User Activity

  • Modified a comment on discussion doxygen-users on Doxygen

    Hello, I'm new to Doxygen and I want to start using it for generating documentation for an SDK project that is written in both C++ and Java. The problem that I'm facing is that there are multiple modules for each platform. For Java, I have several src folders and when I choose the sourde directory I can only choose one. How can I generate a single Doxygen documentation that includes all modules?

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on Doxygen
  • Posted a comment on discussion doxygen-users on Doxygen

    Hello, I'm new to Doxygen and I want to start using it for generating documenation for an SDK project that is written in both C++ and Java. The problem that I'm facing is that there are multiple modules foe each platform. For Java, I have several src folders and when I choose the sourde directory I can only choose one. How can I generate a single Doxygen documentation that includes all modules?

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on Doxygen

    Hello, I'm new to Doxygen and I want to start using it for generating documenation for an SDK project that is written in both C++ and Java. The problem that I'm facing is that there are multiple modules foe each platform. For Java, I have several src folders and when I choose the sourde directory I can only choose one. How can I generate a single Doxygen documentation that includes all modules?

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2019-01-09 12:58:59


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