test/dp: more simple tests for T_Class_Fld adds in the middle
DPM: remove bad (though harmless) code
DPM: don't recursively pair N_Enum from T_Enum, they'll get handled by SC_Patch_NodePairBuild
test/reorder: cleanup leftover files
DPM: refactor a bunch of SC_Sym_Pair_Build to SC_DP_PairSetup, do minimaziton only after diffing everything, and fix V_NEW handling in V_Blocks
test/reorder: somewhat nasty bug
test/dp: failed attempts at simpler repro
M2F: verify V_Block SymRefs on write
minor readme changes
rework s2fnc and add sdiff (not too useful though)
SCE: remove obsolete (hand written) edit code, and some V_Blocks
sccomp: forgot some || true
SCM: somekindof SCM_V_WG_Dup changes, I guess to support removing functions and extra helpers, m:t:Vector: more helpers for resizing, etc
SC: add SCM_V_Block_FillVecRes helper
SCJ: add lame support for limiting SCJ_MetaMacroExpand to only some symbols and folding output
SC: duh change DirectOp to PointerDirectOp & SCall & build
SCM: add *_HasRefToBulk
SCE: fold toplevel by default on file open
font something
add tdiff_git and tdiff_file tools, slightly improve sccomp script
m:t:Vector: improvements
SCP: add mode to print each symbol separate (mostly for easier diffing of massive changes)
SCE: fix crash when changing focus between windows after adding something
workaround ld.mold issues by using ld.gold...
SCE: fix crash when: ctrl+c N_Fnc (or T_Fnc, likely any object), ctrl+del (just removes the ref from the V_Block), ctrl+shift+paste somewhere but not ctrl+paste!
SCE: improve tab creation and selection
SCE: primitive sessions
SCE: "minor" improvements for SCE_State
SCE: add Debug_KB_Move_Marker
workaround problems with mod+tag switching when cursor is on another screen while a popup grabbed the focus (mainly happens with firefox)
minor "cleanup"
workaround issues with java windows
config_timon: setup tangram
handle moving floating windows between monitors when swapping tags
hopefully fix selmon issues with sticky windows
config_timon: alt to retag window, ctrl meh
workaround crash on emojis in task-bar
config_timon: imgui floating
Act_MoveFocus: directional focus move between windows and to empty monitors
config_timon: swap tags on scroll only when MOD is pressed
add -lpthread, linker error on nixos-19.03
auto sense topbar
change timon config
also change focus on ungrab
add timer for updating clock (fuck, xlib is so shit...)
AutoLaunch: dunst for notifications (otherwise network-manager blocks in annoying ways), and nm-applet
comment out debug stuff
Make: add line for dumping preprocessed files
copying drw stuff from current dwm
add default.nix for nixos
change timon config
fix shortcuts with shift (why tf XLookupString...)
fix Lt_TileEven not using full width/height with more than 1 window (facepalm)
SCM: make PrivSet also set TrvTypes
SCE: workaround index diff->stage sometimes crashing after previous meta-code execution
DP: minor cleanup SC_Diff_TypePairBuild
SCM: fix stupidly broken m:SCM_ll_ForEach (and m:SCM_TypeTrv_ForEach)
test/scp: reprint verbose reference file
SCP: print E_Cst_BuIn Type/Size in verbose mode
SCP: explicitly print truly empty S_Block
SC: slowly support truly empty S_Block (tmp)
SCM: add SCM_S_Block_InsN_array
SCP: ehh. crap for T_Fnc typename and N_Fnc conflict, will need to decide what to do about it all soon(tm)
use mold, minor but nice speed gain
nixos: fixes, print full setup command, don't nix-shell inside setup_full
assert for gSCM_Type_Null, and don't return it
improvements m:SC_C_DynamicDispatch, m:SNAFU, adding m:SNAFU_C
SCM: AutoICB: add N_LVar, which removes the evil: pType = &gSCM_Type_Null
CMake: just generate a bash script for SCall, mainly to avoid it being run in parallel (wtf) and have more explicit ordering (TODO that actually needs fixing in meta:sc)
fix N_Fnc 'SCM_S_Loop_1_Build' using T_Fnc 'SCM_S_Block_Build'
SCM: m:f:SCM_Any_Iter
SCM: implement *_FnRBulk
SCM: implement *__IterCtxDeepen
SCM: some helpers m:VERIFY, ReDup_RPCP, ReDupR_RPCP
SCM: m:t:Vector, SymPair, DupFnRR changes
SCP: fix incorrect type dependency
SCM: fix E_Any_TypeGet missing E_Cst_Class and E_Cst_Array
V_Block SCM_SymPair_Vector_Extra
SCJ: make r* kinda handle E_Cst_BuIn and E_Cst_Str
DP: fix unhandled auto-stage of missing GAdd V_Blocks