Activity for Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Okay, today I watched a video and noticed a command =Xand I was able to exit the function 'Windows CMD' and 'Dataset Utility'. Then I figured out that =Mwould get me to the main screen. This is starting to make sense. I have started reading the book I mentioned along with WinCOBOL. i'll report back on how I am doing. Thank you Ralph Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Okay, I was contacted by Ralph Linkletter regarding WinCOBOL. I had some problems with installing it onto my PC because of Norton. I was finally able to install it clean. Now I cannot seem to do anything. I am going to look at what Brian Tiffin mention above. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Thank you for your response

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Hi All, Not sure where to put this topic, so here goes… I have been COBOL programmer for some time. I am currently looking for work and can only find Mainframe work. I have never worked on Mainframes. I trying to create a Mainframe environment to learn. I bought a book named: “Murach’s CICS for the COBOL Programmer”. Is this realistic for me to try and learn Mainframe in this way? I have tried Hercules in many different favors on both Windows 10, Manjaro Linux and Linux Mint. I have not been able...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you Simon and Chuck for your quick response. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All, I have programed in COBOL for years, but still have trouble with comp fields. I have two fields in a record that use comp. The first is PIC S9(05) COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 4 bytes. The other one is PIC S9(05)V99 COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 5 bytes. I need help with this, I am trying to make sure the correct length of the entire record. So, I can pass the record to other programs. I would really appreciate it. Thank you Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All, I have programed in COBOL for years, but still have trouble with comp fields. I have two fields in a record that use comp. The first is PIC S9(05) COMP-3 and I believe it's length is 4 bytes. The other one is PIC S9(05)V99 COMP-3. I need help with this, I am trying to make sure the correct length of the entire record. So, I can pass the record to other programs. I would really appreciate it. Thank you Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, thank you for the discussion. I was confused and had to troubleshoot different scenarios to get things to work. I could not use multi directories for COB_COPY_DIR and had to set the variable COBCPY to the development directory. When I tried to use a multi directory for COB_COPY_DIR, make complained. I am using v3.2-2 with Cobjapi and CBL-GDB, So I will leave it as I have it. Again thanks, Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All! I use the COBCPY variable for working with copybooks. However, when I compile the copybooks that are in COB_COPY_DIR are used, which are older copybooks. I do not have COB_COPY_DIR in the COBCPY. Why was this looking there first? Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon thank you. base level was already installed. I did install json-c & gmp. I then tried to configure and make GnuCOBOL. This time it worked just fine. The interesting thing was I had installed GMP-6.2.1 earlier. anyway I have a working environment now. Thanks Again.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Mickey, yes there is a config.log. I will post it later today. Currently working day job.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All!, I have a old HP laptop that I recently installed Manjaro 22. I was able to setup everything okay, except for build GnuCOBOL. When I run configure, I get an error stating cannot create executable. Any thoughts as to why I am getting this error. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Arnold, I was on your website and noticed a build kit v0.6. Basically worked like a dream, except for compile and install of vbisam. I was performing the 64 bit install. It was looking for a download directory that does not exist. I commented out first couple of commands. I put a copy of a patched version of vbisam I had. The version of GnuCOBOL it was pulling was rc1, not rc2. I changed the version. Like I said, it was super cool. It is the best way to install GnuCOBOL on Windows. I know a number...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Arnold, Thank you for all your work on packaging of GnuCOBOL for Windows. Before you came out with the new documentation. I was able to follow other documents you wrote. I was able to create a MSYS2 environment with vbisam 2.1.1 and the latest version of GnuCOBOL 3.2. I was able to compile vbisam 2.1.1 64 bits with no problems. I added the patch to isinternal.h. I know there have been issues with compiling 64 bits. Do you see any problems in doing that? I then compiled GnuCOBOL successfully. I...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I forgot, this was Linux Mint.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    László I re-installed Japi and built the Examples Simple. I found that the tabbedpane.cob had the new function j-tofront in. When I run the program nothing happens. I then modified the program and commented out that line of code. Compiled the code and it works just fine. I should I do next. