Activity for Timo Kähkönen

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #27

    Thanks for reporting. Did you test the library itself? The demo is a bit complicated when using open paths (if I remember right, it doesn't support them or if supports you cannot change the order of operations boolean/offset). The JS libary itself supports open paths. You can try using as a base eg. (code: or even simpler

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    The downside is that this integerisation lowers precision. If floats would be used throughout the library, this integerisation is not needed. I mentioned this a while ago to Angus: one cause for minor self intersections can be this integerisation.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Also float->integer and integer->float cause rounding errors. It is safe to make comparisons using floating point coordinates inside Clipper because bigger float is bigger float the same way bigger integer is bigger integer.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Performance increase is amazing! What is the main reason for the increase?

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I found these about Martinez. The demo seems to work nice and there are also an animation about the process: The project is on Github MIT licensed: There is a text "Based somewhat on the F. Martinez (2008) algorithm". More explanations about the algorithm:

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum "Based somewhat on the F. Martinez (2008) algorithm"

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus, any thoughts about this?

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a comment on a wiki page

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I released a float version of Javascript Clipper, which is based on C# 6.4.2. The demo: I changed the rangetest to raise an exception if a coordinate is outside +-ClipperLib.ClipperBase.maxValue or the absolute value of coordinate is smaller than ClipperLib.ClipperBase.minValue. ClipperLib.ClipperBase.maxValue = Math.sqrt(Number.MAX_VALUE); // 1.3407807929942596e+154 ClipperLib.ClipperBase.minValue = Math.sqrt(Number.MIN_VALUE); // 2.2227587494850775e-162...

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I released a float version of Javascript Clipper, which is based on C# 6.4.2. The demo: I changed the rangetest to raise an exception if a coordinate is outside +-ClipperLib.ClipperBase.maxValue or the absolute value of coordinate is smaller than ClipperLib.ClipperBase.minValue. ClipperLib.ClipperBase.maxValue = Math.sqrt(Number.MAX_VALUE); // 1.3407807929942596e+154 ClipperLib.ClipperBase.minValue = Math.sqrt(Number.MIN_VALUE); // 2.2227587494850775e-162...

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have released a floating point version of Javascript Clipper. The main reasons for releasing are: the library code is smaller (no Int128), calling logic is simpler (no need for scaling coordinates) and the execution speed is faster (about 2x when using big integers), Give it a try:

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi! This is a forum for general discussion about Javascript Clipper. If you think you have find a bug, please report it in

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    What version of Clipper are you using? The newest is 6.4.2 (2017-02-27).

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page

    Web Workers 6

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page

    Main_Demo 6

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    Home 6

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #22

    update to 6.4.2

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page

    Web Workers 6

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page

    Main_Demo 6

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page

    Home 6

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #12

    This is fixed in upcoming

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a comment on ticket #22

    I'm now working on it. Seems promising. I have to make extensive tests first. I made also changes regarding calling IntPoint, DoublePoint and SlopesEqual -functions inside library. The average time of calling 1503 operations (offset and boolean) decreased from 2.1ms to 1.5ms.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #22

    I'm now working on it. Seems promising. I have to make extensive tests first.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #3

    even/odd offsets missing

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #12

    Union of polygons with colinear edges (2)

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #13

    Offsetting open shapes with self intersecting lines

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #14

    ZFillFunction broken in

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #15

    IntPoint's Z values not preserved

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #16

    horizontal end segment of an open path gets reversed.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #16

    Thanks. The issue is fixed in, which is coming soon.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #21

    Working with existing svg paths

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #21

    If paths are only polygons (MLVHZ mlvhz), then you can use normalize_clipper_poly(polystr, quiet) to convert SVG-path to Clipper Path(s) and format_output(polystr, ExPolygonsOrNot) to convert from (stringified) Clipper Path(s) to SVG-path. The functions are in source. You probably have to edit those functions to suit your needs. If the path has curves, your option could be to convert path to cubic curves using Raphael and then polygonize them...

