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  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Finally, we decided to manually add the missing column 'delete_down_hosts' in 'field list' in the database on the new gestioip server, which solved the problem. Thank you for your time and quick response. Tomasz Ukleja

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    In error,log you can find a lot of entries: DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: fetch() without execute() at modules/ line 11079.: /var/www/html/gestioip/intapi.cgi, referer: http://gestioip-newserver/gestioip/

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    I am sending you the apache2 access.log and error.log files for ubuntu 22.04. If you need any more logs for analysis, please write which ones - I'll send them to you. I sent the files to the address you provided. Tomasz Ukleja

  • Modified a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi, I had made reconfiguration on my new Gestioip server. Now I have configuration on new server: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.41. On the old Gestioip server I have configuration: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.36 On both servers Gestioip is in 3.5 newest version. On old server I made database backup: mysqldump -u gestioip -p gestioip > ./gestioip.dump/gip_g_2.sql On new server I made database restore: mysql -u gestioip -p gestioip < ./orgdb/gip_g_2.sql but problem...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi, I had made reconfiguration on my new Gestioip server. Now I have configuration on new server: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.41. On the old Gestioip server I have configuration: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.36 On both servers Gestioip is in 3.5 newest version. On old server I made database backup: mysqldump -u gestioip -p gestioip > ./gestioip.dump/gip_g_2.sql On new server I mase database restore: mysql -u gestioip -p gestioip < ./orgdb/gip_g_2.sql but problem...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Good morning - I have situation - I do migration from old server/instance Ubuntu 18.04 gestioip to new Ubuntu 22.04. I made fresh installation gestioip 3.5 and made dump and restore gestioip base: #mysqldump -u gestioip -p gestioip > ./gestioip.dump/gip.sql After base restore on new server in GUI I have ERROR Can not execute statement: Unknown column 'delete_down_hosts' in 'field list' The buttons don't work: netowrks, VLANs. I see only on the left side of web browser part with netowrks: ALL/

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