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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    well not much difference really, i still get data out of it that varies when load is placed removed. all i know is the adc outputs the data in 2's complement, but as to how i can go about being able to convert that into a meaningful value of pounds or kiligrams is the part that i cant get any real insight to. i have tried to make sense from all the info out their but im still not sure as to how i convert the data and thats where im stuck so far.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    ok ill give that a whirl, but from reading the datasheet i assume it is needed to tell the module what the gain is desired for the next conversion, i will let you know.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    hi anobium, thanks for the response, honestly im not sure about the 2's compliment as ive not used it before and had to rely on found code more or less just to get started but i have data of sorts being retrieved to start with lol. im just lost on how the data should be converted, i know you gave a pseudo example however i dont have to get the data via adc just clocking out the 24bits that the hx711 adc processed. the HX711 combines a PGA IN-AMP to boost the low mv then feeds it to the 24bit adc...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    hi everyone, i have been playing around with some 50kg load cells ( bathroom scale type ) X4 wired together and the well known HX711 module. i have managed to get data out from the module, thanks to code provide from one of our other forum members here, and get it to display on an SSD1306 0.96" i2c display but from where to go in terms of turning that basic data into a usable meaningful number of weight is where im now stuck. after countless google searches that mostly only ever yield arduino results...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    i have some new modules on order now, i think my son was intrigued by the pulsing led on both boards and grabbed one or both of them and shorted out one of the modules i have ordered a selection of the modules with power amplifiers and some with ipex connectors to use external antennas, im still convinced the cheap modules i had were no doubt fakes but have ordered some from a seller whose modules come highly rated as being genuine and great quality but we shall see

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    Well the good news is that it appears i finally have success with this pair of NRF24L01+ modules. currently they are running at 2Mbps air data rate, 0dbm rf power with auto-ack enabled and an ack payload sent back from the rx to tx which then does what the rx is doing and applies the ack payload to its own pwm output/led, the master is sending a single byte value every 20 ms and both pic's are running at 16Mhz. i was worried that these modules were the worst of the worst chinese clones that would...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    thats not a problem george, i will just have to wait untiil i can afford to spend alot more time on them to get them working happily. i may try the standard interrupt method as opposed to the on interrupt option as im sure this has caused me issues before in other projects in the past where i need to ultimately have lots going on and many different interrupts processed, once my wife has healed fully then i can dive back into it and persist with it until madness sets in lol. tony

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    well i dont now what the heck is going on with these modules, even if i just slowly send data without ACK requirement the two radios never stay synchronised for any amount of time regardless of any required settings that are equal between devices. i just updated my GCB install just in case but im stumped for now so im just going to leave them be as they are becoming very annoying. tony

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2015-02-09 07:11:55


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