Activity for user2684

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, for your information, if you are still using myHouse, I've completely re-designed- re-architect it also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure, use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out I've also put together a migration utility to help along to way in case you want to move into the new platform but keeping the old configuration:...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Let's be honest, myHouse has been a nice starting point but difficult to customize, maintain and evolve. For these and many other reasons, I've completely re-designed- re-architect myHouse also giving it a new name (eGeoffrey). The basic principles are the same, the software is still open source but now is supposed to be way simpler to configure (entirely via the web interface), use, customize and extend. If you want to give it a look, check out (still under testing at this...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hi, thanks, amazed of the progresses you've done, apologize for not being very useful...glad increasing the buffer size solved one of the issues. Regarding the mfd pages, that one sounds really strange to me since never had an issue with the logic there and should not be API dependent but good to see you found a solution for that too. Regarding the crash at take off, this was due to last time and the negative a_current_entry_index....

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hey there, I've spent a good amount of hours trying to find out the changes applied in the code referenced by ticket #44 (backup, external drives, NAS, etc.) without success. I'm afraid the code was in an old laptop I don't have anymore and for some unknown reasons I did not push it to the repo here (I guess because was still work in progress and then the activity on that ticket stopped). Again shame on me. But I spent some time trying to remeber the changes. Again I don't think it is fully related...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hi, sorry once again for the delay...I've just reviewed carefully your tests. Now, there are some similarities with what has been discussed in but looks like the crash here is hitting a different piece of code. Just noticed I've never published the updated version mentioned in that thread and even worse, shame on me, never pushed out the updated code which should be somewhere here, just need to find out where :-/ But anyway I doubt...

  • user2684 user2684 modified a comment on ticket #47

    Hey David, first of all thanks for your troubleshooting effort! Let me go through the information you've shared so far and I'll let you know since a while ago I went through a similar exercise by myself as well. Thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hey David, first of all thanks for your troucleshooting effort! Let me go through the information you've shared so far and I'll let you know since a while ago I went through a similar exercise by myself as well. Thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #238

    Thansk, I was able to reproduce the issue. Since I'm moving the entire project over GitHub, this ticket has been migrated to Feel free to have a look and if needed reply directly there. Thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #238

    Would you mind sharing a sample of your rtl_433 output (run it with rtl_433 -F json -U) and the "plugin" section of your configured sensor? I think it is expecting a json and getting something else. Of course this is a bug on our side since myhouse has to handle to error gracefully and not dying... thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #240

    Add alternative path for custom static images

  • user2684 user2684 modified ticket #238

    every day the rtl_433 script stops working

  • user2684 user2684 modified ticket #238

    every day the rtl_433 script stops working

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #238

    Hi, which version of rtl_433 are you running? I hope this is going to help fixing this issue as wel

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #239

    Queue notifications when offline

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Highest priority is for sure making myHouse as it is usable and consistent. Unfortunately looks like the new releases of a few of the 3rd party libraries and software myHouse is leveraging are not backward compatible (APScheduler, rtl433, etc.) causing installation issues. Having so many dependencies all in sync is becoming more and more challenging and this is why I'm thinking of releasing a v2.4.1 with very few additions but capable of running on Docker. In this way the containerized application...

  • user2684 user2684 modified ticket #237

    the new version of rtl_433 v18.12 does not work with the plugin rtl_433

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #237

    Thanks, adding to the new release queue which I should probably hurry up to fix a set of those compatibility issues

  • user2684 user2684 modified ticket #236

    Add support for FLUX_LED

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #236

    Thanks for the suggestion. Not ideal but if you don't want to wait, I think you can work around it with plugin_command invoking a script which controls the flux led.

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #235

    Google text to speech not working

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #234

    Add support for cloud installation

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #233

    Slack and audio output cannot be disabled

  • user2684 user2684 modified a wiki page

    Welcome to OTPspot (v2.0)

  • user2684 user2684 renamed a wiki page

    Welcome to OTPspot (v2.0)

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for reporting this workaround! For sure this will be the first issue to fix as the development of the new release of myHouse will start

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Skibbie, I was able to reproduce your issue which is different than the one previously discussed. The problem is with the python library apscheduler; the new version completely changed the input parameters requiring a pretty massive code change on the MyHouse side :-( I was already tracking this with I wonder if there is any way to downgrade apscheduler to a previous version, at least to have myHouse running before a fix will be made available....

