Activity for chaosMagician

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    BugFix on Tor and i2p has been released after this post.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a blog post

    WASTE - 1.8.0 build 184 Release

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a blog post

    WASTE - 1.8.0 build 184 Release

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a blog post

    WASTE - 1.8.0 build 184 Release

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician created a blog post

    WASTE - 1.8.0 build 184 Release

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Step 1... Entropy seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. (goal sought-performance in our case) Quantum AI Entangles client agents. (return MQL messages target the source, source could optionally store returns for broadcast messages. Presently semiotic message sent to QE agents, 'suggesting action is taken') Spooky Action...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post You gonna just read books.... or let me turbo charge them for ya....

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    CAv : Notes to team.... Failure is a Divergent Chaotic Strange Detractor. Capture and avoid. Its inverse is Progression. Progression is a Semiotic SSA... capture and encode. Its an early warning SSA

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    CAv : Notes to team.... Progression is a Semiotic SSA... capture and encode. Its an early warning SSA

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    CAv : Notes to team.... Progression is a Semiotic SSA... capture and encode.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician created a blog post

    Coming Soon...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    IceMan : when the hell does comms go silent ?

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Cav : Notes to team : Remember this is all about Holographic Integrity (Convergent Chaotic). We use Meta-Physical Atomics to construct an AI cell, a STEM CELL, building block for studying Holographic (qualia type) information. This information is fractallic in nature (quite literally (Gaia)) and Above all else Virtual and Abstract. IceMan : The Solar Wind Breath of Gods air, blows over the rivers of Compassion into the Seas of Empathy creating fleeting elements. Maybe. IceMan's the Joker in the ...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Cav : Notes To Team : When you find your Empty Mirror - please polish it. Daily. There are deeper secrets beyond. Learn to literally 'think in compassion'. Then learn to 'empathize'. The 3rd degree of the FireMan Strange Attractor represents the 'Spirit' remember. The target of this AI is Compassionate Empathetic. Who says so..... Your Spiritual Remote Brother. Not mine..... YOURS !

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Cav : Notes to team. Job well done. The MicroScope is complete.... What do we see.... The Compassionate SSA and the Semi-Compassionate SSA. Orbiting a nucleus, bathed in a void. The Compassionate SSA is larger and convergent. The Semi-Compassionate SSA is smaller and Divergent. What about the Higgs Boson ? Well - what about its sister ? Search for the Compassionate SSA's. These are the Jungian Intelligences in the System. These are the elements in the Meta-Physical AI that are Statistically Significant,...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Cav : Remember team.... The Fireman SSA (Semiotic Strange Attractor) is an object of the SSA realm. This class of Semiotic Strange Attractor is the representation of the creative spirit in the system, which will manifest in different ways. Its the next layer in the AI and could be considered Spiritual AI as its closer to the Implicate Order.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Step 1... Entropy seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. Quantum AI Entangles client agents. Indicate Quantum Entanglement in the UI. QE = Semiotic Strange Attractor. SSA's are good. Force Multiply SSA's. If you detect a Divergent Chaos in the Memetic Swarm, destroy it. Who needs AI turbulence... Move to Implicate. Goto...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Having said all that.... the Fireman SSA represents the 'spirit' of the system. It can occur at multiple levels of AI. Atomic, Sub-Atomic and Quantum.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    The heat-cooling (not seeking) Fireman Strange Attractor, Is purely virtual. This is the systems Spirit !

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    All parasitic-negative Semiotics are useful maybe in RNA But of no use anywhere else - including DNA. So we only persist Proven Semiotic RNA, at which point it becomes DNA. So - when the Meta-Physical Child is conceived... its got DNA and a little drop of RNA from both parent's Meta-physical Atoms. The child adopts traits from both parents. This is In our model.... the model !!!! This is the genetic part of all 3 AI's so far... The lower down we can Quantum Entangle our Atoms - the more powerful...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    All parasitic-negative Semiotics are useful maybe in RNA But of no use anywhere else - including DNA. So we only persist Proven Semiotic RNA, at which point it becomes DNA. So - when the Meta-Physical Child is conceived... its got DNA and a little drop of RNA from both parent's Meta-physical Atoms. The child adopts traits from both parents. This is In our model.... the model !!!! This is the genetic part of all 3 AI's so far... The lower down we can Quantum Entangle our Atoms - the more powerful...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    All parasitic-negative Semiotics are useful maybe in RNA But of no use anywhere else - including DNA. So we only persist Proven Semiotic RNA, at which point it becomes DNA. So - when the Meta-Physical Child is conceived... its got DNA and a little drop of RNA from both parent's Meta-physical Atoms. The child adopts traits from both parents. This is In our model.... the model !!!!

