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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, just to make sure ... I suppose that You plan to keep both branches 6.3x and 6.4x up-to-date and in case You had to decide which branch to discontinue, it would be the 6.3x? Thanks Vranoch

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    finally ... #define TokenType _TokenType #define GetFocus _GetFocus #include "windows.h" ... the purpose sanctifies the means ;-)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, trying to upgrade my 6.3x based code (mixed C/C++) on MVC (Visual C++ 2017) to 6.4x CLIPS sources but I encounter bunch of compilation issues on C++ sources. Namely: 1>d:\projects\erian\local\develop\git\libraries\komix.erian.esc.core\core\scanner.h(70): error C2365: 'TokenType': redefinition; previous definition was 'enumerator' 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\um\winnt.h(10650): note: see declaration of 'TokenType' on any C++ source icluding ATL (atlbase.h)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, what is the situation 6.4? Is it already "stable" or is it still kind of "beta" or so? Thanks Vranoch

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, I noticed another problem when trying to load a very complex rule. It just runs out of memory. It does not seem to fall into an infinite recursion, it just keeps allocating memory during the Reordering phase but seems to explode with growing number of CEs. Despite the fact that this specific rule may not be meaningful, I have the following 2 questions: 1) Isn't there some memory leak causing to consume 10+ Gigs if allowed or is it just a correct behaviour? 2) In case it is not a bug, what...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, I have a guestion concerning performance impacts of the garbage collection when asserting lots of facts before actually executing the rules. Is it more efficient to (allow the GC to be executed only once) : EnvIncrementGCLocks() Loop EnvAssertString() EndLoop EnvDecrementGCLocks() than to (allow the GC to be executed X times - after each Assert)? Loop EnvAssertString() EndLoop Thanks Vranoch

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, could You give me some rough idea how to estimate the expected complexity of the constructed rule to decide whether it is feasible to load in the given form or whether it already exceeds some limit and it should be written in some other way. Namely how to estimate the complexity of nested ORs, EXISTSs and TESTs. Thanks Vranoch (defrule V_if "" (M ?m) (DD ?dd) (DR ?m KD ?kd) (LVAR var1 ?var1) (DR ?m RL K ?k) (exists (or (test (eq ?kd "10")) (or (test (eq ?dd "02")) (test (eq ?dd "99")) )...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language

    Hi Gary, Thanks for the clarification. This construction comes from a logical expression optimizer whose purpose is to reduce the risk of runtime complexity of rules (result of my former post). It converts the original expression to DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form) - (AND (OR) (OR) (OR)) so that it is flat and then tries to reorder individial OR groups and expressions within each OR group and respective catching of facts in such a way that each group is preceded only by necessary facts reducing the...

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2009-04-21 15:36:44


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