Activity for Tom Hayko

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, Thanks for the reply. I definitely was hesitating, as I didn't want to encourage somebody profiting from your work without your permission. I may or may not go ahead, as it may be a bit less than perfectly suited to my usage, which is on my C8, potentially with hyperstar so a motor with a larger step size might be better suited. Do you mind if I share you message on There are a few thread on this focuser there, and I've been cautioning people that the focuser might be based...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A few people have posted to the forums that they got it working with the MyFocuserPro2 profile in Stellarmate here:

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, I've understood from the INDI forums that this focuser: appears to use the same protocol as your focuser. I was considering purchasing one since the price is certainly very attractive, but if it's violating the intent of you providing the plans, software, etc. for free use, but not for profit, I'll look...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I think mine must be one of the "counterfeit" ones. It's completely stopped working, and just returns errors now.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Just in case somebody else runs into this problem, at least some DB18B20 temperature sensors have some issues in that calls getDeviceCount return zero, even though the sensor is connected, and responds when access using the index (i.e. 0). There are a few long threads about issues on ESP32, and some mention that there are issues around "counterfeit" versions of the the sensors not working properly. I don't have an official one to test here.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    BTW, importing the Arduino Project using PlatformIO with the board set to wemos_d1_mini32, and then renaming webserver.cpp and webserver.h, and updated the #define guard in the newly renamed webserver.h seems to be enough to get a clean build using PlatformIO. I haven't actually tested that it runs properly yet, but a clean build is as step in the right direction. Thanks for all your help with this so far Robert! I'm awaiting some hardware but my plan is to add support for Wii Nunchuck. I'll keep...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    BTW, importing the Arduino Project using PlatformIO with the board set to wemos_d1_mini32, and then renaming webserver.cpp and webserver.h, and updated the #define guard in the newly renamed webserver.h seems to be enough to get a clean build using PlatformIO. I haven't actually tested that it runs properly yet, but a clean build is as step in the right direction.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'll have to dig deeper on OneWire, as I seem to be using 2.3.6 as well. It's a never ending battle of refactoring code, especially when it's moving between platforms. It's funny that it builds fine using the Arduino IDE. I wonder if there are some differences in the paths for includes between the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. That's something I'll dig into as I progress. BTW, a good part of the problem I was wrestling with on PlatformIO is actually a bug in PlatformIO. I've got a work around for it...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'll have to dig deeper on OneWire, as I seem to be using 2.3.6 as well. It's a never ending battle of refactoring code, especially when it's moving between platforms. It's funny that it builds fine using the Arduino IDE. I wonder if there are some differences in the paths for includes between the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO. That's something I'll dig into as I progress. BTW, a good part of the problem I was wrestling with on PlatformIO is actually a bug in PlatformIO. I've got a work around for it...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After some back and forth the community and little bit of hacking on my own, I think I've gotten past the errors with the definition of the WebServer class, but I'm now getting some different errors. Oddly enough, even after getting the issues with arduino ESP32 core not building properly, I was still getting errors that "WebServer" not defined. On a whim, I renamed the webserver.cpp and webserver.h files included in the firmware source MyFP2webserver.cpp and MyFP2webserver.h, changed...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After some back and forth the community and little bit of hacking on my own, I think I've gotten past the errors with the definition of the WebServer class, but I'm now getting some different errors. Oddly enough, even after getting the issues with arduino ESP32 core not building properly, I was still getting errors that "WebServer" not defined. On a whim, I renamed the webserver.cpp and webserver.h files included in the firmware source MyFP2webserver.cpp and MyFP2webserver.h, changed...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, I'm trying to sort that through with some help from the PlatformIO community. I'm not giving up yet!

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm trying to get Arduino ESP32 core installed now following the instructions here:

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks! My bad, I thought I had already added that one. I've added it now but I'm still getting errors on definition of Web Server.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Robert! I've tried adding the version of library as opposed the one included with the 230-1 firmware, and I'm definitely still getting the message regarding SSD1306Wire.h. I do not have INFRAREDREMOTE defined, CONTROLLERMODE is defined to STATIONMODE, OTAUPDATES is also not defined, but MDNSSERVER is defined. I've attached my version of focuserconfig.h and the latest compile errors (although I don't see any difference from the previously attached version)

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks! I've set "Espressif32 ESP32 Dev Model" as the board in Platform.IO, and here are are the errors from the build:

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks. I set the board to wemos_d1_mini32. I'll try "Expressif ESP32 Dev Model" and/or "Hornbill ESP32 Dev" to see if that makes any difference.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, thanks for the reply. I've got no trouble compiling everything using the Arduino IDE, but I prefer to the use add on to Visual Studio code, as the the environment is a little more advanced than the Arduino IDE. I'm trying to see if I could add support for Wii Nunchuck as a focus controller. I'm getting errors from a few source files complaining that the WebServer type is is not defined: src/Ascom.cpp:49:8: error: 'WebServer' does not name a type extern WebServer mserver;

