User Activity

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    Developer guide

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    Developer guide

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    Installing on Ubuntu

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    These notes describe how to work with, or contribute to the development version of the QWWAD source code. This is not "stable" software, and should be assumed to contain many errors - please do not this version for important simulations!! If you wish to use the latest stable version of QWWAD, please see the guide for [installing on Ubuntu] (recommended) or [installing from a package]. Install dependencies Before working with the source code, you will need to install all relevant dependencies. Please...

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    These notes describe how to work with, or contribute to the development version of the QWWAD source code. This is not "stable" software, and should be assumed to contain many errors - please do not this version for important simulations!! If you wish to use the latest stable version of QWWAD, please see the guide for [installing on Ubuntu] (recommended) or [installing from a package]. Install dependencies Before working with the source code, you will need to install all relevant dependencies. Please...

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    Installing from a package

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    ARC installation

  • Modified a wiki page on Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

    Installing from a package

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Personal Data

2010-03-08 11:49:29
Britain (UK) / BST


This is a list of open source software projects that Alex Valavanis is associated with:


This is a list of skills that Alex Valavanis possesses:

  • C++
  • C
  • AWK
  • Fortran
  • C#
  • LabVIEW
  • Python
  • Unix Shell
  • GTK+
  • Command-line

Personal Tools