Thanks Joao. I think this really gives me a way to test things further. Thanks a lot!! (I guess it was just logical that I was not the first to face this conundrum)
Thanks, Peter. This "workaround" have we already tried, and it works. The point is that we would very much like to adhere to the IFC standard PSets.Xcommon so our goal is to be able to extract the info from the source we want and not from the one Revit forces us to... Is it somewhat possible?
Hello. Regarding the Mapping from Revit "into" the common PSets, is there a way to override the hardcoded "builtin parameter" mapping? I mean, i.e. I would like the PSet.WallCommon FireRating to go into the IFC4 from an Instance Parameter instead of from the family parameter, but I can not find a way to override it using the PSet.txt and the Map.txt files. And furthermore, where can I find the mentioned "reference table" of all these hardcoded built in parameter mappings? Thanks in advance!!