Activity for Thomas Wiens

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r511] on Code

    Fix some warnings found by cppcheck, like uselessAssignmentArg, unreadVariable

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r510] on Code

    Fix include dir to build under Linux

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r509] on Code

    Compatibility fixes for Wireshark 4.5 tree:

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, try to ping the VM with TIA and Plcsim/Nettoplcsim ( from the PC where your Delta HMI is running on. If ping works, you can try if you are able to connect on TCP port 102, also from the PC where Delta HMI is running on. Open a Windows Powershell command window, then enter: tnc -port 102 If the TCP connect was successful, you should see a line with: TcpTestSucceeded : True in it. Try to stop the Nettoplcsim server and start the same command again, you should get a Timeout...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, try to ping the VM with TIA and Plcsim/Nettoplcsim ( from the PC where your Delta HMI is running on. If ping works, you can try if you are able to connect on TCP port 102, also from the PC where Delta HMI is running on. Open a Windows Powershell command window, then enter: tnc - port 102 If the TCP connect was successful, you should see a line with: TcpTestSucceeded : True in it. Try to stop the Nettoplcsim server and start the same command again, you should get a Timeout...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    As an author you sometimes don't know what is relevant for an user which is new to the program. I think it's only relevant to know, that Nettoplcsim for the Network address doesn't do any magic in the background. It just uses the existing interface, which you have to setup for yourself with the standard Windows tools. If you want the PC where Nettoplcsim is running on, should be reachable at the same address the real Plc will have. you have to set the network interface IP address to the same as the...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    In classic Step7 V5.x you cannot view the online values of strings in the datablock view. You have to do this for example in variable table. If your string starts at DB100.DBX100.0 for example, then you add DB100.DBB100 with view type HEX (this is the maximum stringlength e.g. 16#FE for 254 length), then DB100.DBB101 also in HEX (this is the acutal length of the string), and then DB100.DBD102 to whatever you need with view type CHAR. This are the actual chars in the string, but valid chars are the...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I don't use this way usually, but if I remember correctly, there were some problems if you want to use all of the test and installation functions. But simple downloading of blocks (not in the PCS7 or CFC environment) should work I'd say.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Massimo, are you trying the ping from the same machine where Nettoplcsim is running on (pinging localhost)? It seems that you are only connected to WLAN interface. Disconnect WLAN and connect the LAN interface to any switch or router. If you want to use the symbolic driver in Intouch OI, then from my last tests some years ago they weren't able to connect to Plcsim via Nettoplcsim. Also they don't support some old variants of the S7-1200. I suppose they have done their reverse engineering of the...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Piotr, Nettoplcsim uses an existing network interface. It does not add something like an IP address itself. Means if the Scada should reach the PLC under, then you should add this address to the network interface where Plcsim and Nettoplcsim is running on (as you asked, they must be the same). If you are using the browse button beside the network address (with the "..."), you should be able to find this address. If you don't find this address, in 99% it wont work (1% is for special...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The admin rights are only neccessary, because Nettoplcsim needs access to control the system services, to start / stop the Siemens service which blocks the port 102. Your administrator give the user without general admin right, at least the rights to access the system services. I don't see any other workaround with the current version. Maybe it would work Nettoplcsim is packed into an...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using Nettoplcsim successfully together with TIA V18. Only make sure you start your simulation setup in this order: After PC start, before starting any Siemens application, start Nettoplcsim with admin rights and let it capture the TCP Port 102. Let Nettoplcsim in this state, with no configuration Start Siemens Software, start Plcsim, load program into Plcsim Configure Nettoplcsim, and start the Nettoplcsim server Make your tests

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r508] on Code

    Generate variable ID name for TI String/WString

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r507] on Code

    Add Ids for associated value types

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r506] on Code

    PackedStruct transport-flags bit 0 is set, when classic/non-optimized offsets are used

