Activity for Paul

  • Paul Paul created ticket #35

    32 bits application

  • Paul Paul created ticket #34

    32 bits application

  • Paul Paul posted a comment on ticket #774

    I installed then Java SE 6. When laucnhing RODIN 3,4, the following message is appearing : "Version 1,6,0_65 of the JVM is not suitable for this product - Version 1,8 or greatder is required" before I installed the last version of JAVA 1,8...

  • Paul Paul created ticket #774

    Java SE 6 required to run RODIN V3,4 on macOS High Sierra ?

  • Paul Paul posted a comment on ticket #772

    thank you Laurent ! the Rodin tool works well now ;-)

  • Paul Paul posted a comment on ticket #772

    what i did : i remove the folder which was already new (new machine bought recently) i launch the application Rodin when asked to choose a "wokrspace" folder, i select the "new folder" button below on the form after having created the folder "workspace" i choose that folder * the message error is print again (this is systematic) I conclude the error is not linked with the fact that the workspace is "old". Java is up to date (see joint file)

  • Paul Paul posted a comment on ticket #772

    the .log file

  • Paul Paul created ticket #772

    crash of Rodin V3.4 when opening workspace