getStatementSentenceForRelation... with argumen...
Word vs. Lexem
knowledge about relations
Word vs. Lexem
iterator for Lists without remove()-method
generic array
filling test data classes
class Program added
EID table with array of expressions
sequence of expressions
access to new tables
loading from db
matrix with share type and offset type
Logger deleted
test commit after upgrade to eclipse mars
positive_raise filled (at the moment equal to i...
inputType added
getLocationByBase(): translate x and y
calling loadSimulationObjects()
loadSimulationObjects() added
access to simulation objects modified
calling method setPK()
bugfix in getLocationByBase()
methods assignState() and checkIsMyState()
2 instead of 3 constructor arguments
get hidden write access from wa
added again
ObjectMaster is loading andcreating objects exc...
TODO comments
deleting from svn
cleaning import section
inventory with complete argument
expression without replacement
cleaning import section
creating item and magic
loading god, magic and item
only one TODO instead of 4
creation for god, magic and item
write access and state for god, magic and item
Hidden class for god, magic and item
considering move accelerations
directionMove and powerMove as state simulation...
define return codes
set methods return integer constants (return co...
checking access granted -> set methods return b...
using GrantedAccesToProperty
using hidden objects
method negate()
loading/creating object classes getaccessby hid...
clearing up
class TablePoolFunctionExpression added
loadExpressionFromDB() implemented
Task (TODO) deleted
doAction(AbstractAction) changed: action object...
addPath(Path) added
dummy constructor
HiddenSimulationObject instead of WriteAccessTo...
using HiddenAnimal instead of WriteAccessToAnimal
method setFunctionsToExpressions() added for la...
func_id as first step for setting the member fu...
new approach for write access to simulation obj...
using two-dimensional-array
using FunctionByMatrix instead of FunctionByMat...
gauss pool vs. pool
new constant names for array capacity
further interfaces to DB tables
using FunctionByMatrix instead of FunctionByMat...
loading event influence description from DB
further tables
enums with getName() method
setValid() method
loading from tables SW_ACQUAINTANCE and SW_ATTR...
loading reaction types and influence types
package db deleted
loading the pool from DB
new package tablesPool
delete MariaDBConnection
import from package mariaDB
new package mariaDB
loading WordSearchTree from DB
loading words from DB
select distinct