User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Hello guys, If the Audeze software would send OSC messages (like the OSC tracker reads: then things would be simple. It would also be worth the trouble to build a custom protocol, if the Audeze community was bigger. Unfortunately my health also does not enable me to do much...

  • Posted a comment on discussion faceAPI Tracker on facetracknoir

    A strange solution for a strange error ;)

  • Posted a review on Outlook Mail Merge Attachment
  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    You will probably have to 'enable trackIR' or something similar in the Flight Simulator settings.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    That's correct: for MSFS2020 you can select the FreeTrack protocol.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Hello Feifan, That's an old problem which luckily does not surface that often. It usually has to do with Visual Studio redistribution problems. Unfortunately, I cannot do much to resolve it. Some messages on the internet suggest re-installing Windows....

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you press START? It may help, if you start FaceTrackNoIR 'As administrator'. Does the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR show the video stream properly?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on facetracknoir

    Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you press START? Does the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR show the video stream properly?

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Personal Data

2010-05-24 15:21:40


This is a list of open source software projects that Wim Vriend is associated with:

  • Project Logo facetracknoir Headtracking program that makes gaming more fun. Last Updated:

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