Activity for Elena

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1350

    There is no problem for me. I'd be glad to use the clangd client instead but I encountered some difficulty with activating it and I didn't get much support on the forum, nor I can invest too much time for it now (otherwise I should suspend all my ongoing coding works aarghh) That was just to say I'm far from using outdated stuff at any cost and for no reason ;)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1368

    I can't remember if I released the MB after so much time, I just remember that I was waiting for a code completion hint. But if it says so surely it is so ;)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    I had finally some time to test better. I discovered two things. 1. If the external header contains capitals it will not work. Eg ../ESD_SDK/DeleteMe.h does not work. ../ESD_SDK/delete_me.h WORKS instead and if it contains errors It gets opened automatically on compiling and the indicted line located and marked in red. Not sure if any official guideline states that headers and source names have to be in lower cases, fact is I always used mixed case filenames (but I am not a linux gal lol) 2. The...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1391

    Project items list always automatically scrolls to top after menu operations

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1390

    Options-> compile, link is available also for headers

  • Elena Elena modified a comment on ticket #1355

    Sorry I deleted my previous comment written in a rush of enthusiasm. I thought it worked but nope. If I specify the .xml in the external dependencies, the project gets just re-linked but the resource.rc does NOT get recompiled. Indeed, if those are named "external" there was a reason. It seemed too good to be true. The only solution by now is "touching" resource.rc as a pre-build action. Dirty, but works. CB simply cannot detect that resource.rc depends on resource.xml and it looks like there is...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1355

    Thanks you are an angel, it works !!! See, I was aware of that, in fact it is exactly there where I am specifying external objects or libraries my project depends on. BUT since it says "External", I never thought to specify there an Internal dependency (and resource.xml is such), for fear of messing up with CB updating/compiling logic !! However to me why CB does not detect the .xml dependency is still a mystery and a possible bug, but ok by now I am happy the same :)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1355

    To elaborate better, I have to modify the xml file very often. But from time to time, CB rebuilds the .depend file, and the result is that I compile the project but I then realize it doesn't work, because CB thinks that the resource.rc is up to date ( by rebuilding the .depend it drops the resource.xml which I am forced to add by hand) and therefore it does not invoke the resource compiler on it. So I have to edit the .depend file and add resource.xml under the dependencies of resource.rc everyt...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1355

    I did my best, find it attached. Please note that it doesn't really produce anything useful or useable. As you can easily see, resource.rc contains references to resource.h, resource.xml and windows.h. But look at the .depend file generated by codeblocks: only resource.h and windows.h are listed, not the .xml which is a key part. So I have to add it manually to the .depend file everytime. Thank you very much for investigating ! Ps if you think this is not a bug and one should rather specify the missing...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1355

    Really, can't you have a look on this ? For my workflow it is very frustrating! Thanks

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1368

    Thanks for checking. Unfortunately I could not reproduce it anymore, it just happened once so far...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1388

    Thanks for checking. Sorry I hadn't specified it clearly, I was referring to the code text editor. It seems I can replicate it always here. If I want to copy some code from one instance of cb to another, I must make sure I don't close the instance where the text was copied from before having pasted it, otherwise nothing will be pasted

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1388

    Clipboard content lost after closing CB

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, is it possible that nobody can reply ? Or at least, can you please suggest which is the proper forum where to ask such a question ? I can now add more details if they may help... I tried either -mfma and -march=x86-64-v3 on a Celeron N5095A but it crashes, while it runs fine without those flags. I honestly cannot easily explain the reason even after having checked the specs on Intel site. If somebody can help me I would really appreciate it.

