Activity for U_Fischer

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #67

    If you use a dedicated loader as wrapper you could naturally redefine it at begin document again. Inside the document body the machinery is not really needed. But I will discuss the \@pushfilename/\@popfilename question with the team.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #67

    Setting fontsize in expl3-context gives warning

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #30

    typo in KOMA-code: \@dottedtoclilne

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #28

    \recalctypearea looses text when used in twocolum mode

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #23

    The \let\scr@pkgextension\@pkgextension is not the problem. But the \AtBeginDocument around it is a problem as it starts the typearea chunk. Try it out. And if I would use begindocument/after for changing \if@atdocument to \iftrue now after several years, this would be much more incompatible than moving it to begindocument/before. And it would not help me with my own packages. I agree that moving to another hook doesn't improve the situation. The switch from false to true would still not be at a...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #23

    \AtBeginDocument{% \let\scr@pkgextension\@pkgextension } is before \RequirePackage{scrkbase} in my version of typearea and that triggers the chunk. Or maybe I should declare \if@atdocument as deprecated Well I find the switch a bit curious as it changes to true somewhere in the middle of the begin document hook. For me the document starts only after the hook, as you shouldn't do typesetting here, so from the description I expected it to be false in the hook. BTW: pagesize=auto is the initial setting...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #23

    I don't know why there is a \AtBegindocument before scrbase in typearea or why you have to guard the \AtBeginDocument code of typearea with \if@atdocument. But if this is necessary you could use a manual label or the push/pop system or simpler (inside a package) \SetDefaultHookLabel to separate the chunks: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \AddToHook{begindocument}[typearea/beforescrbase]{\def\AAAA{}} \usepackage{scrbase} \PushDefaultHookLabel {typearea/afterscrbase} \AddToHook{begindocument}{\def\BBBB{}}...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #23

    pagesize has no effect if typearea is used with standard class

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2

    compability with new LaTeX pdfmanagement

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #8

    loading scrwfile before \documentclass errors in latex-dev as \@raw@classoptionslist isn't defined (I will check if we should set it too relax, like \@classoptionslist, but this error with scrwfile too).

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #8

    loading scrwfile before \documentclass errors in latex-dev as `\@raw@classoptionslist` isn't defined (I will check if we should set it too relax, like `\@classoptionslist`, but this error with scrwfile too).

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #3

    songs package doesn't load

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #1

    example images use deprecated transparency operator

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2

    the problem has been resolved in l3kernel, the document compiles for me now.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2

    the problem has been resolved in l3kernel, the document compiles for me now.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2

    A simple example is \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{file2.tex} \documentclass{article} \begin{document} blub \end{document} \end{filecontents} \documentclass[]{report} \usepackage{standalone} \begin{document} \input{file2.tex} \end{document} It fails only with lualatex (which uses a different implementation of a string comparision command). The problem seems to be the \aftergroup\endinput in \sa@enddocument which interrupts the command. I will also open an issue about the string comparision command,...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #295

    Revisiting after some years, a side remark: the new code sets the origin at \hoffset/\voffset (relativ to the lower left corner). This implicitly assumes that the logical page is vertically centered on the physical page. So the code works only if crop is used with the option center. A better calculation for the vertical offset would be \pdfpageheight-\paperheight-\voffset: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[a3,cross]{crop} \usepackage{tikz,lipsum} \makeatletter %\def\pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@pgfpageorigin{\pgfqpoint{\hoffset}{\dimexpr\pdfpageheight-\paperheight-\voffset}}...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #509

    spurious spaces in \pgfmathdeclarefunction

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #345

    I'm not sure what you mean by "semantically meaningless". Setting the baseline changes the reference point and so the placement on the line. That's quite independent from the question if the picture occupies space or not. I also don't think that it would break current usages of baseline. What I don't know is if the behaviour can be implemented without breaking something - percusse comments in the sounded as if it could be difficult. In this case it should be documented that some keys can break...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #345