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi I was able to update my Windows and Linux (Linux Mint) system with latest Cobjapi and updated my application. I tried it and it worked on Windows! However, when I tried on Linux, it crashed, giving my an error 2125. Thank you for your work László. Regards, Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Great! Thank you. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    No, I meant that when I have several open screens on my desktop. When I start my cobjapi program, I want it to be showing on my desktop. I would rather not have to click on it to show on my desktop. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    László, That worked; however it is not true center, so I added 10 to WS-XPOS. I have attached the updated program. I have a question, how do I get the frame I just created to be the top on the PC Desktop? Again thanks, Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    László thank you for your response. I created a test program is attached. The text is not centering on the frame. It is just puzzling... Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi All! I am trying to center a label on a screen using Cobjapi. Has anyone done something like this with Cobjapi? Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Arnold, That worked. I swapped places for the entries of the repository and removed the period in the JAPITASKFN.CPY copybook. Again thanks Arnold. I learned something new today. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi I am working on building an application. All of sudden, I am getting very strange results. I have attached the compile log and the program listing. I have worked on this for several hours and I cannot find anything wrong. I need help! Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio modified a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    László, Okay I simplified the creation of my menu and was able to get it to display. I then modified the menu.cob program to show debug messages as you suggested. Attached is a file containing the information. Hope this helps. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    László, Okay I simplified the creation of my menu and was able to get it to display. I then modified the menu.cob program to show debug messages as you suggested. Attached is a file containing the information. Hope this helps. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    László, Sorry, I meant to say version 20,3 of Linux Mint. I did not modified the program menu.cob. I did not use J-SETFONT in creating a menu. I will try and trace more closely to see if I can see what is going on and report back Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All! I was working on my application when suddenly, it failed with an error code 2073 for Cobjapi. The error is with JAPI_SHOW. I am running on Linux Mint 21.3 and using GC 3.1.2 with the latest version of Cobjapi. I am using this version of Java. java --version openjdk 11.0.15 2022-04-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.15+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.15+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu0.20.04.1, mixed mode, sharing I then started running all the Example Samples to...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All! I am looking to see if anyone has a copybook with all the values for the function keys for Cobjapi. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Thank you very much Mickey...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi All! I am trying to print this whole topic to a PDF file to include the program segments that scroll. Is there a way? I am starting to work with SQL and wanted to this as a starting point. Any help would be very much appreciated. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi All! I use VS Codium to develop GnuCOBOL applications. I recently upgraded VS Codium to 1.67.0. I noticed that the date of the files were 12-31-1979. Has anyone else seen this? I even tried to install 1.65.0 and the same result. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Unfortunately, I am not that speaker if you are looking to me. I am just getting my legs under me with debugging. Today is not good for me. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Tonight I continued working on this. I had built GC312 32 and 64 for MinGW last week. I installed CBL-GDB4.28. I was able to debug my application by using all the commands for CBL-GDB. I decided to try using for version 4.28 on Linux. I was able to debug my application by using all the commands again.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Attached are two screenshots; first is cbreak that does not work. The other is the break that works.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Simon, CBreak does not really set the break point. When I use the run command, it justs continues the program to conclusion. Yes, that is what I have done, when a CBL-GDB command does not work, I revert to the standard gdb command.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi Simon, I have not been able to provide you with information you need to help. The basic thing is that it works on Linux (sort of) and does not work on Windows. Now I have a laptop and a VM running Linux Mint 20.3. The version of the following software: GnuCOBOL CBL-GDB 4.27.1 gcc 9.4.0 gdb 9.2 python 3.8.10 While in a gdb session the following CBL-GDB commands: cstart yes cbreak no cnext yes cprint yes step yes break yes Under Windows, I got so confused, I deleted all the builds and started...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    The version is as follow: `3.9.10 (main, Mar 14 2022, 18:53:08 (GCC 11.2.0 32 bit))`

