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  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Ok got one useful error: uncaught exception: 2147500037 enigmailSetupWizard.js:832:7 (2147500037 decodes to Access Denied) Correct; OS version is Windows 7.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    NVM wrong console. This console has: gpgAgent.jsm: .setAgentPath: gpg failed with exitCode -1 msg=' ' (unknown) uncaught exception: 2147500037 enigmailSetupWizard.js:832:7 uncaught exception: subprocess.jsm: launch error: [object Object] subprocess.jsm:328:11 This code seems to be buggy: let subproc = error => { resolved = -1; throw ("subprocess.jsm: launch error: " + error); } error isn't a string but some other kind of object

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    The same line repeats over and over again with blank lines in between. Currently reads: enigmail> C:\temp\verify.exe --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --use-agent --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-config Used to read: Currently reads: enigmail> C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --use-agent --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-config That was the first thing I checked, and thought...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Doesn't matter what verify.exe does; it's not creating verify.dat at all so it's not running. My antivirus is Windows Defender from Microsoft and I don't run any other security software. verify.exe creates the .dat file if started from the command line. Enigmail's log suggests that CreateProcess failed but doesn't log any error code.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I made a further check by deliberately pointing enigmail at another program. Enigmail cannot start any program at all, including this one.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    As expected; that wasn't it. I also tried renaming gpg.conf away and that still didn't fix it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    That wasn't it. I ran the command redirecting 2>NUL and got the output. I ran the command redirecting >NUL and got no output. While I think gpg.conf is a red herring; here is the entire contents of the file (attached)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Ok I disabled the override with; on checking the log file it does directly detect the path to gpg2 correctly but it would appear it can't get any output from it. I tried the command directly and that yielded output.

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2009-11-21 23:12:55


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