User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1350 on Code::Blocks

    There is no problem for me. I'd be glad to use the clangd client instead but I encountered some difficulty with activating it and I didn't get much support on the forum, nor I can invest too much time for it now (otherwise I should suspend all my ongoing coding works aarghh) That was just to say I'm far from using outdated stuff at any cost and for no reason ;)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1368 on Code::Blocks

    I can't remember if I released the MB after so much time, I just remember that I was waiting for a code completion hint. But if it says so surely it is so ;)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1367 on Code::Blocks

    I had finally some time to test better. I discovered two things. 1. If the external header contains capitals it will not work. Eg ../ESD_SDK/DeleteMe.h does not work. ../ESD_SDK/delete_me.h WORKS instead and if it contains errors It gets opened automatically on compiling and the indicted line located and marked in red. Not sure if any official guideline states that headers and source names have to be in lower cases, fact is I always used mixed case filenames (but I am not a linux gal lol) 2. The...

  • Created ticket #1391 on Code::Blocks

    Project items list always automatically scrolls to top after menu operations

  • Created ticket #1390 on Code::Blocks

    Options-> compile, link is available also for headers

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1355 on Code::Blocks

    Sorry I deleted my previous comment written in a rush of enthusiasm. I thought it worked but nope. If I specify the .xml in the external dependencies, the project gets just re-linked but the resource.rc does NOT get recompiled. Indeed, if those are named "external" there was a reason. It seemed too good to be true. The only solution by now is "touching" resource.rc as a pre-build action. Dirty, but works. CB simply cannot detect that resource.rc depends on resource.xml and it looks like there is...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1355 on Code::Blocks

    Thanks you are an angel, it works !!! See, I was aware of that, in fact it is exactly there where I am specifying external objects or libraries my project depends on. BUT since it says "External", I never thought to specify there an Internal dependency (and resource.xml is such), for fear of messing up with CB updating/compiling logic !! However to me why CB does not detect the .xml dependency is still a mystery and a possible bug, but ok by now I am happy the same :)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1355 on Code::Blocks

    To elaborate better, I have to modify the xml file very often. But from time to time, CB rebuilds the .depend file, and the result is that I compile the project but I then realize it doesn't work, because CB thinks that the resource.rc is up to date ( by rebuilding the .depend it drops the resource.xml which I am forced to add by hand) and therefore it does not invoke the resource compiler on it. So I have to edit the .depend file and add resource.xml under the dependencies of resource.rc everyt...

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2017-01-21 21:26:25


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