I want to suggest adding RGB LED WS2812B 5050
I suggest adding a icon to the project and making a version for windows without a bat file
I suggest adding a icon to the project and making a version for windows without a bat file
glcd8544_p18f2550.asm The 195 string simulator hangs out
-> dmesg | grep tty -> sudo zypper in socat Terminal1 -> socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0 N PTY is /dev/pts/1 N PTY is /dev/pts/2 N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5] Terminal2 -> cat < /dev/pts/1 Terminal3 -> echo "test vcom" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo "A" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo -en "\x41" > /dev/pts/2 -> gtkterm ( /dev/pts/2) Can not create lockfile: Denied access
-> dmesg | grep tty -> sudo zypper in socat Terminal1 -> socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0 N PTY is /dev/pts/1 N PTY is /dev/pts/2 N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5] Terminal2 -> cat < /dev/pts/1 Terminal3 -> echo "test vcom" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo "A" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo -en "\x41" > /dev/pts/2 -> gtkterm ( /dev/pts/2) Can not create lockfile: Denied access
-> dmesg | grep tty -> sudo zypper in socat Terminal1 -> socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0 N PTY is /dev/pts/1 N PTY is /dev/pts/2 N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5] Terminal2 -> cat < /dev/pts/1 Terminal3 -> echo "test vcom" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo "A" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo -en "\x41" > /dev/pts/2 -> gtkterm ( /dev/pts/2) Can not create lockfile: Denied access
-> dmesg | grep tty -> sudo zypper in socat Terminal1 -> socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0 N PTY is /dev/pts/1 N PTY is /dev/pts/2 N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5] Terminal2 -> cat < /dev/pts/1 Terminal3 -> echo "test vcom" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo "A" > /dev/pts/2 -> echo -en "\x41" > /dev/pts/2 -> gtkterm ( /dev/pts/2) Can not create lockfile: Denied access