
Tree [5d303d] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .gitignore 2012-11-12 Ted Felix Ted Felix [3ffa90] Added binaries to .gitignore
 README 2012-10-15 Ted Felix Ted Felix [7244b8] Initial Commit
 TODO 2012-11-12 Ted Felix Ted Felix [81611c] "-f" find dupes option
 dx7dump.cpp 2014-07-09 Ted Felix Ted Felix [5d303d] Print out expected checksum

Read Me

Yamaha DX7 Sysex Dump
Copyright 2012, Ted Felix (
License: GPLv3+

Takes a Yamaha DX7 sysex file and formats it as human readable text.
The format is also conducive to using diff (or meld) to examine differences
between patches.

Based on info from:

  g++ -o dx7dump dx7dump.cpp