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I apologize in advance for my question not being possibly too specific. Keep in mind that I am not very expert with CPU architectures and low level HW details. Also, I could never ask for help on StackOverflow because, as a too generic question, it would suddently be down-voted and banned :( So I am trying here hoping this is the right place. I am a C++ music plugin developer, targeting Windows 64 users on "averagely recent" x64 machines - where with "averagely recent" I can't be more specific...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    OH... interesting ! That surely is related to the fact that Windows uses '\' where Linux and most operating systems use '/'s instead (Afaik)... so there is likely something to be investigate there... Maybe this is actually a MinGW problem ?! I have still to test...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1384

    Thanks for caring. There is no problem, I can live with it. But it was my duty to report :)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    Sorry for insisting, but to date I keep suffering this bug (it is very frustrating) and really without any further feedback I don't know what else to check in order to supply more clues on its cause... It really looks like on my machine all the extrrnal sources aren't opened when double clicking on the error messages

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1384

    Codeblocks does not record window becoming inactive when busy

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1380

    Thanks !

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1380

    No more Remove File from Project menu in management list tree

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1371

    It's ok, thanks again, I also am perhaps using just 1/4 of CB's features ;)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1356

    Checked svn13205 right now. It seems now to work as expected, thank you !

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1371

    I checked svn13205 right now and it looks like you fixed it well, thank you. Btw should I explain you what virtual folders are ? It is not me who designed CB and invented them ;) I find them very useful to sort project files up. Suppose your project has some hundreds sources which are not physically sorted in directories inside the project folder, and you want to list them sorted in cathegories in your project list three for easier addressing eg. for my spectral audio processing framework I have...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1370

    It happened again and as I said I think can be easily replicated (rpt attached). I will exaplain detailedly the accident. I had two CB projects opened, both include the external common header Shapes.h. I had to modify Shapes.h in project 2, and I saved it. I closed project 2 and resumed works at project 1. Once I clicked in project 1 window to activate it, I got this debug error requester again: wxWidgets Debug Alert A debugging check in this application has failed ../../src/common/wincmn.cpp(3426)...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    Thanks for testing. I selected Rebuild and here is the log (I suppose you mean that). But it doesn't seem to contain anything so interesting... if you think I can do more specific tests please let me know

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1371

    Nonsense when renaming virtual folders

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1370

    WxWidgets (?) crash caused by externally modified header

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1368

    Codecompletion.dll crashed svn 13159

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    Thanks Miguel. No I really can't see where there may be non ASCII chars in my project (or there are and I am missing them ??) Anyway I have prepared a very minimal CB project where the problem can be replicated perfectly (at least here...) If I put a typo or error in the Header.h, it gets located without troubles. If the error instead is in the external header (as in the example, 'floap' instead of 'float') double clicking has no effect. Please let me know if you need further data. In case it's just...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    Thanks for investigating, I am sorry you could not reproduce the bug. Give me some days and I will then try to do more tests in the hope I can provide more info and details or in the worst case if I can prepare a simple example project for replicating

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1367

    Yes but I can say the error or warning does not matter. My project is quite complex and made by several sources btw, including externsl (shared) ones. Anyway I am compiling main.cpp which includes Shape.h. Shape.h contains the definition of the class Shape (inside a namespace it belongs to, not sure it matters). Now for example inside a class public function I have written by mistake "exp_pos" while the variable name is "ext_pos". When compiling main.cpp I read in the build messages: shape.h In member...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1367

    Double clicking on error/warning build messages do not move the text editor to the relevant line in header

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Damn... I can't say if this is the same bug which just showed up in an unusual way or another bug... I was editing my code, I had just switched from one source tab to another, I disn't move the mouse wheel, I was selecting some text when I realized CB became unresponsive. I then waited some minutes as usual but no Windows crash requester popped up. I waited 10 minutes: still unrrsponsive. So I had to close it forcibly, and there is no .RPT file or Windows log available. Clearly tjat is not quite...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1356

    Thanks Bluehazzard!