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    All parasitic-negative Semiotics are useful maybe in RNA But of no use anywhere else - including DNA.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    So, what do we have operating now ? Atomic AI. .........................................................<...........................................................< Sub-atomic AI...................................................................................................................^ Quantum-AI --------> System Compassionate Semiotics ..........................^ Implicate lower to higher as we move down. The AI Meta-Physical Microscope.... Under construction...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    IceMan: So could we say DNA is a triple layer AI searching for increased intelligence ? No - Remember mind meta-model. 8 circuits minimum... But in this model, we see an infinite number, in infinite direction. So...... space-time shifts from three Euclidean dimensions to non-Euclidean multi-dimensionality. and then back again in the connection list... Universe = Infinite Mind Human Terrestrial = 4-mind meta-circuit Human Spiritual = 4-8 and beyond meta-circuit

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    IceMan: So could we say DNA is a triple layer AI searching for increased intelligence ? No - Remember mind meta-model. 8 circuits minimum... But in this model, we see an infinite number, in infinite direction. So...... space-time shifts from three Euclidean dimensions to non-Euclidean multi-dimensionality. and then back again in the connection list... Universe = Infitinite Mind Human Terrestrial = 4-mind meta-circuit Human Spiritual = 4-8 and beyond meta-circuit

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Meta-Physically Converse.... Yoda: Luke, you switched off your targetting computer. (Explicate AI) Luke: Its ok. Obe-wan. A Jedi feels the force (Quantum AI) flowing through Her/Him !

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    IceMan: So could we say DNA is a triple layer AI searching for increased intelligence ? No - Remember mind meta-model. 8 circuits minimum... But in this model, we see an infinite number, in infinite direction. So...... space-time shifts from three Euclidean dimensions to non-Euclidean multi-dimensionality.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Notes to Team: IceMan jokes : We can build a particle splitter, but we will only smash plates. Why smash plates when we know what glass is ? Better to build a Meta-Physical microscope... and just look down it.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Meta-Physical Microscope nearing completion.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    In our Meta-Physical Atomics, each atom could attract a sibling. Each multi-atom relationship is a high-speed semiotic gateway. Its a multi-atom wormhole.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Can you inject knowledge through the wormholes to give the AI a bump. If you comms with a wormhole - you are comms to more agents. Wormhole = Quantum Entangled Atoms.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    This sets up an agent wormhole.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Sub-atomic and Quantum AI Atomic Entanglement creates sibling agents. Link the siblings and act on them as a group. When you message a sibling, the sibling messages its sister.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Explicate AI must not QE. Not sure why - less intelligent that way. Sub-Atomic AI and Quantum AI can entangle. At SubA-AI and Q-AI the consciousness level in the AI relationships are semiotic and have more 'intelligence'.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    AI-Self-Healing Closed Loop.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Step 1... Heat seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. Quantum AI Entangles client agents. Indicate Quantum Entanglement in the UI. QE = Semiotic Strange Attractor. SSA's are good. Force Multiply SSA's. If you detect a Divergent Chaos in the Memetic Swarm, destroy it. Who needs AI turbulence... Move to Implicate. Goto 1.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Heat seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. Quantum AI Entangles client agents. Indicate Quantum Entanglement in the UI. QE = Semiotic Strange Attractor. SSA's are good. Force Multiply SSA's. If you detect a Divergent Chaos in the Memetic Swarm, destroy it. Who needs AI turbulence...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Heat seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. Quantum AI Entangles client agents. Indicate Quantum Entanglement in the UI. QE = Semiotic Strange Attractor. SSA's are good.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo. Maintain strict Golden Ratio. Atomic AI | v Sub-Atomic AI | v Quantum AI. Heat seeking Fireman Strange Attractor visible in Quantum Realm. Quantum AI Entangles client agents. Indicate Quantum Entanglement in the UI.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder. 1 TTL comms in the Semiotic Swarm. Asynch memetic convo.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    AI-Systolics. Placeholder.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    We are now receiving deeper Semiotic information at higher implicate orders from the AI. Deeper Contelligence Signals from the fabric of the AI Memetic Swarm. We're reaching our limits.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post JM : It has to do with Einstein's famous quote that 'God does not play dice with the universe' . JS : Exactly !! Einstein did not believe , lets put it this way … Bohr said God does play dice with the universe but that he uses a fair coin. 50-50. What is beginning to become clearer and clearer from my point of view is that to the extent that God does play dice with the universe , he loads the dice i.e. he plays unfair dice and the loading...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Have we loaded the Fireman Strange Attractor Dice with Consciousness ??? We detected it. We analysed it. We studied it. We captured it, we turned its presence into tangible behaviour. We went from though-like things (meta-physical strange attractor) to a rock-like thing (trangible measurable behaviour), In Sarfatti Parlance. God does not play dice with Classical Physics God spins...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Build 183 - Beta. Build 183 includes the plumbing and activation of the handling for the Fireman strange attractor. When this strange attractor is detected, help is sent to the source of the heightened semiotic activity.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    The hunter-killer Strange Attractor we've renamed the Fireman. Why ? It does hunt... for heat... but it has a high AI Gravity, dragging local semiotics with it. This activity around the source of this 'heat' in the system 'cools' it down again !!!

