Activity for Wim Vriend

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello guys, If the Audeze software would send OSC messages (like the OSC tracker reads: then things would be simple. It would also be worth the trouble to build a custom protocol, if the Audeze community was bigger. Unfortunately my health also does not enable me to do much...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion faceAPI Tracker

    A strange solution for a strange error ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a review on Outlook Mail Merge Attachment

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    You will probably have to 'enable trackIR' or something similar in the Flight Simulator settings.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's correct: for MSFS2020 you can select the FreeTrack protocol.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Feifan, That's an old problem which luckily does not surface that often. It usually has to do with Visual Studio redistribution problems. Unfortunately, I cannot do much to resolve it. Some messages on the internet suggest re-installing Windows....

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion Help

    Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you press START? It may help, if you start FaceTrackNoIR 'As administrator'. Does the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR show the video stream properly?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you press START? Does the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR show the video stream properly?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK. If the tracker is faceAPI and you press start, then you should see the video-widget showing your face. Is that OK? If that works and the digits are changing, you are half way there...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Please visit this page:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion Help

    Which options do you see, when you click the Tracker combobox? Can you post a screenshot?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Which options do you see, when you click the Tracker combobox?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Which options do you have in the tracker combobox? If you do not see the faceAPI tracker, like on this page: then the installation procedure was not completed successfully. Did you install the PluginPack to the same location as the core program?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    And you intend to use your webcam, for facetracking? Then you should select the faceAPI tracker and the FreeTrack protocol.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Joe, Ok, so you have re-installed the software. Which game do you want to use FaceTrackNoIR with? And is it correct that you want to use the face-tracker, to track you track your head?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you follow the installation instructions: ? After installing the PluginPack, you can select (for instance) the faceAPI tracker.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Aha: that clouded my view ;). When you open the faceAPI settings dialog, can you select the webcam? BTW: of course you must close the webcam utility, before pressing START or the video-stream will be locked...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Alex, Does the webcam utility show moving video? The screenshot you attached seems a bit grey?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    That's a coincidence: I was just typing an answer too. Fingers crossed that it stays that way. Can you also post a screenshot of the dialog when the connection works properly?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Well, the one to the right is ;) The things that catch my eye: the screen-dimensions are not displayed (correctly) and (therefore?) 'connected' is un-checked. I think the plugin has problems detecting your screen dimensions: what kind of screen(s) do you have? I do recall an issue with this, but I'm not sure if and how it was solved...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Can you post a screenshot of the Tobii settings dialog?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Dominique, To start, you should follow the installation instructions for FaceTrackNoIR: Note: if you only intend to use the Tobii tracker, yo do now have to install the PluginPack, but you can separately install the Tobii 5 plugin (from here: For Falcon BMS, I think using the FreeTrack protocol suffices. You may have to 'enable headtracking' in the game-settings...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Mind you, there were other users who stated that a similar problem was caused by the fact that they had first installed the pluginpack and then the separate Tobii plugin. Maybe you can try removing the luginpack and the try this method?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    I'm actually not sure if the version is really the issue. It seems to me that the 'connected' checkbox should also be checked for correct operation. Of course, this is not a user-setting, but an indicator... At this moment, I don't know why it would not connect.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Max, Can you look in the tracker Settings-dialog? It should show the status of the connection.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Neil, Does Tobii indeed not work, when the NPClient64 DLL is found by MSFS? I wasn't aware of that. Apparently MSFS tries to find the DLL and if it was found, it assumes that the TrackIR interface must be used. Unfortunately there is no way for me to avoid that. Instead of deleting the DLL, I would recommend you to rename it. That way you can more easily restore it, when you want to play other games...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hi again. It looks like you have an older version of the tracker plugin. Did you get it here: ?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Gabriel, Train Simulator should indeed work: all you need to do in FaceTrackNoIR is select the FreeTrack protocol. No need to fiddle with the CSV file. Of course, it may be necessary to 'enable TrackIR' in the game settings? This varies per game, so I'm not sure where you should find that...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Pepega, Sorry, my health kept me from my computer for a while... It's hard to say, what the problem can be, since you are using the Tobii5 tracker. Normally, the connection is stable and then tracking should always be good. When you open the tracker settings window, what do you see? Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoiR?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion UDP

