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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    Thanks for the further details. That's good to hear that the ps1-gpu compute shader works on hardware gpus other than mine (I use AMD integrated graphics). I didn't know Intel uses a subgroup size of 32, which means they have 8 subgroups at 256 shader invocations. I'll keep all this in mind while working on the ps2-gpu compute shader. If anyone else wants to help by posting their data too, and whether it works or not for ps1 or ps2 for them, it would be helpful and I can give credit under special...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    Is this only for hps2x64, per the issue you were having with the -3 vkresult error? Or is this also for hps1x64?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    Thanks for the bug report. Thanks for letting me know the ps1 version works for you. Haven't seen a -3 error before. Maybe try closing other programs like IE/MSEdge (also from task manager).

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    But, if you're intentionally trying to compile for the "Debug" configuration (this is important information that you didn't include, otherwise I don't know what you're talking about), then you will get this error when trying to configure the joystick. Just copy the "hps1x64.hcfg" or "hps2x64.hcfg" file (you didn't specify whether this was for hps1 or hps2, but use the corresponding hcfg file) that gets generated by the Release configuration exe or the included binary executable into the folder where...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    If you're going to compile from source, make sure to follow the instructions and use the sln file and set it to "Release" configuration. The binary has also been compiled and included for you. Once you change the settings or fail to follow the instructions you're on your own.

  • Created ticket #933 on MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows

    Problems with memory model and memory allocation in latest version of MinGW64

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    I checked in a few years back. I checked it out again recently and it looks like there is a lot of information to look over and put on the todo list. Sorry I didn't say this before, but thanks for setting up the compatibility list and the discord channel, it's really helpful to get feedback. And thanks for sticking with it for multiple years. I'll be sure to add you to the special thanks in the readme in the next version.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on hpsx64

    I just uploaded a new v0232 version which should have no dependencies like that. Try it and let me know how it works.

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2012-08-17 00:38:01


This is a list of open source software projects that TheGangster is associated with:

  • hpsx64 Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 Last Updated:

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