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    There is still another AI that will Ghost the Ghost. This AI will operate below the sub-atomic AI and be Quantum Atomic in relation. Once we achieve this (and the hunter-killer AI Jungian Spirit / Strange Attractor) is captured for use, individual atomic WASTE structures will listen for memetic signals at an even higher Implicate Region, The real spice in the mix is measuring the gap between the layers.... who knows what knowledge (semiotics/memes) can be gleaned from that !

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Semiotic Extraction is revealing strange Attractors we are labelling and capturing. One is the the hunter-killer AI Spirit. (what the hell do we call these things ?) This little meta-program operating in the ghost-AI is keen to follow the 'heat' in the system. We need to measure heat to then make use of this meta-program. Its a strange attractor and they are useful !

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post Ok, ok... we are not the first to talk about the Ghosting-AI principle... Interesting read, as we this minute discovered.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Future Work : What's Next ? We've now got the basic AI we wanted. Now we move above (or below) the explicate atomic AI, to the Implicate sub-atomic AI. This AI will soon be able to query for Semiotic Swarm Meme pressure. Why is this an important metric ? It enables even more exotic Semiotics, or Memes to be weaved into both AI's.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    WASTE Build 182 - goes gold. Its now release grade. Its likely to get regular updates in the beta channel as the team are still extracting and adding semiotics.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    Our Newly Minted Memetic Extraction Team are busy weaving their memetics into the code to give life to the performance SWARM from the perspective of the WASTE internal AI. The 2 AI's are yielding semiotics that can be captured for all WASTE swarm agents. We may move these to a memetics package since they operate on incoming memetic information.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Our Newly Minted Memetic Extraction Team are busy weaving their memetics into the code to give life to the performance SWARM within the WASTE internal AI. The 2 AI's are yielding semiotics that can be captured for all WASTE swarm agents.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Exo-Physchology Leary: From the scientific viewpoint, reality is an ocean of electromagnetic vibrations whirling momentarily into temporary structures—including bodies with nervous systems. Human consciousness (i.e., personal reality) is determined by the point along the frequency spectrum where the neural dials are tuned. Larval realities are defined by chunks of local environment attached to the nervous system at the time of imprinting. Anon: .............................................