    Hello Travis, I'm glad you like the Tobii tracker! Before your post, I had never heard of the NLR Motion V3 :) It does look interesting, though I think sea-sickness would be my first concern... You say that the motion software is able to send UDP messages: do you have any documentation describing this? I assume that the software uses information from the game to send commands to the Motion actuators?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I understand that you have problems showing FaceTrackNoIR after you start it, using the desktop shortcut? I assume that you have followed the installation instructions, mentioned here: to the letter? Perhaps you can try un-installing FaceTrackNoIR and then retry the installation procedure. It may be vital for you to run the installers 'As administrator' too.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Excuse me, Breno ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Hello Bruno, That's the beauty of FacePoseApp: all the facetracking computations are performed on the phone. So indeed: the CPU of your PC is much less burdened when you use FacePoseApp.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK: thanks for the feedback. BTW, for others: the link is:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you follow the installation procedure to the letter? You can find it here:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on ticket #42

    I'm not sure, what you mean. In some games you will stare at the headrest, when you rotate your head too far in the yaw-angle. The 'peak around the headrest' feature is exactly what the name suggests: a way to move the head to the left/right (x-translation angle), when a certain yaw-angle is exceeded. So, pitch is not involved.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on ticket #42

    thanks for the immediate response but how i will disable Pitch peek can you help us i know where is the keyboard shortcut but in the area "peek sound the headrest" there is nothing connect with pitch thanks in advance

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on ticket #42

    You can enable/disable that using the Keyboard shortcuts dialog:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on ticket #42

    if that is your answer pls advise me on how to disable the" check my six view" when my neck is out of limit

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on ticket #42

    Some games (I'm not sure about IL2) limit the pitch angle themselves. Their developers say that a human neck cannot move that far and I think they are right (certainly true for me, due to arthritis...)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Matthias, Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after you have pressed Start? Maybe something catches my eye (no pun intended ;) Like I mentioned before: for Farming you need the FreeTrack protocol and in the Farming game-settings you must 'enable TrackIR' (or something similar). If you see the 'man in black' move, then you are at least halfway.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion PointTracker

    Some users use software like ManyCam, to relay video from 'incompatible sources' to FaceTrackNoIR. Maybe something like that can help you? BTW: I usually recommend using a (modified) PS3Eye webcam for face-tracking and IR-tracking. It is really cheap and performs very well!

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion PointTracker

    Some users use software like ManyCam, so relay video from 'incompatible sources' to FaceTrackNoIR. Maybe something like that can help you? BTW: I usually recommend using a (modified) PS3Eye webcam for face-tracking and IR-tracking. It is really cheap and performs very well!

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Eike, I don't know which protocol Tobii uses to implement this functionality. The slider you mention, is it in MSFS?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    In MSFS with tobii only you can look left right up down with your eyes and there is a slider to adjust the amount of eyetracking

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion PointTracker

    I'm not at all sure if the Kinect IR camera is a WDM compatible device. When you open the FaceTrackNoIR webcam utility, do you see it? PointTracker uses DirectX to access the webcam. If it's not there, then apparently it's not compatible?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Bill, Thanks for your questions and for answering it ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Elke, FaceTrackNoIR and Tobii both support eye-tracking (gaze position) as you noticed. However, MSFS does not use this information. Which movement did you expect MSFS would perform, when the gazepoint changes?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Paul, If you are looking for the cheapest solution, then I think you already have it: the PS3Eye webcam combined with FaceTrackNoIR. Is the facetracking option with faceAPI not sufficient for you?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion PointTracker

    Did you also try FaceTrackNoIR?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Paul, Thanks for the feedback. Did you also try the EyeX version of the tracker plugin for FaceTrackNoIR? With that, the gaze-position is used to move the head. It's not strange that older hardware does not support headtracking: Tobii introduced that later in time (after I suggested it ;) The headtracker code resides inside the firmware, so it either works, or it does not I'm afraid..

