User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #513 on BRL-CAD

    Fixed several issues with the patch from typos to actual coding errors. There are still compile warnings but at least it compiles.

  • Modified ticket #553 on BRL-CAD

    OpenCL Patch for HYP primitive

  • Modified ticket #543 on BRL-CAD

    ARBN patch with OpenCL changes

  • Modified ticket #461 on BRL-CAD

    OpenCL code for HYP primitive

  • Modified ticket #490 on BRL-CAD

    OpenCL code for ARBN primitive

  • Modified ticket #489 on BRL-CAD

    OpenCL code for HYP primitive

  • Modified ticket #477 on BRL-CAD

    OpenCL code for SUPERELL primitive

  • Posted a comment on ticket #518 on BRL-CAD

    This patch does not allocate or pass the pipe data properly. Neither does the other PIPE patch. I will give you a clue. You can't pass pointers to OpenCL. This might work if you run on a CPU with shared memory. But on a GPU with a separate memory addressing space it will fail hard. You need to serialize the data structure and pass it to the OpenCL compute device.

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Personal Data

2005-04-27 00:37:01


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