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r505] on Code

    Add details of Subscription fields

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r504] on Code

    Use always hexadecimal style for LID sequences

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r503] on Code

    Add decoding of current hmiinfo syntaxids

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r502] on Code

    Version 0.0.9

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r501] on Code

    Offsetinfo ProgramAlarm is more general for SFBs

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r500] on Code

    Timespan: Fix bug at valuestring generation when time is Int64.MinValue

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Wasn't as easy as I thought, as I wasn't able to recreate my old build setup, and needed to move also the C part to VS 2019. And I had some problems with the Interop.S7PROSIMLib.dll, maybe they have slightly changed this on newer Plcsim servicepacks. I've added the file from the latest release for you, I hope it's working. I uploaded the project into as Maybe you have to install the redistributable...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you using the current S7online version of nettoplcsim, or the old S7ProSim variant 0.7.2? The S7ProSim variant doesn't allow area code 0x80. But if you write to an input 0x81, I'm using the S7ProSim method "WriteInputPoint()", which does also write to the periphery, if I understand the documentation correctly. The same with reading outputs with 0x82 where im using the method ReadOutputPoint()". When I'm adding the area code 0x80, my idea was to use ReadOutputImage / WriteInputImage, but I suspect...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    As I just discovered, the S7 protocol doesn't differ between addressing peripheral inputs and outputs. Theres only one code 0x80 for periphery, it's the same as the area for an ANY-pointer in a S7 program. For example if you address in WinCC flexible PIW100 and PQW100, on the network the addresses are the same. I haven't a S7 with periphery for testing what value you'll get, if you have both addresses in your hardware configuration (PIW100 for an analog in, and PQW100 for an analog out).

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a comment on discussion Help

    Mikel, as I'm just working on the old version which used the S7ProSim interface, I can add this feature too, if you are ok with some limitations of the old version. Like it's not responding to all SZL requests as the new version does. And S7ProSim is limited, that peripheral inputs can only be written, and peripheral outputs only be read. And you can't access single bits, the smallest unit is 1 byte in this area. And S7ProSim is rather slow. Every method call on S7ProSim takes about 0,7 ms. For example...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mikel, as I'm just working on the old version which used the S7ProSim interface, I can add this feature too, if you are Ok with some limitations of the olf version. Like it's not responding to all SZL requests as the new version does. And S7ProSim is limited, that peripheral inputs can only be written, and peripheral outputs only be read. And you can't access single bits, the smallest unit is 1 byte in this area. And S7ProSim is rather slow. Every method call on S7ProSim takes about 0,7 ms. For example...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think I can add this feature to the old version. I'd add to the GUI an entry field where you can enter the Plcsim instance number to connect to, and an entry for the IP address where the server should start on. Then you can add multiple IP addresses to your network interface, and connect instance 1 to one ip, and so on. You have to start Nettoplcsim for each Plcsim instance. I won't do any further refinement on the old version. I'd would be better to use especially the network part from the new...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    If adding this, then to the old version. For the S7ProSim version Nettoplcsim needed to implement the S7 protocol completely, to pass the request to the S7ProSim Interface. The current S7online versions in general doesn't know anything of the protocol, it extracts the S7 part from the Iso-On-TCP layer and passes the data into S7online (with some extras). The manual only says that you can start multiple instances of Plcsim, but Nettoplcsim connects to the first started. The problem is, the instances...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's possible, but not with the current Nettoplcsim version. Plcsim for S7-300/400 has an API (ProSim), where you can access or simulate peripheral IO. In Nettoplcsim versions before v0.9 I was using this interface. But the interface is rather slow compared to the S7online interface I'm using now. I don't know if I implemented accessing the peripheral data in the network part of these old versions. But be aware that the old Plcsim didn't support Profinet IO, you had to modify the hardware configuration...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, you must distinguish between what Plcsim supports, and what Nettoplcsim supports. Which functions are supported by Plcsim (for S7-300/400) are described in the operationg manual of Plcsim. In detail for communication, Plcsim (for S7-300/400) supports Put/Get communication between two simulated instances, but you have to use the SFB14/SFB15 blocks and not the FBs for Put/Get from the library. If you have a S7-400, then you would already using the SFBs and needs nothing to be modified for Plcsim....

