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    Haroen - I've decided to manually copy a backup file every time I think some part of code should be saved. That's just what I do as well, by appending a copy file code.gcb.bak1, code.gcb.bak2... in the working folder & at session end I copy changed files to external drive in chronological backup folders. Has saved my sanity on many occasions. Slightly relevant... When I compile a .gcb with SimulIDE it puts output files into a sub folder in the working folder.

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    "Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of," Chris, GCstudio is not for me either, I like to do things manually. After installing GCs a while back it modified many file associations that are used for other apps. For me I get just the updated folders (or files) from the install using eg. 7zip into a new app folder then copy (or edit) the Synwrite/lexer settings files from the previous install. I only update if I need to. (I am still on 2022-12-21...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    "Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of," Chris, GCstudio is not for me either, I like to do things manually. After installing GCs a while back it modified many file associations that are used for other apps. For me I get just the updated folders (or files) from the install using eg. 7zip into a new app folder then copy (or edit) the Synwrite/lexer settings files from the previous install. I only update if I need to. (I am still on 2022-12-21...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    There is a good explanation of BAM here....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Good to see you got it working. The TM1651 lib code I attached to this post is identical to the TM1637, I just cut down the demo to simplify testing, & .h include text. The 'TM1651_HW_Driver.h' file can be deleted (It's unused)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    Looking at the sch for the board, dp is connected to seg 5. This shouldn't be causing your issues but set #Define TM_DispLen 3 Try slowing down your program with a wait 1000ms to see each digit being written en it should. Do all segments come on at power up ? & then clear. (if you are running the supplied test program.) Sending a 0 byte with tmSndDig should clear the digit. (this is what tmCLRdisp uses) Have you got a delay after the display clear(if you have an endless loop it could be writing again...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I suspect there may be an error in the datasheet. It shows the display address in section 7.2 as 00H - 03H, then mentions address 0C4 & above are invalid. Looking at it uses 0xC0 in TM1651.cpp If you get a nogo try changing back to TMaddr 0xC0 are you driving 7seg's or Bargraph ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I suspect there may be an error in the datasheet. It shows the display address in section 7.2 as 00H - 03H, & then then mentions address 0C4 & above are invalid. Looking at it uses 0xC0 in TM1651.cpp If you get a nogo try changing back TMaddr 0xC0 are you driving 7seg's or Bargraph ?

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2019-04-21 09:17:41
Australia / AEST


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