Activity for Victor Gutierrez

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you very much. I did what you suggested and the problem is solved. Regards, Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I have successfully compiled GridLAB-D using ticket 730. Then, I set up Eclipse to run GLM files and everything is going well. The problem is when I try to execute GridLAB-D from the command line interface (DOS). For example, when running the IEEE_4_node.glm file, the following error shows up: WARNING [INIT] : gridlabd.conf was not found ERROR [INIT] : gldcore/module.c(422): module 'powerflow' load failed - "powerflow.dll": The specified module could not be found. IEEE_4_node.glm(8): module...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Frank Thank you very much for your help. In case of succeed I will let you know. Regards, Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Good day. I followed the instructions to run GLM files in Eclipse and it is working properly. Now I am able to create new projects, run them and analyze results. I have the following question since I am not an expert in programming: Is it possible to build the GridLABD.exe file in Eclipse? My point is, if I modify the source code, is it possible to generate the corresponding .exe file in eclipse or do I need to do the same procedure as described when tickets are generated and compile the code by...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank. Thank you very much for your help. I will try to delete any trace of old GridLAB-D versions, including the environmental variables, to see if it works properly, and I hope this fix the problems I am facing. Regards, Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello again. I have tried to compile the latest version of GridLab-D from: and followed the same steps as before. When ran the validation script the same errors appeared and the version is still showing: GridLAB-D 4.0.0-17448 (Keeler) 64-bit WINDOWS RELEASE It seems that the old build of GridLab-D is considered. Do I need to delete the associated directory from PATH, GLPATH and CXXFLAGS? Furthermore, for every new GridLab-D build, Do I need to do...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Frank Thank you very much for your help I have followed the instructions of the page you mention. Also, I was a little confused about the -g option and I figured out the flag needed to be set in the compilation stage of GridLab-D (as stated in the mentioned page). On the other hand, as you mentioned, I had installed GridLab-D in my computer and was removed before I tried again the validation test. As per your response, I have included the --version in the Eclipse parameters and this is the output:...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank Thank you for your response I have installed the Eclipse Version: Photon Release (4.8.0), Build id: 20180619-1200 and I have checked for updates at help>check for updates to be sure I have the most up-to-date copy. However, I don't know how to add a new built repository to the Eclipse Space. I checked the compiler options and found that the -g flag is included in the compiler settings and the name of the built repository is according to the name of my project. By checking the autotest...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I followed the steps described in to run and debug GridLab-D in Eclipse. However, when I try to run and validate the script the following errors appear: Assignment to itself 'V_Out = V_Out' battery.cpp /TestGridVictor/generators line 1810 Code Analysis Problem Field 'gl_create_object' could not be resolved battery.cpp /TestGridVictor/generators line 1942 Semantic Error Field 'gl_find_next' could not be resolved battery.cpp /TestGridVictor/generators...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Now this has more sense for me. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I am running the example dist_sys_voltage_regulator_ldc.glm of the chapter 7 - Advanced_Distribution_Models of the tutorial. Then I tried to get the real and imaginary parts of the house b1m3house by adding the following code: object multi_recorder { name house_1_3; file house_1_3.csv; interval 5; property b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.real, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.imag; } My first question is: I dig into the triplex.cpp file to search for the voltage_1 property...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I am running the example dist_sys_voltage_regulator_ldc.glm of the chapter 7 - Advanced_Distribution_Models of the tutorial. Then I tried to get the real and imaginary parts of the house b1m3house by adding the following code: object multi_recorder { name house_1_3; file house_1_3.csv; interval 5; property b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.real, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.imag; } My first question is: I dig into the triplex.cpp file to search for the voltage_1 property...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I am running the example dist_sys_voltage_regulator_ldc.glm of the chapter 7 - Advanced_Distribution_Models of the tutorial. Then I tried to get the real and imaginary parts of the house b1m3house by adding the following code: object multi_recorder { name house_1_3; file house_1_3.csv; interval 5; property b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.real, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.imag; } My first question is: I dig into the triplex.cpp file to search for the voltage_1 property...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I am running the example dist_sys_voltage_regulator_ldc.glm of the chapter 7 - Advanced_Distribution_Models of the tutorial. Then I tried to get the real and imaginary parts of the house b1m3house by adding the following code: object multi_recorder { name house_1_3; file house_1_3.csv; interval 5; property b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.real, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.imag; } My first question is: I dig into the triplex.cpp file to search for the voltage_1 property...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I am running the example distsysvoltageregulatorldc.glm of the chapter 7 - Advanced_Distribution_Models of the tutorial. Then I tried to get the real and imaginary parts of the house b1m3house by adding the following code: object multi_recorder { name house_1_3; file house_1_3.csv; interval 5; property b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.real, b1m3_house_meter:voltage_1.imag; } My first question is: I dig into the triplex.cpp file to search for the voltage_1 property but...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi Yes, the deadband was too small. I modified it and obtained good results. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi all I have been running some examples regarding the HVAC operation and I have noticed that sometimes the on and off states change very frequently (one or two minutes is on and off). In order to avoid so frequent HVAC activation I have modified the thermal characteristics of the house such as "thermal_integrity_level VERY_GOOD;" and the HVAC continues turning on and off very frequently. My concern is that this do not represent the normal activity of a common HVAC. Furthermore, turning on and off...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Good day I am new in GridLAB-D and currently reading the documentation. In chapter 5 - Loads a file named: residential_load_basics.glm is mentioned. Does anyone have the file available to share with me? Thank you very much in advance. Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on a wiki page