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1350

    Hi, I updated to the latest NB but I have no luck enabling the clang client plugin. I tried 10 times in vain, saved, closed CB, reopened... when I try to enable it I get a banner saying Clang client is inactive, to run clangd client restart codeblocks after setting a compiler and disabling the code completion plugin. I have disabled it of course but I am not going to mess up with my compiler settings because I risk to ruin my projects and compiler setup. What can I do to enable this plugin ? To me...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1357

    Folder ane virtual folders opens automatically (unduly) in the list tree when dragging items to them

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1356

    Projects list tree does not automatically scroll when dragging items

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1355

    CB fails to detect dependencies of .rc files properly

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1350

    Nobody ?

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1350

    code completion not working properly with namespaces

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1268

    A list of the enabled plugins follows. However that is common to all my projects, and as I said only that project crashes on exiting. For the record, I think I fixed it accidentally. To me it looks like it was the .cbp file which got corrupted for some reason. Now I opened it to do some tests and it showed main.cpp opened twice (two tabs). I closed one tab and in crashed. So evidentily it went nuts. Then I opened the project again and it showed no tabs opened. I could open main.cpp in the editor...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1268

    The crash is perfectly reproduceable now here. I have attached an archive containing both the indicted project, the RPT and my settings folder. I hope this helps. Here it crashes ALWAYS when closing that project. Unfortunately I am not allowed to rename the ticket to a more relevant title like "crash when exiting CB". Please let me know if it helps or if you need more info, thx.

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1268

    It keeps happening with one project but not with others, dunno why. Everytime you close CB, it crashes. I installed the last NB (15 May), same problem. Updated RPT attached

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1268

    It happened twice in a night. This time there was just one project opened. I closed CB without saving (I forgot to save, a requester would have popped up normally to remind me to save the works) and I got a wxWidgets Debug Alert "A debugging check in this application has failed: idx != (-1) failed in SetSelectionToWindow(): invalid notebook page". Then it crashed. RPT attached.

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1268

    Crash opening a second project

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Nightly build of Apr, 24 sadly does not fix the bug. It just happened again. This time I did not activate cb coming from another program, I was simply scrolling and editing code. Once more, turning the mouse wheel to scroll caused the crash. Rpt attached

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Thanks. No build yet ?

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1242

    Maybe it is similar from the .rpt and maybe also related (who knows ?) but since it manifested in a different way I thought it was better to create a separate ticket. To summarize: the crash of 1168 happens always when resuming editing (returning to cb from another program) by clicking in the editor and moving the wheel, and no wx requester ever popped up. This time instead I was already in the editor and the wx failure requester popped up after clicking to change the cursor position and moving the...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1242

    CB 12748 crashed while moving the mouse wheel in editor

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Again. Nightly build 12748. It is becoming stressful. I now am afraid everytime I have to click in the editor window to resume editing and moving the mouse wheel because once out of 100 times it crashes. Once more I attached the rpt. Really you cannot discover the culprit ? Thx

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1241

    cb svn 12748 crashed

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Happened again. I reactivated CB window to resume editing and I noticed that the mouse wheel did not work. The cursor could still be moved by keyboard or mouse clicks. I insisted with the wheel and it crashed as usual (rpt attached). Svn 12727 build jan 22 2022

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    About panel says svn-r12655, build jan 9 2022. Standing to Windows properties/details the executable is File version: Version:

  • Elena Elena modified a comment on ticket #1168

    Sorry I thought the version info was included in the .rpt

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168


  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Sorry I thought the version info was included in the .rpt

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Again. Once more I attached the rpt hoping the mote I collect the more they may help

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Plase reopen the ticket. The reported problem is far from being fixed ! Today (Feb 07 2022) it happened again. Always the same story: I return to CB window, click in the editor, move the mouse wheel and everything is frozen. I had to wait 2/3 minutes before the Windows crash log appeared. I have attached the .RPT once more. I hope you can discover the bug once for all ! Thanks

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Sorry BlueHazzard for having caused so much of troubles with my request and thanks for your efforts. Well maybe you are facing some unexpected bugs with wxwidgets which would have never been discovered otherwise...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Ah ok sorry I thought it was a patch to the executable! I will wait for the next nighly build, there is no hurry !

