siegel Warren Siegel posted a comment on discussion Future Features and Versions

    OS X emoji might look better than present weather icons.