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  • Posted a review on AiR-Boot
  • Posted a comment on discussion AiR-BOOT Support on AiR-Boot

    thanks for quick reply. I'm getting more confused the further I go... anyhow: I've re-connected eCs HD, booted eCs, Win, it all boots fine removed the eCs HD, now it works fine...? from Win 10 boot, DiskManagement shows: C: NTFS healthy system boot active primary E: RAW healthy active primary D1 p2 healthy recovery D: CDFS AirBoot 1.07 shows: 01/01 eCs BV (HLP) HPFS 02/02 W10 BV (HLP) NTFS 03/02 unknown but apart from physically connecting/disconnecting IDE HD, I don't think I've done anything.......

  • Posted a comment on discussion AiR-BOOT Support on AiR-Boot

    I have a Win10 system on SATA HD, I've found some old IDE hard drive and wanted to try/see what's there, one had eCs with Airboot. plugged eCs IDE HD on a secondary IDE input, W10 HD on SATA, Centos HD on SATA, 3 HDs in total, SATA/SATA/IDE invoked f12/select HD, selected 3rd HD, booted eCs, all good. removed eCs HD BUT, Win10 won't boot anymore... no boot disk.. ? booted PC from W10USB, tried to fix, nothing found/repaired plugged eCs HD again, f12/select HD, get AirBoot menu, see NTFS hard disk,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    I'm long time user of pfa, many thanks to the devs, great tool! just upgrading to 3.3.8, running setup.php, created new config.local from default by copying just relevant blocks (sql db/user/pwd...) or just lines from previous install, missing templates_c so mkdir templates_c, db upgrades itself, all looking good start up, can login , looks good, BUT when I click overview, button labels load in English (as desired), then, YES / EDIT / DEL flips to YES / EDIT / OF THE and, get Chrome pop up "French/English...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    I just d/l, and, still got this error then, after replacing functions_mediadb.php from your post, fixed it thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    thanks! as it was, in this system,' /var/vmail/' was in SQL 'storagebasedirectory' thanks for the pointers, much appreciated, done (finally...).

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    I have a Postfix/Dovecot/MariaDB on Centos 7 with a dozen virtual domains, I'm running out of space in /var but got space in /home I have users' mail in /var/vmail/vmail1/domain.tld, I want to move vmail tree to a different path, say, /home/vmail/vmail/domain.tld so, I would need to edit MariaDB 'mailbox' to the new path, anything else I'm missing ?? during transition period, can I keep some domains on different path at same time ? domain1.tld as is, /var/vmail/vmail1 domain2.tld on new path /home/vmail/vmail/...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    long time user of postfixadmin, recently the Centos server was upgraded with php 7, updated config.local with 'mysqli' all's good notice my version (or, version checker) was not up to date, 3.2/3.2.4 so, downloaded tar.gz from here, copied my config.local from previous directory, but, got an error: ERROR: the templates_c directory doesn't exist or isn't writeable for the webserver so, copied "templates_c directory" from old directory, now, working well, I think do I need to worry about this templates_c...

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2002-11-01 13:31:23


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