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r499] on Code

    use a unique conversation for ssl in each direction

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'd say, the settings are ok and it should work. Are both programs (dopsoft and Plcsim/Nettoplcsim) running on the same machine, or in different machines? If different machines, try if you can ping the And check if the port 102 is not blocked by any firewall.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    First make sure, you start the programs on your Step 7 station in this order: After PC start, before starting any Siemens application, start Nettoplcsim with admin rights and let it capture the TCP Port 102. Let Nettoplcsim in this state, with no configuration Start Siemens Software, start Plcsim, load program into Plcsim Configure Nettoplcsim, and start the Nettoplcsim server Make your tests If this still doesn't work, please give more informations about the IP addresses you are using. Remember,...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r498] on Code

    Optimized TLS fragment handling, resolved unknown value in CreateObject

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, try starting Nettoplcsim first, before starting any Siemens software. This order: After PC start, before starting any Siemens application, start Nettoplcsim with admin rights and let it capture the TCP Port 102. Let Nettoplcsim in this state, with no configuration Start Siemens Software, start Plcsim, load program into Plcsim Configure Nettoplcsim, and start the Nettoplcsim server Make your tests

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a wiki page


  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a wiki page


  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    OS Server terminalbus should have The other settings are ok for me. Can you ping from the OS server? And doese the browse dialog in Nettoplcsim for the Network interface find the interface with And make sure that you have set the connection type between OS and Plc to TCP/IP, an Iso connection won't work with Nettoplcsim.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    At least it would be interesting, if your HMI software uses symbolic access, or the classic absolut address mode which existed in the S7-300/400. The classic address mode should always work, when you enable Put/Get in the Plc hardware configuration. The problem when it doesn't work with Nettoplcsim is then mostly a network misconfigration. With the symbolic address mode, not all drivers support all types of Plcs, especially when virtual with Plcsim / Plcsim Avanced, or the software controller variants....

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r497] on Code

    Add some new softdatatypes

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r496] on Code

    Use hexadecimal style for IDs in item address filter string

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r495] on Code

    Attribute Bit 11 is for HMI-Readonly

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r494] on Code

    Notification: Timevalue is a UTC timestamp

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Plcsim/Nettoplcsim does only support S7 communication (as server). Any type of other communications aren't supported.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r493] on Code

    Fix wrong length adding val.datatype to proto_tree

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r492] on Code

    Handle fragmented TLS connection setup data

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    These old versions don't needed to be started as Administrator. The new versions do only need the admin-rights to stop and start the annoying Siemens service. At the time of Nettoplcsim 0.7.2 and the Step7 versions available at the time (it's from 2010) you simply could completely disable the Siemens service which used the port 102, and Step7 still runs fine. It was much easier to use back then.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've uploaded the version compiled for x86, still using .Net framework 0.7.2

