ATL is part of the VC++ release, and there's a developer community where you can report problems:
Also see developer community ticket
Thanks and already in use :)
... or ULONG
MSG_WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE should crack lParam as session Id
Using the latest commit (#ebb00f) this looks good to me and is working.
MFC offers classes around the Windows Internet Extensions library (wininet). I have recently ported the functionality to a WTL friendly header (currently the HTTP subset) for use in a wider range than just MFC and I find it great if it would be available as part of the WTL library. Is there any interest?
Please find attached the header-only implementation
MFC offers a CSettingsStore class, which facilitates storing/retrieving settings to/from the local/current user's registry hive. It's actually a very simple thing, but encapsulates boiler-plate and intention. I have recently incorporated a WTL variant of it in one of my projects, and I find it great if it would be available as part of the framework.
Adjust copyright
Fix 64-bit compilation issues
visualc: VS2015 solution and configuration file...
call ICaptureGraphBuilder2_RenderStream with PI...
revert r391 because of possible conflicts with ...
directshow: prepare dshow_init() for handling m...
rename symbols, reorder and simplify things, pr...
zbar: don't end processor video thread due to z...
force MJPG -> RGB32 conversion by setting the i...
directshow: new working branch named "mjpg"
use constants for mjpg conversion format
make dshow_get_pin() static
directshow: re-read format in dshow_set_format()
don't check and initialize state->bih and state...
directshow: initial directshow implementation (...
remove whitespace (tabs) after label 'render_cl...
directshow: treat abandoned event handle in dsh...
1) removed setting vdo->format and vdo->datalen...
directshow: fix spurious video freezing caused ...
fix error handling when building filter graphs ...
directshow: simplify querying the final input m...
ensure (twice) that the sample grabber gets onl...
directshow: merged working branch 'mjpg'
capture errors for things that might not fail u...
directshow: fix wrongly typed constant ZBAR_INV...
zbar: resolve zbar issue 3531716 (patch) - prop...
directshow: specify FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSER...
determine programmatically whether sample image...
zbar: patch 3533635 - correct C++ API regarding...
Hi WTL team, when do you plan to release v9.1? I'd like to see the various warnings...
how is that related to zbar/zbarw?
dshow probe would fail if initial format is unsupported