Hi Dave, thank you very much for your quick response and the grate library. I try to understand the source of the timeout, maybe there are some issues with my setup. Kind regards, Thomas
Deadlock TerminateThread When shut down all S7partner connections with Par_Stop() from a C# application, the application hangs sometimes. Attaching WinDbg to the process shows that the lock is held in unmanaged code and the thread acquired the lock is dead. Result !CS in WinDbg: CritSec ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock+0 at 772820c0 WaiterWoken No LockCount 12 RecursionCount 1 OwningThread 17e4 EntryCount 0 ContentionCount 95 DebugInfo = 0x77284380 Critical section = 0x772820c0 (ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock+0x0) LOCKED...