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can try to compile it explicit for x86 target. It's still using .net framework 2.0, I can set it to a newer version if you want. Or if you have Visual Studio, you can try it for yourself.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't used these versions a long time ago. Do you have a 32 or 64 bit Windows? The noDaveServer.dll is a 32 bit dll. Maybe it's because of the settings of the .net project, that It's starting in 64 bit mode, which can't load the 32 bit dll.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    As I've written in the other thread, from my experience some time ago the OI.SIDIR symbolic driver does not support the communication with Plcsim. I can say if Wonderware has fixed something in that direction, but I don't believe so. I only can say, the legacy driver works with Nettoplcsim (enable Put/Get in HW config, and use not optimized datablocks for this). But at least you should see an entry in the Nettoplcsim monitor window, when Nettoplcsim tries to connect to Plcsim. So may be there's something...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The addresses can be the same, but it works only if the Network IP Address is available on a network adapter. In most cases you must find both IP addresses (Network ans Plcsim) when you use the browse dialog via the "..." buttons. Otherwise it's unlikely to work. The IP address entered at "Network IP Address" must be used as address in any client software, like Intouch driver settings. If it's the same IP address as the configured S7 has, then you don't have to change the Plc address in your client...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've never tested it with Step7 and Intouch on the same machine, but I would say it should work. I'm guessing you're using the DASSidirect Server to access the data from the S7. In the DA-Server settings you need to enter as PLC IP address in your case the, and rack/slot to where the CPU is located in the rack. For newer Step7 versions or if TIA is installed, I heard from some users that you need to start the simulation in a special order: 1. After PC start, before starting any Siemens...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, what driver are you using in Wonderware? If you want to use the symbolic driverOI-SIDIRECT, the latest tests I've made with the version 1.1 of this driver wasn't working together with Plcsim/Nettoplcsim. But the driver even failed to communicate with a real S7-1200 with an older firmware, so I guess they don't support all protocol variants and controller types which Siemens has released. If you have a newer driver version, you can try do deactivate the entrypted communication in the S7 hardware...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The "S7 TCP Driver" is as far as I know a Movicon Driver, which can be installed from the Movicon installation media.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does not work with Logo Plcs. It's only for S7-300/400 oder S7-1200/1500 controllers, with Step 7 / TIA-Portal as engineering software,

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Nettoplcsim is only for Siemens S7 plcs, which comes with a plc simulator (PLCSIM), and this program is only an addon for PLCSIM. You can't use it without Siemens software.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The v0.9.5 used .Net framework 2. If this version works for you, it's ok. The current version supports a lot of other functions of the S7 protocol, and is much faster communicating. I'll try to find a Win XP installation, I'm curious why it's not working there.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The 1.2.5 was configured for .Net framework runtime 4, as I understand it should work with all 4.x versions of the .Net framework. In my opinion you can also use the latest 4.x version you can find for Windows XP. I've tested Nettoplcsim only under Windows 7 and 10.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    On Windows Xp you must install the .Net framework version 4 manually. I hope you can get the version from microsoft.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another option may be (depending on the TIA version) to change the address of the physical inputs from I0.0 to I100.0 for the simulation. Then I0.0 won't be overwritten, if the behaviour in the 1200 is the same as in other S7 plcs.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can write to I0.0, but it's even in Plcsim at the beginning of the OB1 cycle overwritten by the virtual peripheral data, like it's done in a real Plc with the data from the physical inputs. The classic Plcsim and Plcsim Advanced has a special api where you can write to the inputs directly. With standard Plcsim fot the 1200, In my opinion the fastest way to realize a simulation is, to write to M100.0 for example instead of I0.0, and at the very beginning of the OB1 cycle assign I0.0 := M100.0....

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The combination should work. Have you set the PG/PC interface on the IPC for S7ONLINE to the network adapter which has the connection to the Plc?

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Nettoplcsim does not add an IP address. It uses the available network interface which you have chosen and selected in Nettoplcsim. In your case Plcsim would be reachable under the IP address of the host ( The IP of the Plcsim CPU is only for internal communication between Nettoplcsim and Plcsim. If you want to reach Plcsim under the same IP, then you have to set the IP address in windows to the desired address. Remember that Nettoplcsim/Plcsim supports only the S7 protocol as server,...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have no experience with the F-CPU for myself. But I've had a similar question from another user, and he realized it by adding a datablock to the program, then write to the datablock instead of to the input area, and at the beginning of the OB cycle which your process image belongs to, overwrite the process image with the values from the datablock (I0.0 := DB1.DBX0.0 or IW0 := DB1.DBW0 and so on). Without modifying the program, you can check the S7ProSim Interface of Plcsim for S7-300/400. This...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have no experience with the F-CPU for myself. But I've had a similar question from another user, and he realized it by adding a datablock to the program, then write to the datablock instead of to the input area, and at the beginning of the OB cycle which your process image belongs to, overwrite the process image with the values from the datablock (I0.0 := DB1.DBX0.0 or IW0 := DB1.DBW0 and so on). Without modifying the program, you can check the S7ProSim Interface of Plcsim for S7-300/400. This...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have no experience with the F-CPU for myself. I've had a similar question from another user, he realized it by adding a datablock to the program, then write to the datablock instead of the input area, and and the beginning of the OB cycle which your process image belongs to, overwrite the process image with the values from the datablock (I0.0 := DB1.DBX0.0 or IW0 := DB1.DBW0 and so on). Without modifying the program, you can check the S7ProSim Interface of Plcsim for S7-300/400. This interface...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, a wireshark capture would help. But at least it all depends on what Plcsim supports, as Nettoplcsim does not look deeper into the packets, only if you open the monitor window.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r63]

