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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    All fixed. Either that or I've simply forced the system to behave how I want :-) Found the answer on All I had to do was delete the ~/.config/menus directory in my home directory and all my menu items in AHRL and Ham Radio came back. Apparently xfce looks there for menu customizations before defaulting to the /usr/share or /usr/local/share directories for menus. I knew it had to be something simple like that, but just didn't know where to look. So I learned...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Hi Andy, me again... After upgrading from 25 to 25a, comparing application launcher menus between the default xubuntu user (whom I haven't deleted yet) and my own personal account, I noticed some items missing from mine, particularly from the Ham Radio menu, I suspect due to my past customizations, whether purposeful or accidental, I can't say. My upgrade process is to leave my /home directory (located on a separate physical volume from the OS) intact, and only format the OS partition from 2 versions...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Hi Andy, My "newest" (if you can call is that) computer is my circa 2015 Asus TP300L laptop. It's an i5 (not i7) but it's the best I've got, so I gave it a whirl with the AHRL Live USB, and whadaya know, SDRangel works! So, there's something to your statement about needing a newer computer. ...except that.... When I install SDRangel myself on AHRL, downloading the .deb package from the SDRangel site and installing with gdebi, it gets installed to the /bin directory, and works pretty well as far as...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Same problem here: clicking the SDRangel link in the menu does nuthin', and typing sdrangel at the command line produces "Illegal instruction (core dumped)". After poking around in the /bin directory I came to the conclusion that SDRangel has gone MIA, so I downloaded the deb package from and installed it. Works like a charm :-) Sorry for not mentioning this before 25a came out :-(

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Hi Andy Your instructions are likely more thorough than the ones I found at the link I provided in my original post, in that I did not purge anything, nor did I re-install CQRLog. I read there that installing MariaDB automatically removes MySQL. You can actually see this happening in the terminal screen. The exact command that I used was: sudo apt-get install mariadb-client-10.6 mariadb-server-core-10.6 mariadb-server-10.6 libssl-dev On an unrelated note, one minor change that I had to make in CQRLog...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Hi Andy, Upgrading from 24e to 25 'broke' my CQRLog. The MySQL Database error messages are shown in the attachment. The fix is to replace MySQL with MariaDB, as described here in the CQRLog Forum: CQRLog is working again. Should MariaDB be incorporated into the next release of AHRL, or have I done something wrong?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    Hi Terry, Did you by chance do the install by selecting "Install Ubuntu" versus "Try Ubuntu" in Step 7 of the Getting Started guide? I noticed that going directly to the "Install Ubuntu" option does not present me with the option to use the fix_account script, but if I "Try Ubuntu" first and then install from within the live medium session, I get the the choice to "Continue Testing" or "Reboot." My issue came later, in Step 18, in that when I tried to "sudo chroot /target" I received the error "chroot:...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

    I just realized that I should have posted this in Help rather than Open Discussion. Sorry about that. I should also have mentioned that I'm running v24 dated May 16, 2020. I know just enough about Linux to be dangerous to myself. Permissions seem correct to me, so if you don't mind, I'll ask you to double-check them for me. I've attached a screenshot so you can see the colours. In similar fashion as above, all deeper subdirectories are drwxrwxrwx, and files are -rw-rw-rw-.

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2021-08-29 22:24:19


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