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #230

    Additional reference:

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi p versteeg, I was finally able to run a test with a vanilla raspbian lite on a Raspberry Pi Zero W and despite a few issues (#230, #231, #232) I was not able to reproduce your issue. I'd reccomend to run the script once again, ensure there is no myHouse running as a service and then running the script manually. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #232

    Installation script does not check if pip exists before listing all the packages

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #231

    Adafruit_Python_DHT and SpeechRecognition cannot be installed

  • user2684 user2684 created ticket #230

    APScheduler error

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, please be aware when installing myHouse on a Raspberry Pi Zero, the Adafruit-Python-DHT installation via pip would fail. The workaround is to download the package from and install it manually with sudo python install --force-pi Thanks

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Rasto, interestesting you didnt' get any error while running the script during installation. Please, ensure opencv has been installed (dpkg -l|grep python-opencv), this is causing the error reported above. I wonder if p versteeg experienced the same error or if something different. Thanks

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, thanks for your post. May you please attach the full exception from the logs and the relevant sensors from your config.json so I'll try to reproduce the issue? Thanks!

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ok, looks like the webserver is not listening on port 80 as it should be. Do not run manually when the service is running otherwise it will not start, just for your information. Did you run the netstat command while the service was supposed to be running? If so it means for some reason the webserver is not starting at all. Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue in my test environment and I have to wait for another pi to be delivered so to reproduce your configuration :-/...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, welcome to the forum! Weird, it is like the webserver is constantly restarting from what I see from the logs. Was it you restarting the service or was the service itself trying to restart? I wonder if there is something already running on port 80 which is preventing the webserver to start, does a netstat -tunap|grep 80|grep LIST shows something strange ? I also wonder if there is anything in the latest raspbian which is preventing myHouse to run (updated libraries etc.) but I need another pi...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, sorry for the huge delay. Probably the simplest solution would be a single calendar and the value set is a number/name associated with each Xmas LED. So you can set e.g. "1" from 5am to 5pm and have a couple of rules which are turning on or off the string. The rule, to turn led 1 on would be something like the following, which checks every minute when there is a "1" in the calendar and, if not already turned on, turns on the led and set the status to on as well to avoid repeating the same action...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, welcome back! Just to be sure I've understood correctly, you want the lights within the given timeframe to randomly turn on and off (e.g. 7.05-7.15 on, 7.15-7.45 off, etc.) while stay off elsewhere. Is it correct? Thanks

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Mark, it is me the one to say thanks to you: your patience, great advice and costructive feedbacks helped dramatically to make myHouse a better product :-) I understand the current limitations do not allow you to get what you need, I really hope for the future to be able to cover 100% those requirements and have you back :-) Thanks again and all the best! D.

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, welcome to the forum first of all. For MQTT, first of all ensure you have enabled the plugin in your "plugins" configuration and the hostname and port are correct (once restarted the logs should tell you if the connection is working fine). Then create a sensor for each measure, and use "mqtt" as the plugin like the following: "plugin": { "plugin_name": "mqtt", "mode": "subscribe", "topic": "weatherstation/wind/speed" }, When something is published on the topic, myHouse will save the measure....

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Got it thanks. In case can be useful, I've tried to implement option #2 with mysensors as well ( Also I have here a rain gauge sensor which is working based on the same logic and the way I have it configured in myHouse is the following: The sensor is not battery powered The sensor reports every hour the accumulated rain of that hour (same logic if you want to report power or water, just the format would be missing) * I have a sensor configured in...

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I'm slowing getting in this and trying to figure out how the input data looks like. I've understood there are two options: 1- absolute value (would need the sensor to somehow retrieve and store the current consumption to date) 2- deltas (the sensor sends e.g. every hour the consumption of the previous hour. Since you already spent some time evaluating pros, cons and alternative options, which one is best/more common? I'd say #2 since I'm not sure how reliable can be #1. Thanks

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on ticket #229

    Thanks for the feedback, this is defintely a critical issue to fix for the next release then!

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I must apologize for this. I finally got the sensors but I'd like to get them into NodeManager first, before figuring out how to handle the input in myHouse. I expect the latter not to be easy since I'd probably need to post-process the data somehow and I need always to try balancing between having something meaningful and that can be reused. Bottomline still way behind with this, sorry :(

  • user2684 user2684 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes it will, there is a auto_refresh_min in the global "gui" section and optionally per module auto_refresh_min

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