    Monitor window: Fixed handling of unknown address syntax ids.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Interesting that the protocol variant use is still supported. I've seen this only in the first variants of S7-1200 Plcs. I believe the Nettoplcsim monitor fails to decode these addresses. But if reading data succeeded, then may be writing also succeeds but the data is overwritten in Plcsim. What data areas do you want to write? Remember that if you want to write input %I0.0 to true, then it's overwritten by the virtual process image inside Plcsim.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r491]

    Blob type 2 seems to be the same structure as type 3.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r490]

    Updates to build with current Wireshark master 3.7

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    What client software are you using? Most Siemens clients have no issues with Plcsim and symbolic mode, it's mostly drivers from other companies which have't tested their software with Plcsim. It's not something which I can fix in Nettoplcsim, if the basic communication does work. If you start monitor mode in Nettoplcsim, you should at least see there an connection attempt for S7-1200/1500 in optimized/symbolic mode.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Plcsim and Nettoplcsim must run on the same PC. Connecting to Nettoplcsim from a different PC should work, as it's the main use case. Have you tried if you can ping the Nettoplcsim-PC from your Zenon-PC?

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Andy, no, for OPC-UA or other functions like the webserver you need Plcsim-Advanced. Theres no option to realize this with standard Plcsim and Nettoplcsim.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Released 1.2.5 with this fix. Thanks for testing.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r62]

    Version 1.2.5: Update documentation and build for asciidoctor-pdf

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r61]

    Version 1.2.5: Version number

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just checked the code history, and I've seen that the fix isn't in the latest version release of 1.2.4. I've created a preview with the latest code. If the adapter is still not shown in the listbox, there is a check box to display all adapters without filtering (but then maybe not real ethernet adapters are shown). If you want to test if it works for you, you can download the build from here: If it fixes the problem, I'll create an new official...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mikel, yes there was an issue with not showing WLAN adapters, which I hoped was solved. I have to say, because I rarely use WLAN on my programming device, I don't notice if there is something missing. Can you say something about operating system and WLAN adapters you are using? It seems that not all adapters have this problem. At least you can enter the IP address of the WLAN adapter manually, and it should work even it's not shown in the list, to bypass the problem. I'll make some tests on my...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Newer firmware versions of the 1200 support the Get_IM_Data function block. May be ther you get a serial number or a mlfb where you can detect if it's a real plc or Plcsim.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The similar interface to S7ProSim comes only with TIA Plcsim Advanced I guess, I haven't used this as we don't have a license for it. Without changing the plc program there is no option to use this. An option may be, to change in the plc hardware configuration the settings for the process image at the input cards from cyclic process image to none. I haven't tested it, but maybe you then can write to IB0 for example, and the value is kept as it's not been overwritten by the (virtual) process image....

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r488]

    SystemEvent: Data length is fix from header, fixed typo

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r487]

    Ext. Keepalive renamed to System Event with different structure

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r486]

    Reassembly: Fix data reassembly with multiple fragments in a frame

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    At the moment I've got no idea. I'll check if I have the same Windows version somewhere available where I can make some tests. Do you have one or more TCP connections to Nettoplcsim? Is a simple single request (e.g. DB1.DBW0) also slow? If you enable the monitor window in Nettoplcsim, does the message occur directly after your request, or is there a delay?

