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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    Forget it - was my fault :-(

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    Dear fellow OLV'ers! In my application I have a FastDataListView with a DataTable; one of its columns has an AspectGetter and an ImageGetter delegate to display images as well as activity state codes and descriptions. The user can change the activity states by toolbar menu and the changes should take affect on the ListView as well. This is done by changing the model, e.g. DataRowView.Row["Statuscode"] = "002"; DataRowView.Row.AcceptChanges; The AspectGetter updates the changes immediately but the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    There is a problem with BooleanCheckStatePutter regarding ObjectListView with activated OwnerDraw style: The delegate is not executed when the user (vertically) clicks between two checkboxes although the checkbox might optically change the check state of the checkbox. Demo: Use the ObjectListViewDemo project and add an "ownerdraw" checkbox to the first tab "Simple Example" which should set/change the OwnerDraw style resp. use one of the other tabs where the "Owner Draw" checkbox already exists. Add...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Dear fellow OLV'ers, I have a DataListView (details view) with activated CheckBoxes property and appropriate BooleanCheckStateGetter/BooleanCheckStatePutter delegates. This works well unless the user clicks with the mouse exactly between two items; in this case the BooleanCheckStatePutter delegate does not get called although the "nearer" item gets checked/unchecked (Which is kind of bad as I'm no longer in control of the "checkable" items resp. I cannot set actions to the changed check state). Does...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Dear fellow OLV'ers, I have a DataListView (details view) with activated CheckBoxes property and appropriate BooleanCheckStateGetter/BooleanCheckStatePutter delegates. This works well unless the user clicks with the mouse exactly between two items; in this case the BooleanCheckStatePutter delegate does not get called although the "nearer" item gets checked/unchecked (Which is kind of bad as I'm no longer in control of the "checkable" items resp. I cannot set actions to the changed check state). Does...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    Just found it; FinishCellEdit seems to do the job.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    Dear fellow OLV'ers, is there a possibility to catch and commit pending CellEdit events when the user closes the parent form e. g. by pressing the form's X-button? TIA & best regards Bernhard

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    This is working quite nicely (Note the missing parentheses), thanks a lot. olv.TopItemIndex = Math.Max(0, (index - olv.RowsPerPage) / 2);

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2012-11-03 08:27:35


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