    Well the expected output was this: \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} abc\\ abc\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tikz[overlay,opacity=0.5,red,baseline={(3,3)}]\filldraw (0,0)rectangle (3,3);}def\\ abc \end{minipage} \end{document} That means the reference point of the picture relative to the "outside" is at (3,3) and that the picture has a 0pt size.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #493

    graphdrawing library breaks with new luaotfload

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #492

    tikz math library redefines \@next

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #489

    fadings with xelatex can't be used in different sizes

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #203

    pgfplots shouldn't use \write16

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #488

    pgf shouldn't use \write16 for messages

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #87

    Work fine for me in texlive 2018 and a current miktex: both a are at the same vertical position.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2544

    Issues for miktex should now be reported on the github site and not here on sourceforge. That said there is already an issue for the problem and it will be corrected tomorrow:

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2622

    Has the fix also been added to miktex next? I don't get any updates there.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2622

    shell commands are not executed correctly

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2620

    xetex can't input files with BOM anymore

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2616

    Addition: The problem pop ups now due to a change in the beamer font definitions that I find a bit suspicious and will report there.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2616

    Addition: The problem pop ups now due to a change in the beamer font definitions that I find a bit suspicious and will report there.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2616

    miktex-maketfm fails on ecss0400

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you are using the original demo.tex then it is (probably) in C:\Program Files and you don't have the rights to write into this folder. Copy it to some other folder.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2614

    You shouldn't misuse the miktex bug tracker for such discussions.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2614

    Sigh. Are you saying that I just spent the morning trying to reproduce a problem that you didn't tested on a current miktex? What sense has it to make a bug report for an outdated miktex?

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2615 is in the wrong folder

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2614

    As I wrote: the folders are created. And I can copy files in this folders. So there is not an access problem. But I found the reason: I was starting the script from another partition. After I moved it to C: the files where copied. But still both tex files don't find the graphics and neither crash. Beside this: I believe you that you get a crash. Over the years I have seen a lot of FATAL pdflatex - Conversion from UTF-8 byte sequence to wide character string did not succeed. (which would be my guess...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2614

    I'm on windows 10. My codepage is 850 but changing the codepage to 1252 or unicode doesn't change the behaviour: the script still doesn't copy the files. Be aware that my hard disk is nfss formatted, so my file names are (probably) unicode. Beside this: This discussion is not new to me. For years people have been claiming that it should be possible to use file names with non-ascii chars without fuss. There is a chance to get it working in the future when/if everything uses utf8 -- then one can use...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2614

    Your script doesn't work for me. The folders are created but then the copy instructions fail as the system "can't find the path" and the folder are empty. (Sorry click too fast) I copied the files manually and also tried to create your abûc_défég.pdf with a shorten version of your batch file. Neither works nor doesn-works.tex compile: both can't find their graphic, but I get no crash.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2614

    Your script doesn't work for me. The folders are created but then copy instructions fail as the system "can't find the path" and the folder are empty. (Sorry click too fast) I copied the files manually and also tried to create your abûc_défég.pdf with a shorten version of your batch file. Neither works nor doesn-works.tex compile: both can't find their graphic, but I get no crash.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2614

    Your script doesn't work for me. The folders are created but then copy instructions fail as the system "can't find the path" and the folder are empty.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2613

    As has been discussed on c.t.t. the problem is that miktex still contains the obsolete frenchle package As this has a french.ldf it clashes with the newest babel which now uses a french.ldf too. Deinstalling frenchle resolves the problem. In the long run it would be better if frenchle would be removed from the miktex packages.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #344

    There is no esint font. The name of the font is esint10, and it works fine for me in a current miktex: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{esint} \begin{document} \font\test=esint10 \test \char5 $\iiintop$ \end{document}

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2606

    Try to run initexmf --force --mklinks --verbose --admin on a (admin) command line.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #175

    numtable/pgfplotstable.code.tex contains an unwanted ±

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2605

    "pdfSyntax Error (441): Unknown filter 'DCTDecode'"

