Activity for K.L.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1220]

    Work\othello: added preset of nes.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1219]

    Updated xiugirls domain name.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1218]

    Plugin of tuyimm added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1217]

    Plugin of xiugirls based on version 5.26.10 added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1216]

    HoverZomm 5.26.10 committed.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1215]

    Chrome.HoverZoom folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1214]

    Transfer: added mutex for sock writing.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1213]

    Transfer: host parse added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1212]

    Transfer: input thread added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1211]

    Transfer.cpp: created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1210]

    BridgeClient.cpp: disabled message data print to avoid beep.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1209]

    makeAnimation implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1208]

    first commit.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1207]

    HeartProject folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1206]

    markVideo added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1205]

    enhanced abbr_map.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1204]

    refined panMapTf.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1203]

    refined panMapTf.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1202]

    panCompareTf implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1201]

    locateAndMark added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1200]

    slideCompare added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1199]

    straighten thumb added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1198]

    refined double compare position.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1197]

    findFocusRange added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1196]

    double compare added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1195]

    measureKeyboradWave implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1194]

    first commit.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1193]

    KeyboardLocation folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1192]

    append some abbr.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1191]

    added last_line.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1190]

    first commit.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1189]

    CodeBatchEditor folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1188]

    removed and ignored .suo file.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1187]

    updated project setting for VC 14.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1186]

    BridgeClient.cpp: fixed session end condition.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1185]

    TcpBridge: use base64 encoding for data transmission.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1184]

    + Base64Helper added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1183]

    updated Changelog.txt

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1182]

    Download clicker added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1181]

    tab.js: added date in log.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1180]

    background.js: remove failed url.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1179]

    background.js: record url history when success.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1178]

    tab.js: run capturer when dom changed.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1177]

    popup.js: fixed loop item closure issue.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1176]

    tab.js: search all src urls.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1175]

    Added option of download path.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1174]

    background.js: download url implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1173]

    first commit.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1172]

    ChromeScheduledCapturer folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1171]

    updated TcpBridge.vcxproj.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1170]

    main: added option of log_level.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1169]

    BridgeServer: added error catch for boost::system::error_code.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1168]

    BridgeServer: refined default interval.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1167]

    TcpBridgeCatcher: fixed log level.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1166]

    fixed TcpBridgeCatcher.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1165]

    TcpBridgeCatcher: implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1164]

    TcpBridge: merged TcpClientBridge and TcpServerBridge.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1163]

    TcpServerBridgePitcher: implemented.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1162]

    fixed building of VC14.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1161]

    TcpBridge/TcpClient: send password.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1160]

    TcpBridge: TcpClient added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1159]

    TcpBridge: TcpServer added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1158]

    TcpBridge: projects setup.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r222]

    Source/atom added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r221]

    folder of gdata added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r220] refined othello.Game.prototype...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1157]

    refined comparing.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1156]

    hash lib file load/save added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1155]

    refined file pattern match method.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1154] computeFileHash added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1153] created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1152]

    DirectoryManager folder created.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r219]

    Updated GAE settings for HRD project.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1151]

    refined a little.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1150]

    Source/static/dictionary.js: added google trans...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1149]

    Source/templates/Proxy.html: fixed form target ...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1148]

    Presentation page: refined cool entries count l...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1147]

    Presentation page: updated cool entries count w...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1146]

    Presentation page: added touch event to hide di...

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1145]


  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1144]

    added JuceLibraryCode.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1143]

    src\BridgeServer.cpp: fixed host map index error.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1142]

    src\BridgeServer.cpp: fixed host map index error.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r218]

    solution of website added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1141]


  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1140]

    fixed encode issues.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1139]

    ProxyHandler: fixed encode issue.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1138]

    fixed sound replay problem.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1137]

    Default sound from google translation added.

  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1136]


  • K.L. K.L. committed [r1135]

    Fixed google dictionaay API failure.