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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    I recently inquired about the differentiation in the architecture of MapR and Cloudera. In my query, I used the terms "architecture" and "infrastructure" interchangeably. Is this usage correct? To provide context, MapR and Cloudera are Hadoop distributions, each integrating various daemons that interact in different ways. When referring to infrastructure/architecture, I mean the daemons, their functionalities, and the interconnections among them. I discovered a resource that can aid learners. What...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    I'm presently exploring a position as a software engineer in one of the large software firms (Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc.), where I'd eventually like to work on product development, but I'm concerned going directly for that sort of job would be pretty difficult. So I'm curious what others think about this type of action. I presently work as a software developer and am considering making this move: starting as an escalation engineer to establish myself, and then moving on to product development....

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    For example, my server handle a request cost 5 seconds, but the client stop waiting and cancel this request in 2 seconds, the 3 seconds left would be a waste, how can server know that and stop the handling process? And I'm using Java Spring, is it possible to do this? And If not, is there any good way to handle this case of waste caused by client cancelling?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    Hello! I had the opportunity to read a fascinating article on DBMS architecture. For those who haven't checked it out yet, you can find it here: Architecture of DBMS. The article provides an insightful overview of DBMS architecture, delving into various aspects like data storage, query processing, and transaction management. As I was going through it, a few questions and thoughts sparked in my mind, and I'm excited to discuss them with this knowledgeable community. Discussion Points: Data Storage...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    To redirect the compile logs from DEV C++ to a text file with your custom format, you can follow these steps: Create a text file: Create a new text file named "compile_logs.txt" in the same directory as your DEV C++ project files. Modify the project settings: Open the project settings in DEV C++ and navigate to the "Compiler" options. Under the "Output" section, enable the "Redirect output to file" option and specify the "compile_logs.txt" file as the output destination. Customize the output format:...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    Hello, Recently, I came across a thought-provoking article discussing the differences between Java and JavaScript. Java and JavaScript, despite sharing similar names, are distinct programming languages serving different purposes. I found the article to be quite insightful, but as I dive deeper into both languages, I'm encountering a few specific areas where I'd love to hear from this knowledgeable community: Language Paradigms: The article touched on how Java is a class-based, object-oriented language,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    I am trying to use the Symfony Framework to create a web application from this resource, but I am having trouble with the following: // Symfony route $app->match('/', function () { return new Response('Hello, World!'); }); When I access the route in my browser, I get the following error: Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server. I have made sure that the app.php file is in the correct directory and that it is executable. I have also tried restarting my server, but I am still getting...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dev-C++

    Hello! I stumbled upon a treasure trove of HTML interview questions online, a resource that tests your understanding of HTML markup and its applications. To challenge our skills and enhance our knowledge, I've prepared a set of questions inspired by the content online. Challenge Questions: Basic HTML Tags: What is the purpose of the <DOCTYPE> declaration in HTML? Explain the difference between <div> and <span> tags in HTML. HTML Attributes: How do you define links in HTML? Explain the significance...

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