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #331

    Semibold italic as wrong old style numbers

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2602

    Error: The package definition file could not be parsed.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2599

    merriweather package is faulty

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #169

    bug in pgfplotsoldpgfsupp_pgflibraryfpu.code.tex

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2598

    xetex and write18 problem

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2593

    luatex can't include colors of a plot

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2589

    Addition I now tried also with xelatex and it fails also in the normal miktex.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2589

    Sorry I forgot to write: I made the tests with miktex NEXT, updated yesterday. I...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2589

    --enable-pipes doesn't work with commands with arguments

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2112

    I did raise a bug report some days ago:

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2585

    Oh you are right, I hadn't realized that the repository is in C:\Program Files. That...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2585

    Installation problems on windows 8 due to permission denied for a dll?

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2581

    I know that the miktex epstopdf.exe is a wrapper around a ghostcript call and not...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #333

    Imho this is caused by a long standing bug in synctex in combination with \pdfrefxform....

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2581

    epstopdf creates .eps.pdf file instead of .pdf as in TeXLive

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2578

    I don't think that the miktex package is broken. It works for me without problems...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2578

    As I already wrote: Run updmap (or initexmf --mkmaps) to update your map files.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2578

    You didn't provide a complete example so I can't test but normally this means that...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2577

    In short: This is not a bug but a consequence from a change in dvips. Use dvips -L0...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2577

    In short: This is not a bug but a consequence from a change in dvips. Use dvips -L0...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2577

    If the bug is so annoying I wonder why you (and the others with this problem that...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2576

    biblatex-chicago package is missing some files

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2572

    fixme package is incomplete

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2571

    pgfsys-luatex.def missing in the pgf package

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the folder that you want to use as a local repository there must be at least the...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2570

    pdflatex doesn't ignore BOM (byte order mark)

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2563

    I can reproduce the problem and could reduce it to this example: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{report}...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2558

    Why doesn't the miktex luatex breaks with assertion error?

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2546

    The package manager claims that miktex209-next-png.dll, miktex209-next-jpeg.dll and...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2549

    11/10 was the day the update didn't work (

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2549

    My entry in packages.ini is [miktex-freetype2-bin-2.9] ReleaseState=stable TimeInstalled=1478812632...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2549

    miktex NEXT: "Internal error" in the update manager

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2546

    I had problems after an update of miktex next thursday evening too. A lot of dll...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2545

    miktex next: some dll are missing

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2544

    The problem is gone. I could update today.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2544

    The remote package repository is outdated. You have to choose another repository.

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2537

    The perl script has changed its location from scripts/latexmk/perl/ to...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #1933

    There are two reports on regarding temporary files filling up dropbox:

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2538

    metafont can not be changed

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer modified a comment on ticket #2535

    There was a discussion about tildes in files names on the texlive list in 2014. At...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2535

    There was a discussion about tildes in files names on the texlive list in 2014. At...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2536

    I was able to run the update and everything seems back to normal. But I now saw that...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2536

    I suspected something like this ... I can naturally run the update manager once with...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2536

    In my case packages like bidi, boondox, footnotehyper and some other weren't selected....

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer created ticket #2536

    miktex -next: Windows API error 5: Zugriff verweigert

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2523

    On windows 10 I get C:\Users\xxx\Documents\tests>xelatex täte This is XeTeX, Version...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2525

    I get the error too, but it is not related to the last updates. in \fonts\source\public\misc\

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2322

    If you change the default tex4ht.env miktex will "repair" it at the next update....

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2350

    Hm. I did run some tests, and really looks as if the search path in tex4ht.ini are...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2523

    I can see this too (on windows 10, 64bit), but I have no idea if it is new as I avoid...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2522

    Synchronize your local package database (menu Repositories).

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2350

    texmf.cnf from texlive contains similar settings: ~~~~ T4HTINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex4ht//...

  • U_Fischer U_Fischer posted a comment on ticket #2350

    I can confirm that the problem persists. Remark: there exists a second unicode.4ht...

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