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Thx Bluehazzard, sadly I am still outdoors but I will try it once I am back home. Btw, which is the simplest way to apply a .patch under windows ? Sorry lol but it is something I never did ;)

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Thanks Bluehazzard! Unfortunately I am outdoors now, I will try the patch tomorrow and will let you know...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    It would have been very handy to allow dropping to a specific virtual folder. But if it really can't be done, even just dropping to the current project would be better than nothing. One then shall drag the file manually from the default folder where CB places it to the desired place. Please also check that other annoyance I mentioned here... while dragging a file in the management window, if you hover by mistake on the editor area, the mouse pointer changes to a forbidden state but it does not get...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Thanks Miguel, in case it should crash again I will update this thread

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Who is wh11204 ? Are you asking me ? As I said, you simply return to an open CB instance after having used another program, activate its windows by clicking in the editor to resume coding, and once out of 1000 times it hangs as described...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    Thank you Miguel!

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    The evtx

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1168

    I have attached both the .rpt and .evtx. Hope it helps and that now somebody can fix it once for all. Thx

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1169

    Imhho and following my logic, a file should never be copied when dragged to the management window. Dragging should have the same effect (in a more convenient way) as adding a file to the project. And when you add a file to the project it is not phIsically copied to the project folder... that also happens frequently to files external to the project dir and which are not meant to be copied like headers or sources of an extrrnal sdk or library. And with files internal to the project folder it often...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1075

    Hi folks, really nobody wants to add this feature ?

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1170

    Request: adding files to virtual folders

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1169

    Request feature - dragging files to management folders and virtual folders

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1168

    CB hangs then crashes when editing code. Seldom & hard to reproduce

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1078

    Sorry it looks like that scrolling was caused by one setting I overlooked causing the list to position automatically on the first warning or error. It is just confusing me. Please ignore

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1082

    cannot open more than one instance of CB (Windows)

  • Elena Elena modified a comment on ticket #1080

    I never heard of any 'sIze' or 'end' keywords in c/c++. In fact I can't even find them listed in the keyword list to remove them.

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1080

    I never hear of any 'sIze' or 'end' keywords in c/c++. In fact I can't even find them listed in the keyword list to remove them.

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1080

    wrong color for variables (c/c++ editor)

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1078

    Log display auto scrolls to top sometimes after compiling

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1076

    Separate color for #defined items

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1075

    Setting dependencies manually

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #1073

    Please ignore. The freeze was caused by another bug. Sorry this fu*** system does not allow me to remove a ticket or I don't know how to remove it.

  • Elena Elena created ticket #1073

    CB freezes if I delete the .depend file

  • Elena Elena created ticket #131

    I have to alt-click THREECE to open a drawer in a new window

  • Elena Elena created ticket #130

    Snapshot window with "glowicons" does not work

  • Elena Elena created ticket #129

    Moving left out icons, their path doesn't get updated

  • Elena Elena created ticket #128

    Can't drag-copy volumes to anywhere

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #127

    1.Whenever I open the MIME editor to configure or modify an existing type, if I add...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #127

    Problems with Ambient MIME editor

  • Elena Elena created ticket #126

    Default MIME icons problem with YAM

  • Elena Elena created ticket #125

    Big mess with directory/device types

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #128

    Sorry ignore this request. Just discovered it was a hidden feature. If I just could...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #129

    Please ignore this feature request, I just discovered it was a hidden feature. Still...

  • Elena Elena posted a comment on ticket #132

    Sorry, I realized only later that I was imprecise. From what I understood, shift...

  • Elena Elena created ticket #124

    Menu problem with multiple left-out icons

  • Elena Elena created ticket #123

    Rendering errors in bottomline listers statusbar

  • Elena Elena created ticket #122

    Panels, display bug with NEGATIVE highlight mode

  • Elena Elena created ticket #121

    Iconless objects not displayed by Ambient panels

  • Elena Elena created ticket #120

    Can't snapshot attributes or change image of left-out icons

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