Activity for victor sas

  • victor sas victor sas modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello everybody. I have a problem, I want to communicate two or more esp8266s with a S71200 PLC and write a DB, my code works and communicates but sometimes it returns an error 0x003 errTCPDataRecvTout. The Esp8266 detects the error, disconnects and reconnects without problem, but in that period of time I lose communication. I have thought that maybe it is because according to Siemens the S71200 only supports one PG connection at a time and by default the settimino library communicates as a PG with...

  • victor sas victor sas posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello everybody. I have a problem, I want to communicate two or more esp8266s with a S71200 PLC and write a DB, my code works and communicates but sometimes it returns an error 0x003 errTCPDataRecvTout. The Esp8266 detects the error, disconnects and reconnects without problem, but in that period of time I lose communication. I have thought that maybe it is because according to Siemens the S71200 only supports one PG connection at a time and by default the settimino library communicates as a PG with...