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Well, I thought I was able to debug under Windows, but cannot examine my variables. It does step through the code. The error I am getting is the following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:/gc/gc312-bdb-m32/bin/", line 4315, in ReadAndParseVariableString variable_string = variable_string_memview.tobytes().decode('ascii') # plain string generate by cobcd UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 14635: ordinal not in range(128) Traceback (most recent call...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hey Simon, The gdb does not work without -i=mi. The way I have the command setup is the way it needs to be. I do like the fact I can use abbreviations for the commands. Thank you Simon.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi Alf, I use VS Codium and display my source code there. I then refer to it to determine where to set breaks and such. I am also using cobcd to compile my code using a Makefile. Then I use to set debug session. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All! Well, I have been able to get Emacs to work in both Linux and Windows. I am using Emacs and have a init.el file. I have the following placed in the init file. (setq gdb-many-windows t) <-- display multiple windows for gdb (global-set-key [f7] 'cobol-debugger) <-- function assigned to F7 (Windows) (defun cobol-debugger () (interactive) (let* ((guess (concat "gdb -i=mi -x " debug-script " ")) (arg (read-from-minibuffer "Run gdb : " guess nil nil 'gdb-my-history))) (gdb arg))) Attached is screenshots...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    I tried to contact @jklowden and there is no email address to send to.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hey Simon, Thank you for your response. What I ended up using cobcd to compile my code. The I run emacs to setup a gdb session. I use the shell variable. gdbtool () { emacs --eval "(gdb \"gdb -i=mi -x /usr/bin/ $*\")"; I was able to use the prog.cob:155to set a break point. That answers my question. Thank you. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All! I am debugging with gdb using emacs. It work pretty well, except I do not get line numbers for the source code. So I cannot do break points to speed up my debug session. I ended up using step. I tried adding -fdebugging-line to the compile arguments thinking it would do that. I did not. Is there a way get the source code to show the line numbers? Oh by the way, I have tried to get the extension CBL-GDB from COBOLworx in VS Codium. Not having much luck for both Linux or Windows. Rich Di I...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, was able to build esqlOC (from Simon's pointer) by using VS2019. Then I copied the information in the FAQ and created the program esqlOCGetStart1.SQB. I compilied the program and ran it. However, I got the following error. 264010296 OCSQL: DB connecting using SQLDriverConnect 264010312 OCSQL: SQL code 0 : IM002 : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified SQLSTATE=IM002, SQLCODE=-0000009999 SQL Error message:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, I was just looking for help to build GnuCOBOL in 64 bit. I did not expect such a spirited discussion on 32 vs 64. It has been very interesting. Thanks to all who participated in this discussion. my plan is to use Arnold Tremblay's latest version 3.12 with VBISAM, which is 32 bit. Then I am going to try getting esql working with MySQL. I have also had help in getting 3.2 and 4.0 installed on my PC. Someone had asked why, I just want to play with and see if my application will work. I will post...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    David, Thank you for your help. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Ralph, I do not know either. My understanding was since I was using a 64 bit Windows OS, I should have a compiler that is 64 bits. I have been a COBOL programmer all my life. I understand enough C to get in trouble. Basically, to do minor things. When it comes to hardware architecture I am lost. For the last 25 plus years, I have been as I said a COBOL programmer running on SCO OpenServer 5. Before that, using COBOL on various VAX systems. So I ask you all, does it really mater 32 or 64 bits? Rich...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Again, I forgot to login before posting a question last night. My goal was to build the compiler to match Linux and Windows. I have tried to use Visual Studio to no avail. Simon convinced me to try mingw, which I did. I have also used Arnold Trembley links in the past. A very useful website. I wanted to create a 64bit version for Windows 10. So I followed the document that Arnold published on his website. However, it uses BDB and I want to use VBISAM. I was able to get a copy of vbisam to compile...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Attached is the source code and copybooks.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    I was wondering how I could access a sub-program differently. I currently have a object program that contains a number of programs in the file. I then linked that object with a program using those sub-programs. I would like to make it simple then linking it together by creating a dll/so.. I thought I could use the ENTRY command, but not sure. However, I really do not understand how to do that or whatever make sense. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    First, thanks for the replies. I will probably use ESQL. I am going to use first for a DB is MySQL on Linux (Linux Mint). As I have a far amount of books on the topic. As I have questions, I will post here. