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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hi Lukasz. I can confirm that it is possible to change the DataStorage. This will effect the export Classification Settings on export. However the Classification Description still has some issues. These issues are already there and are not related to what we are doing here. By the way, it possible to create a new Type Text Project Parameter. Attach it to all relevant Categories. The value of this Type Parameter should be: {$this("Assembly Code")+":"+$this("Assembly Description")} Use the new created...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hi Lukasz, The settings seems to be saved in the ExtensibleStorage (GUID 9a5a28c2-ddac-4828-8b8a-3ee97118017a). Beside some other UI settings for the IFC exporter. I think the exporter will read these values and use them while exporting. So if this is true it is a part of the Project. All the settings seem to be public and changeable. I tried but was not able to change these settings. Not sure why. Perhaps my knowledge of the ExtensibleStorage functionality.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Hi Lukasz, The settings seems to be saved in the ExtensibleStorage. Beside some other UI settings for the IFC exporter. I think the exporter will read these values and use them while exporting. So if this is true it is a part of the Project. All the settings seem to be public and changeable. I tried but was not able to change these settings. Not sure why. Perhaps my knowledge of the ExtensibleStorage functionality.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Ok. I cannot get this to work in Python. No error whatsoever. And I get an IFC. But the values do not change. And I also found some strange things with the Classificationsettings. The exporter seems to remember old manually changed values. But I do not know how or where. And they also do not show up when you manually want to change values. Have you tried it Lukasz?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    I have not tested this at the moment. But I found an interresting C# example online. Row 703 It seems a JSONstring should ? work in combination with "ClassificationSettings" or "ProjectAddress" as a Name in the IFCExportOptions .AddOption() method.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    The sourceforge forum is not up to date anymore. On the Github site you can find this The biggest problem is still that BuildingSmart's MVD doesn't approve it. Especially for IFC2x3. That was the main MVD when starting this question.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    Not sure where you are exactly looking for. But do check the File/Export/Options/IFC options in Revit. There you will find the basic list exportlayers-ifc-AIA. This is the default mapping that Revit provides as Angel mentioned. Also the (Dutch) Revit Standards have mapping tables wich should be relevant for you based on the dutch list you did attach. If you want a limmited list of (not default) options you can try the classification mananager if that suits you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on IFC for Revit

    I tested this case today with IFC exporter and the exporter works again as expected. Really happy. Thanks. Teun.

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2014-09-11 08:03:48


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