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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Oh shucks, I thought I was at KeePassX support for some reason. Sorry and thanks!

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Hi: KeePassX is saying that the database has been updated when I expand a Group. I don't recall seeing this behavior in the past? Is it bug? Or is it expected behavior and I just never noticed before? I've been using KeePassX for quite some time, many years. It's annoying because I don't really want to be saving view changes, only actual changes to the password file, if possible. KeePassX 2.0.3 OS X 10.12.6 Thanks! Greg

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discuss on Sillaj

    Howdy: I use Sillaj to this day, but it's beginning to show it's age. In addition, I'm beginning to learn Laravel, so I'm thinking about re-writing it for Laravel. Because of my interest in developing my Laravel, I'll likely rewrite it from the ground up; in addition, it'll likely use more modern CSS and JavaScript libraries. So, the only thing from the original app will be the database. Having said that, I'll continue to abide by the GPL2.0 license, unless you want to change it. Do you have any...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    By the way, I updated from 4.1.5. Thanks, Greg

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    Hi: I've recently updated from an apparently corrupted version of PGV to version...

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2004-08-04 17:13:52


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