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All! I am trying to re-learn using DB with COBOL. I have spent sometime in the forum looking for help. I updated my version of 'contrib'. I am wondering which pre-SQL I should use; ESQL or JC (presql2)? Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, I am using the same version for both environments. Linux cobc (GnuCOBOL) Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Written by Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart Built Mar 17 2021 16:18:33 Packaged Dec 23 2020 12:04:58...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, here is an example of the compiling the code. The program INIFUNC is being compiled into a .dll. This compiles okay, along with a object GUIFUNC (build as .o then into a .dll. Now the Cobjapi objects is another story. The program compiles to .dll just fine. The other programs do not compile to .dll, The following programs are; japilib, cobjapi and fileselect. I have attached a log file. When I use my Makefile, I need to use the -i switch to enable the successful completion of my application...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Thank you, I used the sub-directory approach. It also make it easier to cleanup files when necessary. As for my side note, I will come up with a example of what I am asking. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All!, I have a cross-platform application. On the Windows side, I am using a Mingw environment. The object output is set to o, the same as the Linux environment. I have tried setting COB_OBJECT_EXT to obj. It does not seem to change. I even tried using the -o argument. That did not work, complains that is not a legal combination. I have one program object code that uses the same name GUIFUNC.o. I would like to use a different object name like GUIFUNC.obj. That way, I can keep the Linux and Windows...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Mark, Unfortunately, I have put my RM/COBOL conversion project on hold. I had no real idea on how start myself, like you. The application I currently support runs on SCO OpenServer 5 and Windows. The Windows version screens can be reproduced using Cobjapi. The Unix version using a terminal screens, using RM/COBOL. I would look through the forums for any bit of information that might help you. Of course, you can contact me for any questions or suggestions. I am currently, working on a Hair Salon application...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Okay, I found the change does not affect Tasks process. The errors appear in the Launch process. I ran a debug session just fine. Thank you for your response. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Today I updated my Linux laptop, which updated VS Codium. Now the workspace configuration will not allow 'Linux" or "Windows". I tried to look for a workaround, but have not found one yet. I may have to go back to two versions of the workspace file. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    With some work and suggestions from Simon (many thanks), I have a single workspace file. Under Linux, I can build and debug my application. However, under Windows I cannot debug. It sounds like it cannot find gdb. I tried using gdbpath, but it did not help. Here is the error: Could not start debugger process, does the program exist in filesystem? Error: spawn gdb ENOENT I even tried using gdb-muliarch.exe, still no joy! I thought the command spawn maybe want is missing. I could not seem to find that...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, I re-read your example and found that you do use coboleditor.copybookdirs. However, what does sub1 and sub2 mean? Thank you for posting your workspace file. It has a lot of great ideas in it. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, The only thing in my workspace that is OS specific is the following: "coboleditor.copybookdirs": [ "R:\\salonsavvy\\rjd", "R:\\salonsavvy\\lib", "R:\\common\\lib", "C:\\gc\\gc312\\share\\gnucobol\\copy" ], I tried to wrap it like I do in my json files, but could not. I did notice you do not have this setting in your Settings section. If I did not have this, I could just have one workspace file. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All, I am trying to put multiple buttons on a Cobjapi frame. I can only trap on button on frame using J-KEYLISTENER. Does anyone know of a way to workaround this? Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Thank you for the tips. The tasks.json and launch.json are project specific for use in Linux and Windows. I did move the settings.json contents in the workspace file. However, I still have two workspace files. One for Linux and one for Windows. The settings being in a common area for the platform helps, as I work from two Linux spaces (desktop, vmware). The idea of having the extensions in a common place for the project would be great. I could not seem to find how. Again thanks Simon Rich...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, as I said, I have been able to debug my application under Linux. The cobcd.pyis being invoked under Windows. However, I am getting a error that the source code is missing. It is a weird problem. The network share is not working properly. If I do a dir, I get a complete listing. I have installed GnuWin onto my Windows system. when I do a l, I do not get a complete listing. I get just a few files listed. As I said there seems to be a network issue. Seeing that I can get this to work under Linux....

