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  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Lukasz: Well, I don't know why they opted to delete the database. Yea, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and am generally happy with it. I fought with the reinstall for about a half a day and gave up. Now I've gotta investigate and see that the authors of Ubuntu actually wrote postfixadmin :o) GingerDog: Yea, the idea was to purge MariaDB and THEN reinstall MySql. I removed the MySql repository and reloaded it . . . It didn't work. I gave up. It's all good now. MySql is installed and I wrote my own postfix/dovecot...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Simon: All I did was to install postfixadmin. It did not ask if I wanted the database removed. It did not warn or mention anything about my database. It just deleted the mysql server and made it so that I could not reinstall MySql. I uninstalled 'purged' MariaDB and uninstalled postfixadmin and STILL couldn't reinstall MySql. I had to do a complete rebuild of the server to get out of it. Lukasz Wasikowski : For evil to excel all that is needed is for good men/women to do nothing. Their installation...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    Simon you assume that I (idiot) don't have a backup? Of course I do. There is absolutely NO excuse for an admin convenience app to remove a database server on installation. That's ludicrous and I think malicious on the authors' part. I'm wondering what other audacious things they'd do to my server. I'm thinking I should leave amateur to amateurs and just write the damn thing myself.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Postfix Admin Discussion on PostfixAdmin

    I just attempted to install PostFixAdmin on a VPS running Ubuntu 20.04. I had a MySql database FULL of client data. I installed PostFixAdmin (it failed) and guess what - it UNINSTALLED MySql and DELETED ALL MY DATA!! WITHOUT WARNING!! I want to know who the moron was that decided this installation needed to delete the mysql server and any data that it held. You are TOO STUPID to be a software programmer!!

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2021-11-29 20:15:10


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