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r485]

    Add TLS handling

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r484]

    Add new generic errorcodes from V17

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens committed [r483]

    Packed Struct: transpsize is VLQ, length is duplicated.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've never tested it in this constellation with TIA portal, with classic Step7 it's not a problem. But as TIA portal is always picky about the data the the Plc transmits, I'd try to load Plcsim on the same machine (VM1), then save the Plcsim configuration to a file and load it in Plcsim on VM2, to get a correct initial configuration (PLC type, station name, IP etc.). I think it helps when the IP of VM2 is the same as the IP of the PLC you want to simulate.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Plcsim with Nettoplcsim is similar to a CP343-1 Lean, it acts only as server for S7 communication. Means, you can connect to it and access data with Put/Get, but you can't connect from Plcsim/Nettoplcsim to a real PLC outside with Put/Get. In Plcsim for S7-300/400, you can connect Plcsim instances using Put/Get blocks (without Nettoplcsim). But for a S7-300 you must use the SFB14/15 for the communication when running in Plcsim.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    If it's done in software in the S7-1500, maybe it works with Plcsim Advanced, which supports also TCP connections.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Qtester 104 uses the IEC 60870-5-104. This protocol isn't supported by Plcsim+Nettoplcsim. Even real S7 plc's don't support this protocol without additional hard- and software.

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion What you would like to see in Snap7

    After this SZL1.Data will have a huge chunck of hexadecimal values. The issue comes when interpreting these values: These chunck of hexadecimal are divided into mutiple events of 40 bytes and each event has a structure similar to: Can you provide a Wireshark capture of reading this SZL? The contents of SZL ID 0x000a should be completely decoded in the Wireshark dissector. But with a S7 plc each entry in the diagnostic buffer is of fixed 20 bytes length: 1 word EventId, 1 byte prority class, 1 byte...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    In your case where you can't change the plc address in WinCC, in Nettoplcsim the IP address under Network and Plcsim should be the same. They should be both available when you browse the Plcsim and browse the network adapters. Entering an address which is not available on your machine wont't work. In WinCC you have to change from "PLCSIM.TCPIP.1" to the network adpter which can connect to your PG with Plcsim. In PCS7 WinCC servers you usually have at least two separate network interfaces for plant...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, you have to configure the WinCC machine as it would be if it's connected to a real plc. Then you have to change the IP address of your PG where Plcsim is running on, to the IP address of the S7. In your case set it to Then WinCC tries to reach the S7 under which will be your PG with Plcsim and Nettoplcsim running on. You can also add more than one IP addresses to a network interface. With this setting you are able to simulate and connect to more than one Plcsim instance....

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    The reason for this is the annoying Siemens S7DOS service wich has to be stopped and restarted, to get the port 102 free for Nettoplcsim. In the first versions of Step7 the service could just be stopped and all was working fine. In later versions the service must be running, otherwise Step7 was not working properly, but the order of stopping / starting was not relevant. In the latest versions of Step7 it's neccessary that it only works to stop/start the service before any Siemens application was...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    In Step7 classic it was easy, just download the hardware configuration and you are done. In TIA Portal it's much more complicated, and it differs from version to version and with each servicepack or update, the older versions of TIA Plcsim like V12 or V13 were very buggy. I'm not using anything special when you are browing in Nettoplcsim for the Plcsim CPU, it shows the same CPU you get when you are using the "show reachable partners" from Step 7 / TIA. The only thing I can say is, when you see the...

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Nettoplcsim uses the NetworkInterface Class from .Net: What result does ipconfig or ipconfig /all give you?

  • Thomas Wiens Thomas Wiens posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe there is a second IP address on the network interface. Step7 adds a second address when you choose one of the "Auto" versions unter PG/PC settings, or at least it tries to add a useful address. That's the reason I never use this setting. In the Nettoplcsim manual is shown how to add another IP address to the interface (Page7 in PDF), as it's useful when you want to simulate many Plcsim instances on a single computer. To get the IP address in a quick way, open a command line, and enter "ipconfig"...

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