User Activity

  • Imported Code on quantum-script
  • Imported Files on quantum-script
  • Imported Files on xyo cloud
  • Posted a comment on ticket #7 on EncFSMP

    Hello fellow citizen, I managed after some struggle with msys2 and mingw64 to rebuilt...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #7 on EncFSMP

    One more observation! For the moment i think it's not a problem for off_t, because...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #7 on EncFSMP

    I found a small problem in file fs_layer.cpp , line 610 , should be (static_cast<uintmax_t>(findFileData.nFileSizeHigh)...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #7 on EncFSMP

    I fount a small problem in file fs_layer.cpp , line 610 , should be (static_cast<uintmax_t>(findFileData.nFileSizeHigh)...

  • Created ticket #7 on EncFSMP

    Problem with files over 2GB

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Personal Data

2008-01-09 14:49:27


This is a list of open source software projects that Grigore Stefan is associated with:

  • quantum-script C++ embebed scripting language, prototype based Last Updated:
  • xyo cloud   Last Updated:
  • xyo cms   Last Updated:

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