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, thanks for the reply. I've got no trouble compiling everything using the Arduino IDE, but I prefer to the use add on to Visual Studio code, as the the environment is a little more advanced than the Arduino IDE. I'm trying to see if I could add support for Wii Nunchuck as a focus controller.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Has anybody tried this? I think I've just about got it compiling by importing the Arduino IDE project, but I was wondering what Web Server library is being used.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    My thought is that I've already got wires running for my camera already, so an extra wire is no big deal. I suppose the target setup is for it to be entirely transparent (i.e. turn on and forget), and the only thing you need to connect for is if you want some info from the controller.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the reply Robert! I'm a bit surprised that local serial is likely to go away.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm looking at the configuration in the source code, and I wondering if it's possible to use both WiFi and USB without reflashing. I'd like to be able to have a single controller work from my Android phone for visual, and to be able to connect a USB cable when I've got my imaging laptop set up.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    David, did you get any pictures of the internals of some completed builds?

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I know the documents say that that you can't sell kits or assembled units to others for commerical gain, but is there any way I could get a unit built for me by somebody? This is a super useful device that Robert has built, but I'm quickly realizing getting the level of skill to build one is bit further off for me than I'd like to wait.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, thanks! I know I wasn't very clear in the question. BTW, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this (and your other projects). I always get enthusiastic when I see a new project you are working on since they are useful and well documented.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry, I'm definitely not making myself clear at all on this. I'm using the ESP32 Solderless Solution. I'm trying to check what the connector will mate with the white socket on the Stepper Expansion board so I can buy a cable, cut in the middle, strip the cut ends and wire it up to at DB9 breakout board without having to run each wire individually. I think one of these is the right one. Am I correct?

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry, I'm definitely not making myself clear at all on this. I'm trying to check what the connector will mate with the white socket on the Stepper Expansion board so I can buy a cable, cut in the middle, strip the cut ends and wire it up to at DB9 breakout board without having to run each wire individually. I think one of these is the right one. Am I correct?

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, I ordered the black version of this board:, which I believe (hope?) identical to the one for the solderless solution in documentation: I can just use some jumper wires, but I've had issues with them coming undone.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm in the process of building out one of these, and I'm wondering what type of connector is on n the Stepper Motor Driver Expansion board for the stepper motor. The stepper motor I have has a connector that doesn't match, otherwise I'd just a portion of the wire and connector off to wire it the the DB9 break out board. Is it a JST 2.0 connector? Thanks in advance! -- Tom tom dot hayko at gmail dot com

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm in the process of building out one of these, and I'm wondering what type of connector is on the Stepper Motor Driver Expansion board ( for the stepper motor. The stepper motor I have has a connector that doesn't match, otherwise I'd just a portion of the wire and connector off to wire it the the DB9 break out board. Is it a JST 2.0 connector? Thanks in advance!

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm in the process of building out one of these, and I'm wondering what type of connector is on n the Stepper Motor Driver Expansion board for the stepper motor. The stepper motor I have has a connector that doesn't match, otherwise I'd just a portion of the wire and connector off to wire it the the DB9 break out board. Is it a JST 2.0 connector? Thanks in advance!

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the help Robert! Sorry to ask a question that I could have found the answer to myself :(

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm having some issues using SVN or Git to clone the repository locally. Most of the docs I've found on cloning projects from SourceForge say to use the URL but I don't know what PROJECTNAME and REPOSITORY should be. I've tried and, but neither seem to work. I want to make sure I've got all the code, docs, etc on my local machine for reference, and potentially to...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the reply Robert. I've got an older Kendrick Astro controller that I use today, I could use that for the smaller heater but I was sort of hoping I could avoid running another wire for power. I've got a pretty good rats nest of cable going on already :) The Kendrick Astro heater for my C8 objective is about 1.6 amps. The Dew-Not heater for my little refractor is about .6 amps. My Dew-Not 2" eyepiece heaters (2 currently) are about .35 amps each, and the hand controller is about .21 amps....

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've got an older Kendrick Astro controller that I use today, but I was sort of hoping I could avoid running another wire for power. I could use that for the smaller heaters.. Too bad they can't be cordless ;)

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    How many amps can each channel handle? It looks like the MOSFETs can handle way more than most dew heaters, but I'm not enough of a electrical engineer to know where the other limits might be. Between my C8, the refractor I've got piggybacked, my guide scope/finder, eyepieces for each, and a hand controller warmer, I've got a need to handle 7 heaters. The eyepiece ones are for 2" eyepieces (0.35 amps each) and the hand controller one is (0.21 amps). I'm less worried about temperature control for...

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm not 100 percent sure I'd be capable of being a good beta tester, as my soldering skills are very rusty. I'm more of a software guy, although my software expertise isn't with microcontrollers. Thanks for sharing this, and I'll keep watching as things progress along.

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm not very experienced at these kinds of projects, but I'm very interested in this! Hopefully it will be in a state that I could try building one soon! Thanks Robert! -- Tom tom dot hayko at gmail dot com