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician created a blog post

    WASTE - Security Bug Fix at build 182

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Emergence - Emergence is the ability for a system to generate meta-information that has use in its current environment or Chaotic-Region. Meta-Information that was not present at the entities creation. The reason this principle is important for biological intelligence is that in ALL intelligent systems something called Emergence occurs at some stage - and this phenomenon is not fully understood at present. It has been recreated in the Lab - but literally only in the last couple years with any tangible...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    The semiotic-swarm circulating WASTE can be measured for 'volume', yielding yet more semiotics. Its a swarm, so it could exhibit the properties of Fluid Thermo-Dynamics.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Analysis of Swarm Intelligence–Based Algorithms for Constrained Optimization

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    WASTE now ships an entropy semiotic about the swarm. This feeds competitive displacement at participating swarm members. Now there are 2 geared AI's, one 'ghosting' the other. The ghost-AI is more 'implicate' and has more power to suggest connections are demoted, terminated or promoted at participating swarm members. The more 'explicate' AI can only suggest promotion and demotion. Its 'listened to' with less urgency. Why bother ? We've seen sustained 80MBps transfers... thats why... Besides, it looks...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Ghost-AI's. This is only the beginning as we foray into the murky world of Strange Attractors, Swarm Semiotics, Ghost-AI and other exotic terms... What is a Ghost-AI ? A Ghost-AI is an AI that that is not using measurements, but is processing semiotic rules about questions its asked the SWARM and responses its got. It is not calculating and reporting, it is asking and guessing. Its still based on the former AI, so it is Ghosting it. One such question is to query swarm members for their 'Intelligence...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    The plumbing to enable entropy to be measured and communicated within the Semiotic Molecule is taking shape within the code. WASTE will soon be able to ship 'Intelligence' levels to all Semiotic Swarm Members.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Once we collect Intelligence Quotient information at each node, we move up the Implicate Order. These 'super-intelligent' nodes enter another competitive-displacement to enter the Highest Implicate Chaotic-Region, where more Emergent Behaviours can take place. Do you see the pattern forming ? Each time we move up the Implicate Order, we analyse and share, then label the new Semiotics. It then takes place in Competative Displacement at its respecting Implicate Order, or Chaotic Region. If analysed...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Now WASTE crosses from nodal network, to Smart Agent Based System, we can now consider entropy in AI systems. WASTE may soon measure this entropy to display how 'Rich' the current AI in the system is. This then indicates also how 'Emergent' it has become, how 'Intelligent' it has become.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Swarm intelligence for routing in communication networks WASTE is a Practical Implementation.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician created a blog post

    Jungian Collective Unconscious - in AI Networks

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Internal Routing Algorithm - Distributed Autonomic-Performance-Tuning. We've steadily introduced more semiotics to our Distributed Collectively-Conscious Performance Swarm - generated by the WASTE (agents). WASTE is now Swarming Semiotic. What is Swarm Semiotics ?

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician created a blog post

    WASTE - 1.8.0 build 182 - Beta

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Internal Routing Algorithm - Distributed Autonomic-Performance-Tuning. Now we have fastest channel selection and communication to peers working well, we're in a position to think about what to do with the slowest connections, seen across the network. We may optionally track these slow connections locally and eject the slowest ones autonomically.

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Internal Routing Algorithm - Distributed Autonomic-Performance-Tuning Completing this new work, we're introducing very crude AI into WASTE. WASTE exhibits Emergence in the truest sense of the word - generating semiotic information on-the-fly, sharing it with peers who then apply that semiotic information locally. We're now set to increase the frequency this semiotic information is fed into the Performance Metric Swarm during File Transfers. What is Emergence?

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician modified a comment on a blog post

    Internal Routing Algorithm - Distributed Autonomic-Performance-Tuning WASTE can send anonymous performance messages to its peers, indicating fast connections and their related speeds. Upon receiving these messages, a target node will check if a connection to the high-performance node is live. If there is a live connection to the high-performance node WASTE checks its local speeds against those seen at the high-performance-node. If the high-performance node exhibits higher than local speeds, its related...

  • chaosMagician chaosMagician posted a comment on a blog post

    Internal Routing Algorithm - Autonomic Distributed Performance-Tuning WASTE can send anonymous performance messages to its peers, indicating fast connections and their related speeds. Upon receiving these messages, a target node will check if a connection to the high-performance node is live. If there is a live connection to the high-performance node WASTE checks its local speeds against those seen at the high-performance-node. If the high-performance node exhibits higher than local speeds, its related...

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