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, You speak of Win32, I am running 64-bit environment for GnuCOBOL (mingw64).

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, I have updated my windows environment with the update you provided. I am now getting an error message that states missing source code. In the debug console, I enter the following: source c:\gc\gc312\bin\ At this point, I cannot debug my application. Now for Linux, it works just fine. I am able to debug my application just fine. So I may have to develop my application under Linux. Then once I gotten to a certain place, just test my application under Windows. Thank again. Rich Di Iu...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Now I have created the.gdbinit files om Linux, like I did under windows, obviously in the development directory it is .gdbinit-unx. So when I run debug, I am getting the following error in the debug console. warning: Missing auto-load script at offset 0 in section .debug_gdb_scripts of file /home/rdiiulio/shr/prj/salonsavvy/rjd/SALONSAVVY. Use `info auto-load python-scripts [REGEXP]' to list them. Hopefully someone can help. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, after looking through the internet for help. I finally got somewhere. I created a .gdbinit file that contains: add-auto-load-safe-path r:\salonsavvy\rjd\.gdbinit-win Then I created another file called .gdbinit in my development directory and it contained: source c:\gc\gc312-m64\bin\ Now when I try and run CBL-GDB from VS Codium on Windows 10, I get file not found for gdb-multiarch.exe. I checked my entire hard drive for this and is not found. I had built my GnuCOBOL environment using...

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    The launch.json is complaining that the source and env lines have errors (3 to be exact). Yes, I am using a makefile that compiles each of the objects with cobcd. When I run the launch.json, it keeps saying was not able to autoload. I will post the output, a little later tonight. I have to run to a zoom meeting. Thanks Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Well okay, I am stupid, here is an example of my launch.json. Obviously, I am missing something! { "name": "cobc build and debug", "type": "cbl-gdb", "request": "launch", "linux": { "autorun": "/usr/bin/", }, "windows": { "autorun": "c:\\GC\\GC312-M64\\BIN" }, "preLaunchTask": "Cross Platform GnuCOBOL Build", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/rjd/${fileBasenameNoExtension}", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/rjd", "arguments": "" } Any insights will be very much appreciated. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I was able to debug my program from the command line; however, I would like to use the extension for VS Codium. It is complaining that it cannot find Is there a way to fix this of manually include it after I have pressed <f5>?</f5> Regards, Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Thank you for responding. I am using VS Codium and I had setup my build process to compile using cobcd. That is working just fine. I am running Windows 10 and Linux Mint 20.1. I will try the way you suggest, but will not use VIM (I prefer Emacs). Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Sorry, I forgot to add the version number; GnuCOBOL v3.1.2.0, CBL-GDB v4.26.3 and the extension is v4.2.3 Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All, Has anyone been able to get CBL-DBG Debugging to work with either Windows or Linux? I am getting an error message: Could not expand variables: undefined command: "cprint" I was able to get the prebuild command to work and compile the application in debug mode. Is there a cobc switch I am missing? See below: -v -Wall -Wno-unfinished -Wconstant-expression -frelax-syntax -std=rm -DOPSYS=$(OSTYPE) -I $(COBCPY) -L $(COB_LIB) Any help will be very much appreciated! Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Robert, The output from gcc --version ========== gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0 Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ========== I have attached a list of applications I installed before I install GnuCOBOL. i do not understand your other request. Rich