    Good day I am new in GridLAB-D and currently reading the documentation. In chapter 5 - Loads a file named: residential_load_basics.glm is mentioned. Does anyone have the file available to share with me? Thank you very much in advance. Victor

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Good day I have followed the instructions given in and when trying to install Gridlab-D the following error appears: sh-3.1$ make /bin/bash -c "source utilities/build_number . gldcore/build.h" utilities/build_number: line 18: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 19: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 20: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 21: git: command not found /c/users/dr/gridlab-d...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Good day I have followed the instructions given in and when trying to install Gridlab-D the followin error appears: sh-3.1$ make /bin/bash -c "source utilities/build_number . gldcore/build.h" utilities/build_number: line 18: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 19: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 20: git: command not found utilities/build_number: line 21: git: command not found /c/users/dr/gridlab-d...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Prof. Dugan Thank you very much for your response Regards

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello I have the following questions: Searching about the loadshape characteristic to give inputs to the wind turbines I found the file ZavWind.csv, whose values are between 579.602123 and 196.4110273. As far as I understand these values, once normalizad, are multipliers directly applied to the nominal power of the wind turbine in order to model power variability as consequence of different wind speeds. However, I would like to know what the units are for these values. How were they obtained? And...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello I have the following questions: Searching about the loadshape characteristic to give inputs to the wind turbines I found the file ZavWind.csv, whose values are between 579.602123 and 196.4110273. As far as I understand these values, once normalizad, are multipliers directly applied to the nominal power of the wind turbine in order to model power variability as consequence of different wind speeds. However, I would like to know what the units are for these values. How were they obtained? And...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I'm trying to implement an OPF in Matlab using the COM interface including batteries...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you very much

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Furthermore, could you give some clue about accessing a load by its name?

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hello I have the following questions: When loads are defined in the text file, it...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you for your response but I don't think this is the problem, the code you included...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi All I have been testing in Matlab the different options regulators have using...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you very much for your response. It helps a lot. Regards

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hello I am trying to build an OPF program in matlab by using a loop between matlab...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Dugan Could you please explain to us how the neutral/ground current in a wye grounded...

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you very much for your prompt response. Regards.

  • Victor Gutierrez Victor Gutierrez posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi I have some questions regarding the results obtained from OpenDSS: Using the Export...