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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    The single character operators are a bit of a trick used to make part of the compiler slightly simpler. I was very inexperienced when I wrote the code that handles equations, and decided that things could be kept simpler if all operators were a single character. Because ~, { and } have no other meaning to the compiler, those were what I used for <>, <= and >=. If that part of the compiler gets a rewrite at any point in the future, the single character versions could disappear, so please use <>, <=...

  • Committed [r1165]

    Small compiler fix: generate error if relative jump on AVR jumps to a non-existent location

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I had a PIC16F877A fail this year after being in service continuously for about 15 years. It failed with the MCLR pin internally shorted low, the 20 MHz crystal oscillator was still running, but no code execution because of the chip being held in reset. Very odd, the board also had several PIC16F819s that were running from the same power supply and have not had any issues, so probably something internal to the chip. Replaced it with another 16F877A from the same batch that's been in a storeroom for...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Another suggestion, try adding this to your code somewhere: @define HPWM_FAST With this, HPWM will store the last frequency used. If it is called again with the same frequency, it doesn't recalculate the period or the timer settings needed to give that period. That saves a few cycles. I think it's much the same as HPWMUpdate, as @Anobium suggested.

  • Committed [r1111]

    Compiler fix: Fixed issue when performing addition on AVR and first value is constant 1

  • Committed [r1109]

    Small tweak to hwspi.h to correct error on 16F1459 (different bit names in latest chip data)

  • Committed [r1041]

    Compiler fixes:

  • Committed [r1039]

    Compiler fix: Show error for bad On Interrupt mode

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2006-03-15 07:35:45
Australia / ACST


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