User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1389 on Skim

    Great. Thanks! :-)

  • Created ticket #1389 on Skim

    Size setting requires percent char

  • Modified a comment on ticket #54 on xindy - A Flexible Indexing System

    Is there any news on this? The bug semms still to exist in the current version: $ xindy -V xindy release: 2.5.1 xindy script version: 1.18 xindy kernel version: 3.0 Here’s an MWE showing the problem in Test A and B. While in A the ref on p. 2 is dropped in B als page refs are missing in the index. Two possible workarounds are to either not use rages at all (Test C) or to add an (unknown) page attribute for the second range (Test D) \documentclass{article} \usepackage[xindy]{imakeidx} \makeindex[options...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #54 on xindy - A Flexible Indexing System

    Is there any news on this? The bug semms still to exist in the current version: $ xindy -V xindy release: 2.5.1 xindy script version: 1.18 xindy kernel version: 3.0 Here’s an MWE showing the problem: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[xindy]{imakeidx} \makeindex[options = -C utf8] \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} Test A \index{Test A|(} \index{Test A|)} \index{Test A|(} \newpage Test A \index{Test A|)} \newpage Test B \index{Test B|(} \newpage Test B \index{Test B|)} \index{Test B|(} \index{Test...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #54 on xindy - A Flexible Indexing System

    Is there any news on this? The bug semms still to exist in the current version: $ xindy -V xindy release: 2.5.1 xindy script version: 1.18 xindy kernel version: 3.0

  • Created ticket #30 on biblatex-dw

    Komma vor Postnote fehlt manchmal

  • Posted a comment on ticket #56 on xindy - A Flexible Indexing System

    I see … thanks for the detailt answer! :-)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #56 on xindy - A Flexible Indexing System

    One year later and it still exists … any news, please?

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2013-08-19 10:42:39


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