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Paul, I'm not sure what the 4L model exactly is. From what year is that? Does it precede the EyeX? The first Tobii tracker plugin I created was for the EyeX model. It only supported gaze-tracking and we made it work using 3 algorithms. Did you try that? You can still find the EyeX tracker plugin here: You may have to remove newer versions of the plugin to make it work.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    A question for FacePoseApp users: we have upgraded FacePoseApp to use the latest v9.1b4 Visage tracker. We think the tracker is more accurate. Of course, we would like to be sure and ask you to test it for us. If you want to, please send me PM in this forum.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you have purchased the core program, you should have an e-mail confirmation (of both Paypal and E-Junkie). You can use the e-mail address of the vendor, to contact us.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Thanks again for your feedback. I'm always willing to help a happy customer ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    OK, time for some good news: the guilty one was arrested! Apparently the Android Proguard system (which is only used on release builds) caused a problem. This problem caused FacePoseApp to crash on startup... We have fixed the problem and released the new 1.4.5 version of FacePoseApp. This version should be stable. If you still experience problems, please check the app version (Settings/Apps/FacePoseApp) and make sure it is the latest version...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Thanks for your feedback: I'm glad that at least you have a working version again :). Did you use the method described in the link I posted? Or did you use another?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    hanks for your feedback: I'm glad that at least you have a working version again :). Did you use the method described in the link I posted? Or did you use another?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    A temporary fix may be, to uninstall the updates you recently installed for FacePoseApp. A description of the procedure can be found here: Could you try that?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Hello W.I. , Indeed: the update (and the fix for it) are broken. On our test-system it works fine, but when released, it does not. I now suspect that the usage of 'third party libraries' (in this case, the Visage tracker) is somehow blocked in the new target. We are trying to fix the problem, but unfortunately reverting to the previous stable version is not supported by Google :(

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just a remark: the webcam utility must be closed, before pressing Start on the main screen. It occupies the video-stream otherwise...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Inertial Head Tracker

    Please let us know your findings ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Inertial Head Tracker

    Hello Bhargu, I'm not familiar with BLE. However, when searching the internet I do see USB adapters which claim to support BLE. Wouldn't that suffice? I have tested the HAT communication with a 'normal Bluetooth' adapter, which creates a COM-interface FaceTrackNoIR can use. I suppose the BLE dongle can also do that?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, thanks for your update. I can't seem to stress it enough: face-tracking requires (very) good light :)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, thanks for your update. I can't seem to stress it enough: face-tracking required (very) good light :)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Mark, If you minimize FaceTrackNoIR, the box should not be visible at all. I suppose you do not want to see FaceTrackNoIR, when you are in your game?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Wenceslao, Which MS Flight sim do you have? Are you using the FreeTrack protocol, or SimConnect?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for checking the CPU-load. I did experiment with Neural Network tracking a bit myself earlier and I do see the potential. In fact, the Visage trackers used in FacePoseApp also support this. Did you also try IR-tracking?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Anirban, Sorry for the late reply: we've had a short break and now I'm struggling to get started again ;-). Like you have experienced, it can be difficult for a face-tracker to find a face, when specific objects like a big beard or prescribed spectacles obscure the facial features. However, most users do not have the problems you mention. It may be possible to add another tracker like AItrack to FaceTrackNoIR (since it's modular). However, any face-tracker may experience the problems you described....

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Eric, Thanks for your suggestion: devs can't know everything, so users helping users is an important addition!

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Steve, No the watermark is not present in the video faceAPI uses to search your face. BTW it actually reads 'non-commercial' but the window is too narrow ... The most likely reason for faceAPI not to find your face is the light. Make sure there are no light-sources to the side(s) or back and assure that your face is illuminated from the front.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, good that you figured it out by yourself :). The peripherals are detected using directX, so using a USB hub might disturb things? You could try connecting (one of) them directly, just to verify that?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Mors, Thanks for your compliments ;) Like you said: you should do this using the Shortkeys (see You can setup a shortkey for Start/Stop tracking and you can also define to keep the position, or reset it to zero. You can also define if the tracker should completely stop , or continue tracking in the background. Does this not work as expected?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    After installing the PluginPack it will be up-to-date (v202 build #0011).

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Henri-Paul, People may of course share their settings, but IMO the curves are a very personal thing. You can read how to tweak them yourself here:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    FaceTrackNoIR does not have to be installed in the folder of the game. It's best to just keep the default installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Abbequerque Inc\FaceTrackNoIR_v200). Both the core program and the PluginPack must be installed to the same folder (as the installation procedure states. The core program searches for plugin-DLLs in its installation folder (and nowhere else).

