I have implemented a script which works as you described. It triggers on a double quote. %SCRIPT cursor.movePosition(9, cursorEnums.Left, cursorEnums.KeepAnchor) lastEnquoteCandidate = cursor.selectedText() if (lastEnquoteCandidate == "\\enquote\{") { cursor.replaceSelectedText("\"") cursor.movePosition(1, cursorEnums.Right, cursorEnums.MoveAnchor) } else { cursor.movePosition(9, cursorEnums.Right, cursorEnums.MoveAnchor) cursor.insertText("\\enquote\{") } The only thing is, once you do want the...
Undoing "replace all" does not work as expected
Is there anyway to trigger on two double quotes as it is in Kile? There you can hit the double quote once to get "\enquote{" and when you hit it a second time, this gets replaced by one double quote.
I disabled all checkboxes except for the defaults. This solved the problem. Thank you very much!
Yes, indeed, I have. Some time ago, I set Preferred Command Sets to All. All check below Permanently active completion files are enabled. I am not sure anymore if those two settings should correspond somehow or if I have manually enabled all the checkboxes (setting the command sets back to Typical or to Most used has no effect on the check boxes). Furthermore, I started TeXStudio with a fresh config (by deleting $HOME/.config/texstudio). Here the problem does not occur. If you are confident that...
Both MWEs from post 1 work when the option is activated. The MWE with the four files from post 2 does not work, even when the option is activated.
Creator of the ticket here, I think I may have oversimplified the MWE. Indeed, the second MWE works for me, having Options -> Editor -> Automatically load included files. In the following case the label missing problem still occurs, although in a slightly different version: We have four files, one main document file, one header file, one file for custom commands (for better clarity and portability, custom commands can be put in separate files) and finally one file for each chapter (in this case just...