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  • Posted a comment on discussion The Lounge on GnuCOBOL

    Okay, today I watched a video and noticed a command =Xand I was able to exit the function 'Windows CMD' and 'Dataset Utility'. Then I figured out that =Mwould get me to the main screen. This is starting to make sense. I have started reading the book I mentioned along with WinCOBOL. i'll report back on how I am doing. Thank you Ralph Rich Di Iulio

  • Posted a comment on discussion The Lounge on GnuCOBOL

    Okay, I was contacted by Ralph Linkletter regarding WinCOBOL. I had some problems with installing it onto my PC because of Norton. I was finally able to install it clean. Now I cannot seem to do anything. I am going to look at what Brian Tiffin mention above. Rich Di Iulio

  • Posted a comment on discussion The Lounge on GnuCOBOL

    Thank you for your response

  • Posted a comment on discussion The Lounge on GnuCOBOL

    Hi All, Not sure where to put this topic, so here goes… I have been COBOL programmer for some time. I am currently looking for work and can only find Mainframe work. I have never worked on Mainframes. I trying to create a Mainframe environment to learn. I bought a book named: “Murach’s CICS for the COBOL Programmer”. Is this realistic for me to try and learn Mainframe in this way? I have tried Hercules in many different favors on both Windows 10, Manjaro Linux and Linux Mint. I have not been able...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    Thank you Simon and Chuck for your quick response. Rich Di Iulio

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    Hi All, I have programed in COBOL for years, but still have trouble with comp fields. I have two fields in a record that use comp. The first is PIC S9(05) COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 4 bytes. The other one is PIC S9(05)V99 COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 5 bytes. I need help with this, I am trying to make sure the correct length of the entire record. So, I can pass the record to other programs. I would really appreciate it. Thank you Rich Di Iulio

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    Hi All, I have programed in COBOL for years, but still have trouble with comp fields. I have two fields in a record that use comp. The first is PIC S9(05) COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 4 bytes. The other one is PIC S9(05)V99 COMP-3. I need help with this, I am trying to make sure the correct length of the entire record. So, I can pass the record to other programs. I would really appreciate it. Thank you Rich Di Iulio

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    Okay, thank you for the discussion. I was confused and had to troubleshoot different scenarios to get things to work. I could not use multi directories for COB_COPY_DIR and had to set the variable COBCPY to the development directory. When I tried to use a multi directory for COB_COPY_DIR, make complained. I am using v3.2-2 with Cobjapi and CBL-GDB, So I will leave it as I have it. Again thanks, Rich Di Iulio

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2013-05-21 17:14:05
United States / EDT
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This is a list of skills that Rich Di Iulio possesses:

  • Unix Shell

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