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Robert, I have a laptop and a VM running Linux Mint 20.1 (under Windows 10). I am running GnuCOBOL 3.1.2 just fine. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Erich, I am using the one in swing/src_java/japi2.jar. This morning I tried the one in the dist directory and that did not work. Have you compiled the examples in the examples_simple? Rich

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    László, Thank you for checking. Rich

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I was trying to use J-SETECHOCHAR with J-FORMATTEDTEXTFIELD and my program failed. I am assuming that this will not work? I have a backup plan if this true. Rich

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Erich, I am glad to help someone here. I have received so much help from myself. I have attached a script that I start/stop/debug the Japi Server. The debug piece is where I within my programs get debug information when I have a problem. I am developing a application in Windows 10 and Linux, I have similar scripts for both Windows and Linux. The user I am doing this for, only understands Windows. However, I find developing in Linux is cleaner and faster. Rich

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Erich, I am using it on Linux Mint and Ubuntu as well as Windows. Make sure the symbol pointing to the directory for Japi2.jar. The symbol is COBJAPI_JAPIJAR_HOME I have attached a script I use to setup use of GnuCOBOL. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Simon, Thank you for responding. My problem was that I still support a RM/COBOL application on SCO OpenServer 5. So going back and forth, I sometimes get mixed up. Then I get caught in a loop and get messed up. I am working on a cross-platform GUI program in GnuCOBOL using Cobjapi. RM/COBOL is terminal screens. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    thom, Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to do. I still get mixed up between RM/COBOL and GnuCOBOL. Again thanks. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    David, Thank you for responding and trying to help. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    I did not supply the Cobjapi, as I assume you would have to install and configure before compiling the source code. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hi All! I am trying to create a frame with a background and foreground using RGB. I am able to get the background color set. I cannot get the foreground color set. I have attached a test program that has all the variables in it. Any help would be very much appreciated. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, Thank you for the note. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Okay, Brian, I was finally able to get the Makefile to build my application. I uncomplicated it for use in Linux. Now that I have a working build, I can now try and get a cross-platform version working. I had a typo in the Makefile. It only took me two days. As I said in my other response, your last example did it for me. Again, thank you both Brian and Simon for your help and suggestions.

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Brian/Simon, Thank you both for responding . Brian, I was able to understand the last example. I was then able to get the object to be the first object to be worked on. However, the object was not built (I have attached the log). I have also attached the Makefile. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Brian, Thank you for your response. .RECIPEPREFIX is for replacing the <tab> with another character. The question still remains. I am looking to building a default/Initial target.</tab> Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi All, My development project is getting larger and I need to use a Makefile to compile the application. I have one program that needs to be compiled before any of the others are. I tried looking through the discussions here and did not find anything. I tried searching the web and was not able to find anything either or was confused. I would appreciate any help. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, I tried to set editor.rulers array to nothing and it did not work under Windows or Linux. I did click on the link and found my answer. Below is what I ended up putting in my settings.json file. "files.associations": { "*.cbl": "GnuCOBOL" }, "coboleditor.fileformat": [ { "pattern": "**/*.cob", "sourceformat": "free" }, { "pattern": "**/*.COB", "sourceformat": "free" }, { "pattern": "**/*.cbl", "sourceformat": "free" }, { "pattern": "**/*.CBL", "sourceformat": "free" } ], I too use free format....

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Simon, I would like to use VSCodium; however, Emacs Extension (from VSCodeEmacs) is not found in the repository. Unless, someone knows a way to fix that. There maybe others too. I just do not know what there are right now. Rich Di Iulio

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Well, my bad. I forgot to create LD_LIBRARY_PATH Trolley78

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    I downloaded the new version 3.1.2. When I tried to start the build, I am getting a configure error; configure: error: invalid variable name: ' Trolley78

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    László, Thank you for these new components.....Merry Christmas Trolley78

  • Rich Di Iulio Rich Di Iulio posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Sorry I forgot to attach the files.....

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