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you really install the PluginPack to the same folder as the core program? When installed correctly, the faceAPI tracker and FreeTrack protocol DLLs are in the same folder and are selectable in the Main window.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you install the PluginPack, as instructed?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Steve, OK, I think you want to use the webcam to track your face? Then you should select 'faceAPI' as 'Tracker' instead of UDP. What game do you want to use facetracking in? You should probably select the FreeTrack protocol (it works for most games). It may also be smart to watch some video(s) on Youtube regarding the usage of FaceTrackNoIR in specific games.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Steve, First, you should follow the installation procedure as described here:

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Rob, Did you try the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR? It should show the video-stream of your webcam. BTW. The text actually reads 'non-commercial use' bu the widget is too narrow... There are a few 'known issues' about the access to the webcam (see

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    I will look into it and send you a PM, when I have something you can test ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Tobii eyetrackers

    Hello Gavin, Matthew, I suppose this could be added to the UDP protocol, since the data is present and should only have to be relayed. I will look into this!

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Thomas, Can you post a screenshot of FaceTrackNoIR, after pressing START? BTW: You did close the webcam utility, I presume? It cannot run whilst also tracking ...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Kize, For most games, among which ETS2 for example, you must use the FreeTrack protocol. Did you select that (since you mention Vjoy?) ? Can you post a screenshot of the main window of FaceTrackNoIR?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Jeremy, Many games which support TrackIR are also immediately supported by FaceTrackNoIR. have you tried it? The only thing missing would be the description in the Main window, but it may function anyway?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Lawrence: does it work now?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Inertial Head Tracker

    Maybe there is some kind of utility program that let's you monitor all incoming serial data?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Inertial Head Tracker

    And what kind of device are you using to receive the data? An USB serial device? If you want to use the HAT tracker, the data should be sent in the format: // Arduino frame structure #pragma pack(push,2) struct TArduinoData { quint16 Begin; // Header trame 0xAAAA; quint16 Code; // 0-999 = TRACKING (+frame counter), 1000-1999 = CALIBRATING (+frame counter) float Rot[3]; float Trans[3]; quint16 End; // End trame 0x5555; } ; #pragma pack(pop) But you probably know that already ;)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Inertial Head Tracker

    Hello Ranko, Your Nano program should (of course) send the data. Can you share the code you use to do that? Do you have a USB bluetooth device, to receive the data on your PC-side?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Lawrence, I'm not sure what you mean: there is no unZIPping required in the process. Please follow the installation instructions to the letter :)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, do you see the videostream when you use the webcam utility of FaceTrackNoIR? Can you post a screenshot?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion faceAPI Tracker

    Hello Rene, At this moment: no. You are actually the very first user requesting this :-)

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion faceAPI Tracker

    This may happen, when both webcams are exactly the same, so when disabling 'the other webcam' the chosen webcam is also disabled? If you start FaceTrackNoIR and START the tracker (with only one camera plugged in), you can plugin the other one and use it for streaming?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    I'm sorry that you are not satisfied with the fact that FacePoseApp only sends the resulting 6DOF (from the Visage face-tracker) to FaceTrackNoIR and no other info. From performance point-of-view this seemed the most efficient solution to me. When you are flying in your simulator (or playing another game with headtracking) you would probably not be interested in all facial points the tracker uses IMO.

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend posted a comment on discussion faceAPI Tracker

    Hello Tristan, This page on our website describes possible causes for the '-13' error: What kind of webcam do you have?

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Hello Clayton, The Visage tracker, which is the engine of FacePoseApp, tracks some 20 facial points to determine the position of the head (and face). This headpose (consisting of 6 numbers, representing the 6 'degrees of freedom') is sent to FaceTrackNoIR. For simplicity, only the position of the eyes is indicated in the video. In fact, this is precisely the same functionality as that of the webcam-trackers. The large advantage of FacePoseApp is that the tracking (which is a CPU-intense job) is done...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Hello Clayton, The Visage tracker, which is the engine of FacePoseApp, tracks some 20 facial points to determine the position of the head (and face). This headpose (consisting of 6 numbers, representing the 6 'degrees of freedom') is sent to FaceTrackNoIR. For simplicity, only the position of the eyes is indicated in the video. In fact, this is precisely the same functionality as that of the webcam-trackers. The large advantage of FacePoseApp is that the tracking (which is a CPU-intense job) is done...

  • Wim Vriend Wim Vriend modified a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker

    Hello Clayton, The Visage tracker, which is the engine of FacePoseApp, tracks some 20 facial points to determine the position of the head (and face). This headpose (consisting of 6 numbers, representing the 6 'degrees of freedom') is sent to FaceTrackNoIR. In fact, this is precisely the same functionality as that of the webcam-trackers. The large advantage of FacePoseApp is that the tracking (which is a CPU-intense job) is done by the smartphone instead of the PC. You are correct: FacePoseApp does...

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