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  • Posted a comment on ticket #27 on Javascript Clipper

    Thanks for reporting. Did you test the library itself? The demo is a bit complicated when using open paths (if I remember right, it doesn't support them or if supports you cannot change the order of operations boolean/offset). The JS libary itself supports open paths. You can try using as a base eg. (code: or even simpler

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper

    The downside is that this integerisation lowers precision. If floats would be used throughout the library, this integerisation is not needed. I mentioned this a while ago to Angus: one cause for minor self intersections can be this integerisation.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper

    Also float->integer and integer->float cause rounding errors. It is safe to make comparisons using floating point coordinates inside Clipper because bigger float is bigger float the same way bigger integer is bigger integer.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper

    Performance increase is amazing! What is the main reason for the increase?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper

    I found these about Martinez. The demo seems to work nice and there are also an animation about the process: The project is on Github MIT licensed: There is a text "Based somewhat on the F. Martinez (2008) algorithm". More explanations about the algorithm:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper "Based somewhat on the F. Martinez (2008) algorithm"

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum on Clipper

    Angus, any thoughts about this?

  • Modified a comment on a wiki page on Javascript Clipper
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Personal Data

2012-11-26 13:09:20


This is a list of open source software projects that Timo Kähkönen is associated with:

  • Project Logo Javascript Clipper Boolean operations and offsetting library in Javascript Last Updated:

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