Activity for Alex Bailey

  • Alex Bailey Alex Bailey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, If the HTTP_INTERFACE is set to anything other than, only other computers can get response from the web server. The computer running OpenDHCP cannot connect to itself. This isn't a firewall issue as I've tried disabling that. Regards, Alex

  • Alex Bailey Alex Bailey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just found that the upgrade from v1.75 to 1.82 overwrote my OpenDHCPServer.ini without any warning or creating a backup. I was devastated that I'd lost all my hours of hard work configuring dozens of static entries. (Yes I know I should have backed up the computer!) I must be very lucky though because I found I'd left a copy open and minimized in Notepad and managed to rescue it. Please make the installer create a backup INI or preserve any exiting one !! Thanks, Alex