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #17

    ClipperLib.JS.Lighten always returns a Paths

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #17

    Thanks for reporting! Fixed in upcoming

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #18

    TypeError: this.ParseFirstLeft is not a function

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #18

    Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed in upcoming

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #19

    ir is not defined

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #19

    Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed in upcoming version.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #20

    Undesired zero width bridge when performing difference operation

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hi, Thanks for reporting. This issue is true in The upcoming fixes this problem. [[{"X":128,"Y":64},{"X":64,"Y":64},{"X":64,"Y":96},{"X":32,"Y":96},{"X":32,"Y":64},{"X":96,"Y":64},{"X":96,"Y":32},{"X":128,"Y":32}]] [[{"X":128,"Y":32},{"X":128,"Y":64},{"X":96,"Y":64},{"X":96,"Y":32}]]

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified ticket #23

    Incorrect result from edge-case with clip type Difference

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Angus, is there any development regarding floating point version of Clipper?

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #23

    Thanks for contacting. Could you test, what result gives C# Clipper, from which JS Clipper is ported? Meanwhile you can use a workaround. After ctDifference operation, apply a little negative offset to the solution, eg. -0.001. See the documentation: or the example:

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #22

    Thanks for interest, Javier! I assume that after summer I have time to make the update.

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I'm not sure, but I think that the source of unrobustness may be the rounding to...

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Glad to hear that your work on Clipper 2 has started! Do you think Clipper 2 will...

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #15

    Thanks for reporting! I think it is fixed now in

  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen modified a wiki page


  • Timo Kähkönen Timo Kähkönen posted a comment on ticket #13

    I tested those paths at

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page


  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #14

    Thanks for reporting. The bug is fixed now in version https://sourcefor...

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    Web Workers 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    ExPolygons and PolyTree 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    Main_Demo 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    Home 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    Home 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page

    Home 6

  • Timo Timo modified a wiki page


  • Timo Timo modified a comment on ticket #12

    Because current stable C# Clipper is not perfect in common line joining, you can...

  • Timo Timo modified a comment on a wiki page

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Clipper makes those relationships automatically if you use PolyTree as a solution...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #12

    Because current stable C# Clipper is not perfect in common line joining, you can...

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #11

    Union of polygons with colinear edges

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #10

    Inverse Function Question

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #9

    Open path fixes

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #7

    Bugfix: when ForceSimplePolygons is enabled, the PolyTree structure could be incorrect (r471)

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #7

    This is fixed in

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #6

    find intersection of two open paths (lines)

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #5

    Last segment of an open path is ignored (patch included)

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #5

    This is fixed in

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #4

    Usage outside of Webbrowser

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #3

    even/odd offsets missing

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #2

    Inherit never inherited

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #2

    This is fixed in

  • Timo Timo modified ticket #1

    Incorrect instanceof line

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #1

    This is fixed in

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #12

    This has to be some bug in original C# Clipper. I tested in the last stable C# Clipper...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #9

    Fine! I'm waiting Angus Johnson to make updates. He wrote at the Sourceforge page...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #9

    I made an update, where those open path bugs are fixed or should be at least: ht...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #11

    I made an update, where this is fixed.

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #9

    I have not found any issues when testing with about 100 000 operations/polygon combinations....

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #9

    The time of making 1503 operations: FPoint: 1836 ms IntPoint: 5688 FPoint:

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #9

    I have no timetable for adding new fixes. I assume that all those bugs are fixed...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #10

    Or if you need also those outside-areas, use XOR.

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #10

    It is the DIFFERENCE operation so that the SUBJECT is the canvas path (eg 640x480)...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #10

    Hi, Markus! Hard to say without any example image. Could you make an image about...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I don't know why this happens. It should be two polygons. When I have time and money,...

  • Timo Timo modified a comment on ticket #6

    If those open paths consist only of one line segment, you could use line intersection...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #6

    If those open paths consist only of one line segment, you could use line intersection...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #5

    Thanks for reporting. This was a bug in 6.1.3a (rev 452) version of original C# Clipper...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    I tried in experimental Javascript FPoint Clipper:

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on discussion Discussion Forum

    Varying delta by segment should be possible at least when miter joins are used, but...

  • Timo Timo posted a comment on ticket #4

    It should be possible. The node.js support is added by these lines: var isNode =...

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