Activity for tituss

  • tituss tituss created ticket #440

    some new sound effects

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #382

    I should have been more clear about the activating command. It actually self-triggers once you close the chest this script is connected to, no verbal command necessary! Because of the way I asked this to be done, it needs to use a real wand that's level 0. It is possible to place a lvl 0 wand with no spell in the world I was just trying to avoid shop or map farming. It could be possible to create a item that contains this level 0 wand, then I generate a recipe for this item that then needs to be...

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #382

    Hi! So the script checks to makes sure that the wand is BOTH level 0 and has no existing spell. As to the value of the wand, I wasn't worried about this because the new pshop system would allow players to set their own values. Yes the wand charge scroll will allow for a huge amount of charges over time, this was my attempt at making up for nerfing rods. Sorry about forgetting the archetype, they're attached here. The maker_script works well, for example it only allows prayers on staffs and spells...

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #264

    The original idea what that this would simply be a different way to gain a resource you could then use in a crafting recipe. This is in development so when it's done I'll submit it :)

  • tituss tituss created ticket #382

    Wand Maker + Wand Improvement Crystals from HeroworldCF

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #265

    Thank you for looking into this, I really appreciate it. I can now have attack animations generated for many of the monsters which I think will make a huge difference.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #265

    Basic_Attack Animation Support for Monsters

  • tituss tituss created ticket #381

    Meta's Personal Shop Fix

  • tituss tituss created ticket #264

    Scripted Bucket

  • tituss tituss created ticket #371

    Arches for little over a dozen artifact rings

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #263

    iirc there is a tag which should do this but when I attempted to apply it there was no effect, might be a bug. Can describe further in irc or here if you need.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #370

    Also as is my M.O I found a minor issue with the spell_turn_undead_aura in that it has the same Object_name as the spell_turn_undead. This can be solved by adding a '_aura' to the end of the obect.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #363

    We both know that the server change you're talking about won't happen so why not just accept the skill.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #370

    Woops forgot to add the attachment:

  • tituss tituss created ticket #370

    2 New Aura Spells

  • tituss tituss modified a comment on ticket #367

    It's incredibly frustrating that for all the content I'm trying to come up with, this insignificant little bottle is the ONLY thing that gets accepted. Happy to help

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #367

    It's absolutely stupid that for all the content I'm trying to come up with, this insignificant little bottle is the ONLY thing that gets accepted. Happy to frigging help

  • tituss tituss created ticket #369

    "Living Arrow" monster from HW

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #364

    I appreciate it. If you even wanted to offer a small example in the comments here that I could go off I can submit a new version. Also I'm not sure about controlling the magnitude of the spell, perhaps I have to make specific spell archs for the arrows so they're less intense? idk, whatever you think.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    I can submit the change I made to my .trs which includes those in the random_artifacts table if that would be helpful.

  • tituss tituss modified a comment on ticket #368

    Oh damn! I thought they were unique to HW. Well that's stupid of me.

  • tituss tituss modified a comment on ticket #368

    Oh damn! I thought they were unique to HW. Well that's stupid of me.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    Oh damn! I thought they were unique to HW. Well that's stupid of me.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    I can understand wanting to stay purely fantasy, though the lore does reference the possibility of some sort of undefined tech that doesn't mean anything specific like mechs or spaceships.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    whoops! here's the arc for the bloodreaver axe

  • tituss tituss modified a comment on ticket #368

    I felt there was enough references to quasi-tech that something like this could fit in. The way I'm using it is as a reward in my new arena which has been styled to be the Technomancers Island. Value could be increased for sure.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    I felt there was enough references to quasi-tech that something like this could fit in. The way I'm using it is as a reward in my new arena which has been styled to be the Technomancers Island. Value could be increased for sure.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #368

    These are easy to include right in your arifacts folder. If you want them to spawn in the random_artifacts table you will need to open treasures.trs and find the entry, treasureone random_artifacts and follow the shown syntax to add to the list. Any questions ask them here and I'll walk you through it. (crafting recipes for these artifacts coming soon) -titus

  • tituss tituss created ticket #368

    New Artifacts from HeroworldCF

  • tituss tituss created ticket #366

    New Buildables Materials from HeroworldCF (Pt.1 The Frontier Expansion Pack)

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #365

    Oh there's also a few items like a healing potion and a stack of gold you probably want to make no_pick.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #365

    Minor change I made was making the doors 'randomitems none' so there's no chance a trap will go off in some new players face. You'll have to make this change in the map editor. Doors are in tutorial part 2 and 3.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #365

    HW-Deliantra Style Tutorial w. face selector

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #363

    I just noticed a mistake with that skill arch that will cause a crash but it's an easy fix! Open the mining skill and look where it says type (not subtype), see the number 39 there? That needs to be a 43. That's it! Otherwise feedback appreciated.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #364

    Spell Emitter Arrows

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #363

    Unrelated but I didn't want to make an entirely new entry. This is a one time use potion bottle which breaks into shards when it's used. Includes a 'cracked generic potion bottle' and a new arch & image for glass rubble. (Thanks Saiapatsu!)

  • tituss tituss created ticket #363

    Mining Skill (Pt. 1 Live off the Land Update)

  • tituss tituss created ticket #261

    An Actual Town Portal Spell

  • tituss tituss created ticket #256

    Achievable Demi-Godhood

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #216

    This is a good idea. I was thinking on my server of having an in-game bounty in bugs to encourage players to help. It won't take a ton of time to go through the bugs reported especially with the current population lol

  • tituss tituss created ticket #255

    Antarctic World Expansion Pack

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #254

    I see very few functional differences between your idea for cartography and the available public map directory in the way of spoilt exploration. Personally I think the map directory should not be public as it encourages spoiler farming (even in it's currently watered down state) and instead have players develop organic libraries of maps in the way you're describing that theyve recorded from their own experiences. This could be a catalyst which provokes guilds to have growing library of wisdom for...

  • tituss tituss created ticket #254

    Magic Map reworkd

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #253

    maybe reduce the number of commands that can be spammed into queue down to one and only allow an action every quarter second? This could prevent command stacking and command locking by no longer requiring the server to recify queued commands.

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #251

    Forgot to mention to reach out to tituss on the CF irc for more information :)

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #248

    edit: What about players gear which is lost? One option is to allow players the option of fireproofing their gear so that it becomes LESS at risk in the event of their death.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #251

    Necromancy Concept

  • tituss tituss posted a comment on ticket #247

    Perhaps there is a rare, consumable scroll which would limit over-use.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #250

    HP bar above mobs.

  • tituss tituss created ticket #249

    HUGE build zone ala Dwarf Fortress

  • tituss tituss created ticket #248

    Method to allow players option of permadeath/Hardcore mode

  • tituss tituss created ticket #247

    In game mechanic allowing players to make items unique